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Management of comic books efficiency in club #2. 0815 조장 : 문승현 2003011836 남경은 2003011870 이명훈 2004011767. Contents. Introduce. Main object. Main function. Grill Zayu situation. Grill Zayu situation(interview). Entity Relationship Diagram. Schema. Quary. Introduce.
Management of comic books efficiency in club#2 0815 조장 : 문승현 2003011836 남경은 2003011870 이명훈 2004011767
Contents Introduce Mainobject Mainfunction GrillZayusituation GrillZayusituation(interview) Entity Relationship Diagram Schema Quary
Introduce The purpose of this system is systematic books control of animation group. Also, members of this group can comply with the due date through the late fee management system.
Mainobject • Management of comic books in club be not carried out efficiency. so we made a system of library management for comic books. • We categorized as name of books and author. In addition we linked the system with members. Therefore It can raise the efficiency management in club.
Mainfunction • Categorized by searching system - Searching comic books available by Genre, publishing date and category. • The late fee system - The late fee system can calculate it automatically. according to we can see the all late fee and can charge of it.
Main function • The lending management - The lending management system will show youwho check books out from library and the list of check out. Also it will give the info about available books to lend.
Grill Zayu Space for club’s state people interested in comic books get together to share the ideas about comic and draw a cartoon. Also they have lots of activities like as an exhibition.
Grill Zayu Looks in club’s room They lost many books by letting them alone so lending is not available but can read books only in the room for members.
대여코드 학 과 연체구간 만화책 코 드 학 번 회 원 이 름 대여일 ` 대여가능여부 학 번 휴대폰 번 호 성 별 반납예정일 반납일 주 소 출판사 저 자 연체코드 연체금 출시일 대여코드 누계액 만화책코드 장 르 ERD(Entity Relationship Diagram) 대여/반납 1 회 원 1 n 만 화 책 연체금 누계 관리
Table_name=member Attribute_name(1) = 'st_num' Attribute_type(1) = 'number' Attribute_length(1) = '10' Attribute_name(2) = 'st_name' Attribute_type(2) = 'varchar2' Attribute_length(2) = '20' Attribute_name(3) = 'major' Attribute_type(3) = 'varchar2' Attribute_length(3) = '40' Attribute_name(4) = 'phone_num' Attribute_type(4) = 'varchar2' Attribute_length(4) = '15' Attribute_name(5) = 'address' Attribute_type(5) = 'varchar2' Attribute_length(5) = '150' Attribute_name(6) = 'sex' Attribute_type(6) = 'char' Attribute_length(6) = '3' Table_name=comic_book Attribute_name(1) = 'book_code' Attribute_type(1) = 'varchar2' Attribute_length(1) = '75' Attribute_name(2) =‘book_name' Attribute_type(2) = 'varchar2' Attribute_length(2) = ‘50' Attribute_name(3) = 'author' Attribute_type(3) = 'varchar2' Attribute_length(3) = '30' Attribute_name(4) = 'genre' Attribute_type(4) = 'varchar2' Attribute_length(4) = '20' Attribute_name(5) = ‘publishing_company' Attribute_type(5) = 'varchar2' Attribute_length(5) = '30' Attribute_name(6) = ‘publication_date' Attribute_type(6) = ‘date' Attribute_length(6) = '20' Schema
Table_name=lend_back Attribute_name(1) = ‘lend_code' Attribute_type(1) = 'varchar2' Attribute_length(1) = '75' Attribute_name(2) = 'book_code' Attribute_type(2) = 'varchar2' Attribute_length(2) = '75' Attribute_name(3) = 'st_num' Attribute_type(3) = 'number' Attribute_length(3) = '10' Attribute_name(4) = 'lend_date' Attribute_type(4) = ‘date' Attribute_length(4) = '20 Attribute_name(5) = 'exp_return_date' Attribute_type(5) = ‘date' Attribute_length(5) = '20' Attribute_name(6) = ‘return_date' Attribute_type(6) = ‘date' Attribute_length(6) = '20‘ Attribute_name(7) = 'late_day' Attribute_type(7) = ‘number' Attribute_length(7) = '20' Attribute_name(8) = 'late_fee' Attribute_type(8) = 'number' Attribute_length(8) = '10' Attribute_name(9) = 'lend_possibility' Attribute_type(9) = 'char' Attribute_length(9) = '4' Table_name=late_fee_management Attribute_name(1) = 'late_fee_code' Attribute_type(1) = 'varchar2' Attribute_length(1) = '75' Attribute_name(2) = ‘lend_code' Attribute_type(2) = 'varchar2' Attribute_length(2) = ‘75' Attribute_name(3) = 'sum' Attribute_type(3) = 'number' Attribute_length(3) = '10' Schema
Quary • 자료입력 쿼리 예1)member 테이블에 명훈이의 회원 정보 입력 insert into member values( 2004011767, '이명훈', '산업정보공학', '011-9315-8035', '통영시 용남면 동달리 동남APT 1차 1003호 ', '남')
Quary 예2)comic_book 테이블에 자료입력 insert into comic_book values( 1, 'ONEPIECE01', 'EIICHIRO ODA', '모험', '대원씨아이', '1999/01/09')
Quary • 기능관련 쿼리 1)대여관리 예)'승현이가 어떤책을 몇일날 빌려갔는가?' select st_name, book_name, late_day from member, comic_book, lend_return where st_name = '문승현' and member.st_num = lend_return.st_num and comic_book.book_code = lend_return.book_code
Quary 2) 연체금 누계액 예)'승현이가 어떤책을 빌렸고 연체금 누계가 얼마인가?' select st_name, book_name, late_fee, sum from member, comic_book, lend_return, late_fee_management where st_name = '문승현' and member.st_num = lend_return.st_num and comic_book.book_code = lend_return.book_code and late_fee_management.lend_code= lend_return.lend_code order by sum
Quary 3)카테고리별(예는 출시일) 책 제목 검색 예)'1999/01/01 부터 2004/01/01까지 출판된 책 제목 검색' select book_name from comic_book where publication_date between '1999/01/01' and '2004/01/01' order by publication_date;