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ICP REGIONAL COORDINATORS’ MEETING 7-11 March 2005 Washington, D.C., USA. ICP ASIA PACIFIC Regional Report. Outline of the ICP Asia Pacific Report. Preparedness of ICP Asia Pacific for ICP Surveys Level of GDP Participation Other Activities Undertaken in the Asia Pacific Region
Outline of the ICP Asia Pacific Report • Preparedness of ICP Asia Pacific for ICP Surveys • Level of GDP Participation • Other Activities Undertaken in the Asia Pacific Region • ToolPack Matters
Preparedness for ICP Price Surveys – PREPARING for SURVEYS • RO assisted 18 participating countries in the conduct of in-country training for their price collectors for ICP price surveys and ToolPack. • ICP Asia Pacific consultant reviewed sampling plans submitted by the countries. A few countries accordingly revised their sampling plans based on comments & re-submitted these to the RO.
Preparedness for ICP Price Surveys – STARTING DATES of SURVEYS • India undertook a pilot survey in December 2004 but its main survey is expected to start in the 2nd half of February due to the tsunami calamity. • Sri Lanka will start 2nd half of March as many of its statistical officers are assisting in the tsunami-affected areas. • Twenty-one of 23 participating countries have started their surveys as of January.
LEVEL of GDP PARTICIPATION • At the onset of ICP 2005, participating countries in the Asia Pacific Region were divided into two groups based on their level of GDP participation. • Group 1 - Full GDP: Bangladesh; Fiji; Hong Kong; India; Indonesia; Malaysia; Mongolia; Nepal; Pakistan; PRC; Philippines; Singapore; Sri Lanka; Taipei; Thailand & Vietnam • Group 2 - Final Consumption of HHs: Bhutan; Cambodia; Lao PDR & Maldives • The recently held National Accounts workshop, however, showed the capability of almost all participating countries in providing the required weights for the 155 BHs, for the full GDP comparison.
Preparedness for ICP Price Surveys – COVERAGE of SURVEYS/LEVEL of DETAILS for SUBMISSION of PRICE DATA • Nationwide coverage with urban/rural dimension for all ICP Price Surveys in the Asia Pacific Region. All capital cities are included in the surveys. • The 3rd ICP Asia Pacific RAB meeting agreed that it would request countries to submit raw data. However, confirmation from countries is yet to be received.
Other Activities • Ring List Workshop • The GO held the ring list workshop for Hong Kong, China; Malaysia; Philippines and Sri Lanka from 31 January to 11 February 2005 at the ADB HQ. • Comments on Pharmaceutical SPDs • Two countries gave specific comments on the specific drugs available in their countries.
Other Activities • National Accounts Workshop • Conducted on 15-17 February to provide guidance on estimating expenditure weights & to exchange information & experience among the participants. • Countries still using 1968 SNA to review the extension of the asset boundary by the reclassification of outlays on dual-purpose military assets software & mineral exploration from intermediate consumption to GFCF & if are found to be significant, countries should adopt the 1993 recommendations both in their official NA & in the expenditure weights to be used for ICP2005.
Other Activities • National Accounts Workshop • Countries need to look at a number of items (e.g. own consumption of crops and livestock products, smuggled goods, etc.) to be included in the NA to ensure comparability of GDPs. • Discussed & agreed on how to fill up data gaps & disaggregate data into the required BHs. • 17 countries gave preliminary GDP weights for private final consumption expenditures based on latest data available. Revised figures to be sent by 3 March. RO will assist other countries for the computation of expenditure weights.
ToolPack (TP) Matters • GO funded the purchase of 26 CPUs given to 17 countries. TP 1.1 was tested in all CPUs before being sent to the countries. TP is installed only in these CPUs in most countries. • Problems encountered by the ADB ICP staff regarding TP 1.2 have been communicated with the GO. • A number of countries have completed the first round of surveys & are ready to submit their data to the RO. An urgent request is being raised on the need for training ADB staff on TP 1.2, especially on data validation procedures and data analysis & additional training for countries.
ToolPack (TP) Matters • More direction is requested from the GO for data validation to ensure that all the regions adopt the same data validation procedures in TP. A detailed step-by-step guide, in addition to Chapter 7 of the ICP Handbook, is strongly recommended. • Hong Kong, China; Malaysia; Taipei,China; Thailand; Vietnam; Brunei; Iran; & Macao will use their CPI/other systems for data entry. The RO needs to introduce the Batch Utility program to the countries & wait for their feedback.