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Best CBSE School in Ahmedabad- Anand Niketan School Bhadaj Campus

Searching for Best CBSE Schools in Ahmedabad? Look beyond location! Consider Anand Niketan School, Bhadaj Campus known for excellent academics and holistic development. Explore Great CBSE board results with us.

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Best CBSE School in Ahmedabad- Anand Niketan School Bhadaj Campus

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  1. ParentLoginAdmissionOpen ABOUTSCHOOL AnandniketanBhadajCampussituatedinthesprawlingnatureontheRanchodpuraRoadin Ahmedabad standstallas a premiumeducationalinstitution withits stateofartand modern infrastructure. Itoffers theCentral Board of SchoolEducation (CBSE) certificate. LATESTNEWS AdmissionOpen2024-25 Theaimoftheschoolistodevelopwellroundedindividuals,whoareeco-consciousandwillgrow up to be global citizens with humanitarian values. The schools motto of Activity, Joy, Skill and Proficiencyhasbeensuccinctlyencapsulatedinitsschoolemblemthroughthesymboloftreein thecentre.Thismottoisthedrivingforceintheschool’spursuitofacademicexcellence. Learners Today…. LeadersTomorrow…. ApplyNow WHYUS? CBSEResult QualifiedEducator Infrastructure ACTIVITIES Students of Grade-1 classified difference betweenplaneshapesandSolidshapes. Students of Grade-1 classifieddifference between planeshapes and Solid shapes. To developanability tothinkabout theattributesof shapes and to relate them with different objects. Studentsobservedandidentifieddifferentshapes likecircle,square,rectangleetc,withhelpof2D and 3D shapes. They enjoyedidentifying different shapes and had“fun withstudy time”,in schoolplay area. Students ofK1 andK2 usedtheir imaginationK1experiencedthejoyofMusicalring game and creativitytomakethemodelsofGaneshaandjumpingring game. idolfromclay. Students of K1 experienced thejoy of Musical ring gameand jumping ring game duringtheir sports StudentsofK1 andK2 usedtheirimaginationand creativitytomakethemodelsofGaneshaidolfromclass. clay.Theactivity wasenjoyed by all thestudents, it boosted theirimagination,creativityand helpto developtheir fine motor skills. READMORE READMORE READMORE AllActivities ACHIEVEMENTS Winner of KarateChampionshipSwacchVidyalayaPuraskar–2021-22 TeamANBCisproudofHrithikaVermaofGrade4 We areproud toannounce that Anand Niketan 1stPositioninGujaratState 0WeareproudtosharethatKhushiBhadresh Patel Sharesof9Thinkershasbagged1stPositionintheGujarat CreatorsforwinningaccoladesinKarate School Bhadaj has been awarded the Swacch State. championship-2022atUdaipur. Vidyalaya Puraskar2021-22 atthe DistrictLevel. 0 READMORE READMORE READMORE AllAchievements CREATIVECORNER BoggleDoodleInter-Housecompetition Boggle Doodle : Students of our school enthusiasticallyparticipated in the virtual Inter- House competition “ Boggle Doodle”. LordGaneshaIdolMakingactivityPocketsFullOfNouns Toinvokethezeelandpowerofthefestival,Ganesh “Learningis more effectivewhen it isan active Chaturthi,LordGaneshaIdolMakingactivitywas rather than a passiveprocess.”Grade 4 children conductedinCCAperiod. hadaninterestingactivityofEnglish“PocketsFull OfNouns”. READMORE READMORE READMORE AllCreativeCorner EVENTCELEBRATION HindiDiwasCelebration Our school celebrated Hindi Diwas on September 14, 2022, by conducting a special assembly. Students from Grade 3 to 6 participatedinthe assembly. Anand Niketan School celebrated 26th FoundationDayon1stJuly2022. The 26thFoundationDayof AnandNiketanGroup ofSchoolswascelebratedwithjoyandenthusiasm onFriday 1st July 2022. READMORE READMORE INFRASTRUCTURE ANBCBRANDIINGCAMPAIIGNHIIGHLIIGHT TESTIMONIAL FAQ To which board andup towhich grade thisschool is affiliated? This schoolisaffiliated toCBSEboardand K1-G12 gradesarehere. Findyour Whenwasthis schoolestablished? What willbetheschooltimings? ViewFAQs ABOUTUS AnandNiketanSchool-BhadajCampusHomeAboutus QUICKLINKS FINDUSONMAP photos FacultiesCBSEResults OppAhmedabad Dental College, Nr. Hare Krishna CBSECirculars Facilities TempleRanchodpuraRoad,NrScienceCityS.P.RingLatestNewsSchoolMagazine MediaGallery Blogs CareersContactUs Road,Ahmedabad. +919737047667 anbhadaj@anandniketan.org Allcopyrights ©2021reservedtoAnandNiketan, Bhadaj DevelopedBy:Softweb Technologies

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