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Liposuction is one of the routine cosmetic surgical procedures performed at AK Aesthetics by the Best Plastic Surgeon in Jaipur, Dr. Akangsha Sharma. It is mostly practiced in men and women who want to get rid of stubborn subcutaneous fat deposits from different body areas, which are not settled, by proper diet and exercise. Across the globe, liposuction is considered the popular technique to achieve an ideal figure which is much slimmer and smoother. It must not be regarded as a substitute for bariatric surgery or weight loss but can be sometimes used for medical purposes. <br>
I? whic? bod? area? ca? lip?suctio? b? performe?? Man? peopl? wh? hav? thei? bod? weigh? withi? rang? stil? struggl? t? remov? ? laye? of problemati? fa? i? som? area? of th? bod? lik? th? abdome?, thigh?, arm?, an? bu?ock?. Luckil?, the? ca? wel? b? addresse? b? lip?suctio?, als? referre? t? a? lip?sculptur? suctio?, lipectom?, o? lipoplast?! Lip?suctio? i? on? of th? routin? c?smeti? surgica? procedure? performe? a? AK Aesthetic? b? th? Bes? Plasti? Surgeo? i? Jaipu?, D?. Akan?sh? Sharm?. I? i? m?stl? practice? i? me? an? wome? wh? wan? t? ge? ri? of stubbor? subcutaneou? fa? dep?sit? fro? di?eren? bod? area?, whic? ar? no? se?le?, b? prope? die? an? exercis?. Acr?s? th? glob?, lip?suctio? i? considere? th? popula? techniqu? t? achiev? a? idea? figur? whic? i? muc? slimme? an? smoothe?. I? mus? no? b? regarde? a? ? su?stitut? fo? bariatri? surger? o? weigh? l?s? bu? ca? b? sometime? use? fo? medica? purp?se?. Th? operatio? i? performe? unde? genera? anesthesi?. I? involve? makin? ? smal? cu? throug? whic? ? cannul? (? hollo? instrumen?) i? inse?te? unde? th? ski?. Th? movemen?
of th? cannul? break? u? th? exces? undesirabl? fa? whic? i? fu?the? eliminate? fro? th? bod? wit? th? hel? of ? powerfu?, hig?-pressur? vacuu?. Th? m?s? targete? area? of th? bod? wher? lip?suctio? ca? b? don?: Lip?suctio? ca? b? performe? o? variou? bod? site? a? th? sam? tim?. I? ca? eve? b? don? i? combinatio? wit? othe? c?smeti? surgerie?. Howeve?, th? m?s? commonl? requeste? area? fo? lip?suctio? includ?: 1. Abdome?- Lip?suctio? ca? b? carrie? ou? o? th? lowe? abdome? (mu?i? to?) a? wel? a? th? uppe? abdome? (th? are? betwee? th? bell? bu?o? an? ri??). Whe? performe? o? ? mu?i? to?, i? ca? resul? i? ? subtl? tigh? an? tone? bell? whil? o? th? uppe? abdome? i? hel?? creat? ? smoot? transitio? betwee? ri?? an? nave?. Henc?, th? patien? achieve? ? slimme?, sleeke? abdomina? profil?. Th? procedur? canno? b? ? succes? if th? ski? laxit? i? sever? o? ther? i? ? larg? amoun? of bell? fa?. 2. Wais?- Bot? me? an? wome? struggl? t? ge? ri? of unsightl? bulge? aroun? th? wais? calle? “lov? handle?”. Howeve?, the? ca? respon? ver? wel? t? ? lip?suctio? techniqu? becaus? of thei? optima? ski? elasticit?. Patient? ca? experienc? ? notabl? mor? define? an? contoure? reduce? wais? siz?. 3. Flank?- Flank? ar? th? bac? en? of th? lov? handle? whic? li? i? th? lowe? bac? abov? th? waistlin? an? hav? grea? ski? elasticit?. Lip?suctio? ca? b? don? i? thi? are? alon? wit? th? wais? t? allo? female? t? achiev? th? desire? smoot?-contoure? midsectio? transitio? lik? th? hourglas? curve?. A? AK Aesthetic? Bes? Plasti? Surger? Clini? i? Indi? man? wome? op? fo? lov? handle? remova? lip?suctio? surger? t? achiev? th? tone? lookin? bod? shap?. 4. Bu?ock?- I? i? usuall? desirabl? t? hav? som? fat? i? th? bu?ock? regio? bu? if the? ar? presen? i? exces? the? ca? contribut? t? a? ugl? figur?. Lip?suctio? ca? hel? i?
th? remova? of thes? surplu? fat? t? reduc? th? unsightl? dimplin? an? provid? ? mor? propo?tionat?, deflate? figur? wit? rounde?, wel?-define? bu?ock?. 5. Uppe? arm?- A? peopl? (pa?ticularl? wome?) gro? olde?, the? migh? ge? a?ecte? b? lo?s? fa? ski? unde? thei? uppe? arm? whic? provide? a? appearanc? of ba? win??. A? unpleasan? ar? jiggl? coul? eve? b? p?ssibl? if th? pe?so? i? no? overweigh? o? obes? du? t? ? lac? of muscl? ton?. Lip?suctio? leave? th? patient? wit? firme?, tone?, mor? youthfu? uppe? arm? tha? the? ca? fee? confiden? i?. 6. Hi??- M?s? wome? underg? lip?suctio? t? smoothe? an? shap? ou? thei? hi?? are? i? orde? t? achiev? ? curv? feminin? silhoue??. 7. Ches?- Lip?suctio? i? commonl? performe? i? male? t? reduc? th? siz? of enlarge? mal? breast? i? gynecomasti? patient?. I? i? als? don? i? olde? me? wh? hav? su?ere? fro? ? l?s? of muscl? mas? an? desire? remova? of thei? exces?, undesirabl? fa? i? th? ches? are?. Fo? som? wome?, lip?suctio? ca? hel? i? providin? ? minimall? invasiv?, n?-sca? subtl? breas? lif?. 8. Fac?- Lip?suctio? ca? hel? ge? ri? of exces? fat? fro? chubb?/chipmun? cheek?, unde? th? doubl? chi?, an? nec? area? t? provid? ? mor? define? an? slimme? appearanc?. 9. Thigh?- Lip?suctio? ca? benefi? thre? section? of thigh?: oute? thigh? (saddleba??) t? improv? th? patien?’? overal? shap?; inne? thigh? t? creat? ? ga? betwee? th? thigh? whe? standin?; an? p?sterio? thigh? (banan? rol?) t? giv? ? mor? define?, firme? bu?ock?. Henc?, i? provide? mor? tone?, smoothe?-shape? le??. 10. Bac?- M?s? wome? fee? consciou? of th? exces? fa? dep?sit? i? thei? bac? calle? “bac? o? br? roll?” tha? ar? pulle? unde? o? ove? th? are? wher? th? br? i? wor?. Lip?suctio? ca? hel? eliminat? thes? area? whic? ar? thic? an? forgivin?.
11. Lowe? le??- Lip?suctio? i? challengin? i? thi? are? becaus? ther? i? ? nee? t? reshap? th? entir? lowe? le?? an? achiev? natura?-lookin? propo?tion?. Ankle? an? calve? wit? li?l? dee? fa? pocket? ca? als? b? carefull? treate? t? avoi? creatin? an? irregularitie? i? thei? look?. T? ge? th? benefit? of popula? c?smeti? an? plasti? surger? treatmen? i? Jaipu?, on? ca? consul? D?. Akan?sh? Sharm? a? AK Aesthetic? toda?!