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The monthly credit card bills arriving in your letterbox might quickly mount into something unimaginable. It might seem quite challenging in the beginning to get out of the credit card debts.
Home About Archives Blogroll Contact Debt Settlement Programs: An Effective Escape Route from your Debts Posted by James | October 5, 2015 . Search Follow Us GO! Welcome to Clever Dude! If you like what you see, subscribe to our RSS feed & stay in the loop. The monthly credit card bills arriving in your letterbox might quickly mount into something unimaginable. It might seem quite challenging in the beginning to get out of the credit card debts. However, a reliable credit card debt settlement program can definitely act as your escape route. Now, it takes very little time for the credit card debts to accumulate. With the accruing rates of interest added to the total amount of debt owed by you, the situation is only likely to worsen if something is not done about it immediately. If you are willing to explore the merits of this particular credit card debt relief program, then you should be ready to educate yourself about the same. Remember, clearing your credit card debts is your first priority. However, you cannot really expect to rush things in this regard. You have to ensure that you are actually educating yourself about credit card relief programs first and then determine whether you can or should apply for it or not. Let us tell you that you cannot really expect to qualify for a debt settlement program the moment you apply for the same. The debt specialists are in charge of judging your eligibility for the program. Personal Finance Basics 1. Introduction 2. Your Job, Your Future 3. Career Planning 4. The Importance of Goals 5. Job Search Techniques Best of Clever Dude Our Journey to Debt Freedom Ways to Save Money Series Examine Your Motives Series Frugal Lunch by Clever Dudette An Illustrated Frugal Lunch I'm Tired of Buying and Spending 50 Tips for New PF Bloggers Other Personal Finance Blogs open in browser PRO version pdfcrowd.com Are you a developer? Try out the HTML to PDF API
Other Personal Finance Blogs What is debt settlement all about? The importance of educating yourself about the same Cool Financial Sites To put it very simply, debt settlement refers to an arrangement which ensures that most of the debt owed by you, is written off, provided a percentage (of the debt) is paid. The debt settlement program (alternately known as debt negotiation) is one of the fastest ways of wriggling out of debts. Hence, it remains one of the preferred debt relief options among borrowers. The debt specialists are responsible for negotiating your debts with your creditors and reducing them to a fraction of what you owe at present. The company (offering these solutions) enables borrowers to access services that are custom built to meet the individual needs, depending on the financial situation of the different borrowers. All Financial Matters Bargaineering Blonde and Balanced Budgets are Sexy Cash Cow Couple Christian Personal Finance Consumerism Commentary Consumerist Dinks Finance Don’t Mess with Taxes Enemy of Debt Engineer Your Finances Everybody Loves Your Money Fine-Tuned Finances FiveCentNickel Free Money Finance Frugal Dad Money Crashers My Good Cents No Credit Needed Rockstar Finance Saving Advice Suburban Finance Sustainable Family Finances The Digerati Life The Simple Dollar How to select a debt settlement company: A basic idea It is very important to ensure that you are actually depending on a dependable company. Study its credentials thoroughly before applying. What kind of ratings has the company received from the Better Business Bureau? Are they offering cost- effective debt relief solutions to their clients? What are their existing clients saying about the quality of services? How many unresolved debt issues do they have against their name? What does their track record reflect about the quality of their services? A few words about bankruptcy: Should you opt for it? Borrowers, who are struggling with several credit card debts, should be serious enough to consider the wide array of debt relief options made available for them, instead of filing for bankruptcy. Bankruptcy, ideally, should only be considered seriously when all other the debt relief options have been explored. Please make sure that you are keeping these particular points in view while you are zeroing in on your debt relief option. Best of luck! Possibly related posts: 1. Five Effective Options for Ridding Yourself of Credit Card Debt 2. Credit Cards as a Debt Reduction Tool 3. Major Milestone: Credit Card Debt Search Coupons Tweet Posted under Credit | 1 Comment Like this article? Subscribe to our emails & stay in the loop. myBankrate™ open in browser PRO version pdfcrowd.com Are you a developer? Try out the HTML to PDF API
Credit Score Monitor Your Credit Score & Report For Free. No Purchase Required! 1 Comment so far Amanda@GFS October 6, 2015 5:56 am Awesome article. Great points. As you rightly pointed out James, debt negotiation is something that is not very clear for some people. I’m sure these article will give a clear idea about the basics. Looking forward to more of such informative stuff. Cheers! Leave a Comment If you would like to make a comment, please fill out the form below. Name (required) Email (required) Website Comments open in browser PRO version pdfcrowd.com Are you a developer? Try out the HTML to PDF API
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