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General presentation of Pin Point - agency who provide services and solutions in field of direct communication based on telco tools. For our clients we provide SMS/MMS send outs, database validation and enrichment, mobile telemarketing services, lead generation, CPA projects, app promotions.
About Us Most businesses think that product is the most important thing, but without great leadership won't make a company successful– Robert Kiyosaki Founded in 2012 Pin Point is a company providing services and tools from telecom companies to business and consumers. Unique selling proposition of the company is transparency and efficiency. Company provides clear tools with proven results and clear mechanic that allow brand to spend budget in a smart way. Key services of the company are mobile messaging with targeting from telecom operator database, promotion in WiFi networks, A2Peer, app installs promotions and other services provided by telecom operators. Company keeps strong focus on new directions to provide unique solutions for market and now we work on brand promotion in live game video streaming, A2Peer, lead generation and app installs promotions using telecom infrastructure.
Welcome Message ALEXEY SHORIN PRODUCT OPERATIONS DIRECTOR Hello, we are Pin Point We are happy to be your partner on your way to leadership and business growth. We provide wide range of unique and affordable tools and services to support your business. We really hope that together we can build game changing solutions and to show efficiency for your product. I believe that it is a right decision to choose Pin Point as a partner for your activities.
Our Services Range of solutions for your business E-SPORT A2PEER SMS/MMS MTM LEAD GENERATION Global and local cyber sports championships with sponsorship opportunities Targeting of external database with information from telecom operator Targeted calls based on predefined criterias according to client’s request Targeted SMS and MMS advertising based on wide range of criterias Lead generation with different financial models from CPM to CPA TELCO HEAT MAPS Data on consumer concentration for business forecasting and development ADVERTISING ON TELCO WEBSITES Promotion on official telecom operators’ websites APP PREINSTALLS IN SHOPS & FACTORIES Preinstallation of apps into OS during manufacturing period in private label devices and in telco shops by dedicated consultants
SMS Massive sendouts to telco customers Our Analysis 74% Advertisingis 54% more efficient in case ofdirect communication usingtelcoinfrormationaboutcustomer. Communication canbebasedonsimple targets like geo, ARPU, roamingor on more specific and personal. SMS price = MMS Price. Only active numbers involved. Fast Actual Direct Legal 1 weekcampaignlaunchcommitment. Corporate numbersandexistingdatabasecanbeexcluded. Full legal complianceandsupportfrom telco operator Clientischargedonly per actualnumberofcommunications. ARPU Mobile expenses per months as a criteria Device Type of device and operation system can be defined Geo City, address or exclusion of specific locations Roaming Travel facts or specific country exclusion can be used
MTM Your customer ison the line Mobile TeleMarketing Based on wide range of criterias (70+) relevant target audience can be defined. MTM solution provides prerecorded message directly to consumer with possibility to redirect call to brand call center with simple action like “press 1”. Call to be provided officially from telco operator with 100% legal compliance and legal support. Targeting Wide range of criterias to define relevant target audience: ARPU, geo, device type, OS, services used, age, gender. Only active numbers involved. Control Conversion Clients pay per delivered calls. Corporate numbers and customer already existing in database can be excluded from communication upon request. Based on request consumer can receive call containing prerecorded voice message or after playback consumer can be redirected to call center.
A2Peer Enrichment of external database with telco information COMMUNICATE AND REPORT: On stage 2 required communication is being provided to consumers who fitto requirements after enrichment. ANALYZE AND ENRICH: On stage 1 external database is being analyzed, cleansed and enriched with required information about consumer without sharing data with client.
Cyber Games Brand promotion and sponsorship in e-sport championships Creativity is the key to success in the future, and primary education where our teachers can bring creativity in children at that level keep growingpellentesque Aliquam tincidunt ante nec sem congue convallis pellentesque vel mauris quis nisl ornare rutrum in id risus.Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Aliquam tincidunt ante nec sem congue convallis.
Cyber Gaming Sponsorship 9 Brand promotion and sponsorship in e-sport championships E-sport opportunities Prizes During 2014 total prize funds worth 25 000 000 USD. The biggest prize was 2 874 000 USD. Cyber sport is a growing opportunity with worth millions prize funds, full stadiums of spectators and Tier-1 advertisers. We propose 2 opportunities: championship sponsorship and team sponsorship. You can see impressive number on the right side. During last 4 years prize funds increased 350%. By the end of 2015 total audience will grow to 100 000 000 unique users. Views 71 500 000 views total vs32 000 000 views of single event. Spectators For the key event 50 000 tickets were sold in 1 hour Average 2.2 hours is an average data on view length. Audience Total audience in RU of E-sports in 2014 was 31 000 000. www.pin-point.ru © 2015 Pin Point. All Rights Reserved.
Our Products in 2015 Brand promotion and sponsorship ine-sportchampionships DOTA 2 CS GO LOL PRO Champions League Champions League PRO League
2 000 000 Unique viewers per season 11 000 000 Views per season Top teams From EU / CIS / US / Asia Onsite + Offline 2 onsite finals and offline events in Bucharest and Valencia * * Subject to change 250 000 Prize fund
500 000 Unique viewers per season 4 000 000 Views per season Top teams From EU / CIS Onsite + Offline Up to 2 onsite finals and offline events in Bucharest and Valencia * * Subject to change 100 000 Prize fund
2 000 000 Unique viewers per season 11 000 000 Views per season Top teams From EU / CIS / US / Asia Onsite + Offline 2 onsite finals and offline events in Bucharest and Valencia * * Subject to change 60 000 Prize fund
Sponsorship Opportunities Onsite event branding Onsite event branding: Sponsorship announcements Commentators mention sponsors in positive way
Sponsorship Opportunities Branding in social media, on YouTube and websites SOCIAL MEDIA YOUTUBE LEAGUE YouTube Channel Network (25% ads) League website (25% ads) League Social Networks (25% ads)
Sponsorship Opportunities Sponsorship package description Video Live streams Support Exclusive video content production Branding and advertising League media support by partners League promo video with logo Videos on demand after every match 20x highlights 6x top 10 moments videos 1x season movie Branding in-game live broadcasting (logo in banners – 25% ads) Branding streamers GUI (25% ads) Video pre-roll up to 5 times per broadcasting day (60 sec) Major announcement reposts in social media News on websites Live broadcasting on websites Posts about upcoming games
Sponsorship Opportunities Live streams branding and advertising Live streams Pre roll Branding and advertising Provided by partner, up to 60 sec Branding in-game live broadcasting (logo in banners – 25% ads) Branding streamers GUI (25% ads) Video pre-roll up to 5 times per broadcasting day
Sponsorship Opportunities League media support by partners Branding Media Websites branding Banners rotation YouTube pre rolls Social media posts and reposts
Sponsorship Opportunities Exclusive video content production PROMO VIDEO TOP League promo video with partner logo Video on demand after every match 20x highlights 6x top 10 moments video 4x top fails videos 1x season movie
Sponsorship Opportunities League media support by 3rd parties Media support includes following benefits: Major announcements reposts in social media News on websites Live broadcastingson websites Posts about upcoming games
Lead Generation Driving traffic with different scenarios Cost Per Anything Test Campaigns Mobile Traffic Targets Mobile Acquiring Wide range of scenarios: from installs and registrations up to calls andapp launch control Flexible conditions in terms of budgets for test campaigns before general launch General partnership with key sources of mobile traffic Wide range of targets to identify relevant target audience Solutions for seamless purchasing during lead generation process
Heat Maps Telecom density data for your business Real time See all telco users in real time mode to plan your activities Web access No requests to telco operator or complicated box products – just use web access Wide use Relevant for planning activities, new points of sales openings Data quality Data received from telco equipment and hardware
Media Banners on telco mobile website 3 400 000 1 300 000 18 500 000 5 min 40 sec 0.53% Total users visit mobile portal of MegaFon per month Unique users visit mobile portal of MegaFon per month Page views per month Average time spent on mobile portal of MegaFon Average CTR
App Promotion App installs promotions using telecom infrastructure Promotion in Telecom Stores App promotion in offline telecom retail by dedicated consultants. 2000+ shop. Special rates may apply. Cloud Update Including app into cloud update to all existing private label devices of telecom operator. Bulk SMS Send Out Bulk SMS send out to targeted users with app download link based on CPI model. Manufacturing Preinstalls Preinstallation of apps into OS during manufacturing period in private label devices. Both phablets and tablets.
Channel Capacity KPI pereachchannel BTEO 2015 200K 120K 1.2M 80K Conversionfrom bulk smssend out of 7-8 mio SMS toactiveusersonly. 2000 shops. 10 installs per each shop plan. 6 months. 200 000 devicesinvolved in cloudupdatewith 40-65% conversion. 2 waves. 400 000 phabletsand 200 000 tablets per eachwave. 6 months.
Highlights Short description about each service Each of directions proposed has its unique features and specifications. Hereissomeuseful information about eachproduct. In Manufacturing Preinstallsonlyfullwavecanbeorderedwhichis 400 000 phabletsand 200 000 tablets. Partialdealisnotallowed. In Cloud Update 200 000 devicescanbeordered. Partialdealisnotallowed. In MegaGuru projectvarietyoftargetsmayapply: firstlaunchcontrol, premiumdevices, chosencityonly. Telecom operatoris in charge bulk SMS send out. Clientpays per installsonly.
Contact Us Your call isvery important for us PIN POINT B. Sergievsky Per., 10 Moscow www.pin-point.ru a.shorin@pin-point.ru 916-320-2947