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Alpha 180 outpatient treatment program let young men discover a purpose to live into their potential. Call our rehab & addiction treatment center in Austin today. We offer treatment to men who are looking for treatment centers and pharmaceuticals to control an addiction, or drug recovery options that can help them manage their addiction.

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  1. ALPHA180 We areaTransitional Living Program TexasandOutpatient TreatmentProgramwhereyoungmen in recovery discover purpose, thrive socially, and liveintotheirpotential.

  2. ForClients ABOUT ALPHA180 Making new friends, finding a job, or planning to go back to school can seem like impossible feats. Alpha 180 is a communityoflike-minded peers here tohelpyounavigate all thejoysandchallengesof recovery. ForFamilies romtheveryfirstcontact,familymembersofprospective Alpha180clientsaresupportedintheirownjourneyofhealing astheylaunchtheirlovedonesinyoungadulthoodand recovery. ForProfessionals TheAlpha180programisuniquelysuitedtosupport young men in recovery from addiction and co- occurringmentalhealthconcerns. Alpha 180 is a lifestyle support program for young men(aged17-29)insobriety who are lookingto achieve their dreams. We are a community of like- mindedpeers, incorporating brotherhood, communityoutreach,andfellowshipthrougha commoncalltopurpose.

  3. LifeSkillsDevelopment AlphaIOP Alpha IOP is tailored specifically to young men inearlyrecovery.Weseektoempower participants to take an active role by bringing topicsthatareaffectingtheirlivesand providingeachotherfeedbackinreal-time. Alpha180SoberClubhouse Italsoprovidesspacefor studyingand/or relaxing throughout the day with like-minded peersinasafeenvironment.TheSober Clubhouseis yourplacetofeelathome. Alpha 180 members share adesire to enjoy life and realize unknown potential. Regardless of where you are on your journey, our staff and residents will walk alongsideyou to achieve yourdreams. Alpha180Residences Alpha180TransitionalLivingResidences provide the structure and sense of community necessary for your recovery. Daytime and live-in staff provide accountability and direction so that you remain focused, as well as develop new life skills.

  4. CahayaDewi ChiefExecutiveOfficer OURTEAM HarumiKobayashi ChiefofOperations YanisPetros ChiefProductOfficer

  5. TransitionalLiving Program IntensiveOutpatient Program Alpha IOP offers a flexible option to receive clinical, recreational, and social programming while living at home, your dorm, or another soberlivingenvironment. Withthesupportofourstaffandacommunity oflike-mindedpeers,Alpha180residents gain the self-confidence, life skills,and direction theyneedforlifelongrecovery.

  6. ContactUs 833-257-4218 1904NuecesSt.Austin,TX78705,USA www.alpha180.com

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