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Things To Do In Chennai

Connect with locals and experience what makes Chennai so special during an interactive street festival or cultural event like Dhanteras or Ganesh Chaturthi celebrations.

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Things To Do In Chennai

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  1. ThingsToDoInChennai • Whatis thefirstthingthatcomesto yourmindwhenyouthinkoftheword "Chennai"? Gorgeousbeaches, stunning temples,and exciting activities, surely?Then, Chennaiis all about it with so many wonderfulactivities available in Chennaido not expectanything less than that. Chennaiformerly calledMadraswasthecapitalofTamilNadu.Chennaiis alsoamongthemost popularcitiesacrossSouthIndia,makingitverypopularwithforeigntourists too. It is well-knownfor its sacred places, beaches,and IT hubs, Chennaiis welcoming and an ideal destination to go to at least once in your lifetime. It doesn'tmatterwhetheryou'revisitingforaweekendoraweek,don'tforget to exploresome of the incredible activities to enjoyin Chennai city, and check the activities.Chennaiis a well-developedcity, and as an ocean-based city,youcanexpecttohavelotsoffunwhileinChennai. • Youcan book yourflights from Coimbatore to Chennaiwith the Lowest Flightfaresandenjoyatrip.

  2. Elliot'sBeach:WitnessA BeautifulSunrise • You'remissingoutonafantasticmorningiftakealookatthesunriseover Elliot's Beach,which is regardedamong the most enjoyable activities you can do while in Chennai with your friends.Walking during the early morning hours over here is the most effectiveway to kill time. Itis possible to visit herewith your family or friends' pets since it is the perfectspot to meet up with your friends.There is everythingyou need here! It is situated at one of Chennai'smostwell-knownlocationswithinChennai,BesantNagar. The beachis afantasticwalkwithplentyoflocaleateriesandis closetothe shores.There are churches,temples,and other monuments on the beach road,makingittheidealplaceforanyonetorelax.Kids loveplayingwith otherkidsatthebeach.Thereis aparticularKarlSchmidtmemorialthatyou shouldgo to. Itis alsofeaturedinmanyfilmsandis locatedatElliot'sBeach. Hence, when you book your Coimbatore to Chennaiflights, be preparedto takeastrollexploringthehiddentalesandhistoricalaspectsheldinthis town.

  3. Mahabalipuram:MarvelAt TheSculptures • One of the most enjoyable activities you can do while in Chennaiforkidsisthatyoucanrenttwo-wheelers,andbegin early in the morning at Mahabalipuram. You must drive on the East Coast Road and the driving experience is thrilling in itself. that you'll be having the most enjoyable time of your day. You can have a blast with your friends and still enjoy it! You can discover the amazing architecture in The Shore Temple,Arjuna'sPenance,PanchaRathas,orKrishna's Butterball. The whole town due to its construction. The area isadesignatedUNESCOsitetopreservethestones-carved marvels.ThereisalsothestunningSeashellMuseumandthe SeashellMuseumtoo!

  4. MylaporeMusingsKapaleeshwar Temple:TakeALook • The Kapaleeshwar temple is among the most popular attractions in Chennai. This KapaleeshwarTemplewas built way into the 7th century. If you're a fan ofhistoryandwanttolearnmoreaboutthehistoryofChennai,youmustgo to this temple. This reveredtemple located in Chennai shows the correct Dravidian architectural style and boastsof variousgopurams as well as the series.The entire temple is dedicated to Lord Shiva who is believedto be in theshapeofapeacockorMayil.Thetown'snameisderivedfromthe templeis namedMayilapurawhichis alsoknown asitis theTownof Peacocks.Therearemamis atthetemplewearingcolorfulsareesand magmas chanting shlokas. The entireatmosphereis lively and you'll be in overthe atmosphere. The town of Mylapore is regardedas equalto Kailasa. There is a unique celebrationhere, called the arabathi-muvarfestival.It is possible to taste the keeraivadaiat Karpagambal Mess.Karpagambal Mess. Thereis alsoKalathistandwithrosemilk.

  5. Muttukadu:TryWater Activities • Muttukadu Boat House is a water sports center situated in Chennai on East Coast Road. A thrilling experience for kids this is the most popular activity for you to experience in Chennai with your loved ones. It is the backwater region of the huge Bay of Bengal and is approximately 35 kilometers from the city's center. There are about 15-row boats, 27- speed boats, and pedal boats as well. The place for boating is well-known, and over 4000 visitors visit the area every weekend.

  6. Trekking:HikeAround ChennaiForAdventure • Areyoulookingforsomethingnewandexciting?Explorethe trekkingtrailsinChennai!Chennaiisacityonthecoastwith plentytooffer,includingscenicdrivesaswellassightseeing, and adventure sports such as hiking. There are several trekkingoptions.Therearedifferentlevelsoftreksthat you could undertake within or around Chennai. The total trek dependsonthedurationofthejourneyandthedestination of preference. There is no mountain that cannot be conquered, so put on your hiking boots and start your trek closetoChennai.

  7. QueensLand:ForTheFun Rides • Ifyouloveamusementparks,regardlessofwhatageyouare perhaps you should think about going on a ride in Queensland which, though it's one of the top activities in Chennai for kids, there is no age restriction. It covers 70 acres of land. This theme park is massive. It has 51 rides that include water rides and land. You can experience some wild andthrillingthingshereand experiencealltheridesyoucan enjoy. Freefallingdown 150 feet or crashing into cars, and splashing in the waters on slides and twisters are among the mostpopularattractions.It'sa great placetotakegatherings, and to spend an enjoyable day with family and friends. Open everydayexceptMondays.

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