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Roles of Physics in Medicine | Physics Assignment Help

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Roles of Physics in Medicine | Physics Assignment Help

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Presentation Transcript

  1. RollesoffPhysiics iinMediiciine

  2. Introduction Itusesphysicsconceptsandproceduresintheprevention, diagnosis,andtreatmentofdisease.MedicalPhysicsfulfills an important role in medicine, in biological and medical research, and the optimization of certain health-related activities.

  3. SomeoftheRoles X-RayandCTscan MagneticResonanceImaging TakingUltrasound NuclearMedicine Radiotherapy

  4. X-RayandCTScan SignalsgeneratedfromanarrowX- raybeamtransversetheaffectedarea ofinteresttocreateplanerimages Thistechniqueisveryusefulin analyzinghemodynamicparameters, includingbloodflowandblood volume.

  5. MagneticResonanceImaging Amedicalimagingtechniquethatusesastrong, staticmagneticfieldandcomputer-induced radiowavestoproducehigh-qualityimagesof tissuesandorgans Subsequently,radiowavesstimulate photons,andMRIsensorsareusedto detectenergy(signal)releasedfrom photons.

  6. Ultrasound Ultrasound is a high-frequency soundwavethatgeneratesnon- invasiveimagesofdifferenttissues andorgans Inaddition,ultrasoundisusedfor targeteddrugdelivery.

  7. NuclearMedicine Innuclearmedicine,radioactiveprobesare usedtoobservephysiologicalprocesses Theseslicescan be usedinPETscanstogenerate three-dimensionalimages.

  8. Radiotherapy Radiationtherapyinvolvesthedelivery ofionizingradiationinsidethebodyto destroyandeliminatecancercells Fordeep-seatedtumors,high-energy photonsareused

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