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Total Body Water. Total body water (60% total body weight) Intracellular volume (40% total body weight)Extracellular volume (20% total body weight). Body Fluid Compartments. Intracellular Volume / Fluid CompartmentExtracellular Volume / Fluid CompartmentInterstitial fluid volume (80% of ECV)Plasma volume (20% of ECV).
1. Fluid and Blood Therapy Foundations of Anesthesia I
Krista Yoder
March 23, 2009
2. Total Body Water
Total body water (60% total body weight)
Intracellular volume (40% total body weight)
Extracellular volume (20% total body weight)
3. Body Fluid Compartments
Intracellular Volume / Fluid Compartment
Extracellular Volume / Fluid Compartment
Interstitial fluid volume (80% of ECV)
Plasma volume (20% of ECV)
4. Total Body Water
5. Total Body Water TBW is 55% of a mans weight
TBW is 45% of a womans weight
TBW is 80% of an infants weight
Obese individuals have less TBW per weight than non-obese individuals
7. Fluid Compartments Fluid Compartments are divided by water-permeable membranes.
Intracellular space is separated from the extracellular space by the cell membrane.
The capillary membrane separates the components of the extracellular space.
Intravascular space capillary membrane interstitial space
9. Intracellular Fluid Compartment High concentration of
Sodium-potassium pump maintains the high concentration of K+ in ICF.
10. Sodium-Potassium Pump
11. Extracellular Fluid Compartment High concentration of
Intravascular Fluid (plasma)
High concentration of osmotically active plasma proteins.
Capillary membrane essentially impermeable to plasma proteins and they stay in the vascular space.
Interstitial Fluid
14. Fluid Movement Within Body Compartments
Fluid movement is affected by:
Properties of membranes separating compartments.
Concentration of osmotically active substances within a compartment.
15. Intravascular Fluid Space
Chief focus of fluid therapy
Accessible fluid compartment
intravascular space capillary membrane interstitial space
16. Starling Forces Hydrostatic pressure in the capillary (Pc)
Hydrostatic pressure in the interstitium (Pi)
Oncotic pressure in the capillary (pc )
Oncotic pressure in the interstitium (pi )
19. Fluid Volume Disorders Osmolarity
The number of osmoles of a solute in a liter of solution
The number of osmoles of a solute in a kilogram of solution
How a solution affects cell volume
For example isotonic, hypertonic, hypotonic
20. Hypovolemia versus Dehydration Hypovolemia
Loss of extracellular fluid
Absolute loss of fluid from the body
Reduced circulating volume
Concentration disorder
Insufficient water present in relation to sodium
21. Hypervolemia Excess of fluid volume in an isotonic concentration
Not usually a problem in surgical patients
Can be seen if
Renal failure
Over hydration with isotonic IV fluids
22. Disorders of Sodium Balance Na+ is the most abundant electrolyte in the ECF.
Na+ and accompanying anion Cl- are responsible for normal osmotic activity of the ECF.
All gain/loss of Na+ is accompanied by gain/loss of water.
23. Hyponatremia Hypovolemic hyponatremia
Adrenal insufficiency
Normovolemic hyponatremia
Syndrome of inappropriate secretion of antidiuretic hormone
Renal failure
Water intoxication
Hypervolemic hyponatremia
Liver failure
Nephrotic syndrome
25. Clinical Manifestations of Hyponatremia Neurologic
Cerebral edema
26. Treatment of Hyponatremia Fluid restriction
Administration of hypertonic saline and an osmotic or loop diuretic
!!!Correction of serum sodium levels too rapidly can result in neurologic damage and central pontine myelinolysis!!!
27. Causes of Hypernatremia Most common cause is water deficiency d/t:
Excessive loss
Inadequate intake
Also may be caused by:
Exogenous Na+ load
Primary hyperaldosteronism
Diabetes insipidus
Renal dysfunction
29. Clinical Manifestations of Hypernatremia Tremulousness
Mental confusion
Coma d/t cerebral water loss
30. Treatment of Hypernatremia Renal tubular diuretics
Treat central diabetes insipidus with vasopressin
!!!Correction of serum sodium level too rapidly can result in neurologic damage secondary to cerebral edema!!!
32. Hypokalemia Causes
Gastrointestinal losses
Systemic alkalosis
Diabetic ketoacidosis
Diuretic therapy
Sympathetic nervous system stimulation
Administration of beta-adrenergic receptor agonists
33. Clinical Manifestations of Hyponatremia Autonomic neuropathy
Skeletal muscle weakness
Increased sensitivity to Digoxin
Decreased myocardial contractility
Electrical conduction abnormalities
Ventricular fibrillation
34. Hypokalemia and the EKG Prolonged PR interval
Prolonged T interval
Widening of QRS
Flattened T wave
35. Treatment of Hypokalemia Slow IV potassium supplements
Anesthesia related concerns:
Increased risk of myocardial irritability K+ <2.6
Avoid hyperventilation of the lungs
Avoid glucose containing IV solutions
Avoid rapid infusion of IV K+ supplements
36. Hyperkalemia Causes
Increased total body potassium
Renal failure
Potassium-sparing diuretics
Excessive IV K+ supplements
Excessive use of salt substitutes
Altered distribution of potassium
Metabolic or respiratory acidosis
Digitalis intoxication
Insulin deficiency
Tissue and muscle damage after burns
Administration on succinylcholine
37. Clinical Manifestations of Hyperkalemia Areflexia
Cardiac conduction abnormalities
38. Hyperkalemia and the EKG Narrowing and peaking of T waves
1st degree AV block
QRS widening
ST segment depression
Progression to merging of QRS an T waves to a sine wave
Ventricular fibrillation
39. Treatment of Hyperkalemia Primary goal
Avoid adverse cardiac effects
Insulin and glucose to shift K+ into cells
IV calcium to antagonize cardiac effects of hyperkalemia
Anesthesia related concerns:
A serum K+ of 5.5mEq/L is upper limit for elective procedures
40. Hypomagnesemia Serum magnesium less than 1.5mEq/L
Inadequate intake of magnesium
Gastrointestinal losses
Parathyroid hormone disorders
Chronic alcoholism
41. Clinical Manifestations of Hypomagnesemia CNS irritability
Skeletal muscle spasm
42. Treatment of Hypomagnesemia
IV administration of magnesium sulfate
43. Hypermagnesemia Serum magnesium level greater than 2.5 mEq/L
Iatrogenic administration
Renal failure
44. Clinical Manifestations of Hypermagnesemia CNS depression stupor coma
Skeletal muscle weakness respiratory failure
Decreased peripheral vascular tone
Decreased myocardial contractility
45. Hypermagnesemia and the EKG Prolonged PQ interval
Widened QRS
46. Treatment of Hypermagnesemia Supportive care
Fluid loading
Acute hypermagnesemia IV calcium to counter the elevated magnesium levels
47. Hypocalcemia Causes:
Decreased serum albumin concentration
Chelation of calcium by citrate
Renal failure
48. Clinical Manifestations of Hypocalcemia Neuromuscular irritability
Hyperactive deep tendon reflexes
Myocardial dysfunction
Heart block
49. Treatment of Hypocalcemia Calcium replacement
Intraoperative hyperventilation and respiratory alkalosis
50. Hypercalcemia Causes:
Calcium mobilization from bone due to immobility
51. Clinical Manifestations of Hypercalcemia Anorexia
Cognitive depression
EKG changes
Prolonged PR interval
Shortened QT interval
52. Treatment of Hypercalcemia Treatment of underlying cause
Volume expansion
Intraoperative hypercalcemia should be managed with administration of adequate fluids and maintenance of urine output.
53. Intraoperative Fluid Management
54. Factors influencing intraoperative fluid management: Patients perioperative fluid status
Co-existing disease
Intra-operative fluid shifts
Intra-operative blood loss
Selection of appropriate fluids for replacement of intra-operative losses
55. Intra-operative Fluid loss Insensible loss
Third space loss
Blood loss
56. Insensible loss Water loss through
Respiratory tract
Correct insensible losses with 2ml/kg/hr
Crystalloid solution
57. Third Space loss The transfer of fluids from the extracellular space to the interstitial space or other non-intravascular spaces.
The volume of fluid transferred corresponds to the degree of manipulation of tissues Intraoperatively.
Replacement of 3rd space losses is surgical procedure dependent.
58. Replacement of third space loss
Minimal trauma: 3-4 mL/kg
Moderate trauma: 5-6 mL/kg
Severe trauma: 7-8 mL/kg
59. Third Space loss 3rd space losses become mobilized on about the third day post-op.
Clinically this may manifest as an increase in the intravascular volume on this day.
Patients with limited cardiac reserve or renal dysfunction may have hypervolemia or pulmonary edema if fluid mobilization is significant.
60. Crystalloids Used intraoperatively to maintain normal body fluid composition and replace losses.
Contain water and electrolytes.
Cross plasma membranes easily and may dilute plasma proteins resulting in a reduction of plasma oncotic pressure.
Are effective at increasing the intravascular fluid volume.
Are associated with an increased risk of pulmonary edema if administered in large volumes.
61. Crystalloid replacement of blood loss The volume of crystalloid used to replace intraoperative blood loss should be three times the estimated blood loss.
This is because volume replacement must replenish both the volume lost from the intravascular space and the volume transferred from the extravascular space to the intravascular space to maintain the plasma volume during times of acute hemorrhage.
62. Not typically administered intraoperatively.
Surgical stress response normally induces hyperglycemia.
The exception would be for prevention of hypoglycemia in diabetic patients who have received insulin.
Glucose containing solutions:
65. Colloids Albumin
66. Colloids Large molecules that do not readily cross plasma membranes.
Can be uses 1:1 to replace blood loss.
May be advantageous because they remain in the intravascular space longer than crystalloids.
There is no evidence that colloids are superior to crystalloids for replacing the intravascular fluid volume.
67. Colloids Advantages
Lack of risk of disease transmission
Risk of transmitting hepatitis eliminated by heat
Pretreated to 60*C for 10 hours
Lack of oxygen-carrying capacity
Lack of coagulation factors
Increased cost
68. Hetastarch Infusion of large volumes can cause dilutional coagulopathy.
Can cause a decrease in factor VIII when administered in a volume greater than 1000mL in a 70kg individual.
69. Dextran Infusion of large volumes can cause dilutional coagulopathy.
Appears to decrease platelet adhesiveness.
Potential for anaphylactic/anaphylactoid reactions.
Interferes with ability to subsequently crossmatch a patients blood secondary to agglutination of red blood cells.
70. 5% Albumin Used for rapid expansion of intravascular fluid volume.
Administration of plasma protein fractions may result in hypotension due to a decrease in SVR.
71. 25% Albumin Primary indication is for hypoalbuminemia.
Administration of plasma protein fractions may result in hypotension due to a decrease in SVR.
73. Clinical assessment of intraoperative blood loss Tachycardia
Decrease CVP
74. Clinical assessment of intraoperative blood loss Oliguria
A urine output of 0.5 - 1 mL/kg/hr is typically indicative of an adequate intravascular fluid volume.
Administration of diuretics will interfere with the utility of intraoperative urine output as a measure of fluid volume.
75. Clinical assessment of intraoperative blood loss Variation of systolic BP with respiratory cycle in mechanically ventilated patients.
Normally a 8-10mm Hg variation d/t decrease venous return that occurs with inspiration.
Variations greater than 10mmHg may indicate hypovolemia.
76. Clinical assessment of intraoperative blood loss All clinical signs may vary with anesthesia.
Young healthy patients may lose 20% of circulating blood volume without demonstrating clinical signs.
77. Physiologic response to acute blood loss Vasoconstriction of splanchnic and venous capitance vessels occurs in response to blood loss.
A blood volume loss of approximately 10% can be masked by this compensatory response.
Anesthesia may interfere with this response.
78. Indication for blood transfusion The primary indication for blood transfusion is to increase the oxygen carrying capacity of the blood.
Typically hemoglobin concentration is basis on which decision to transfuse is made.
Transfusion is almost always justified when Hgb is less than 6g/dL.
Transfusion is rarely justified when Hgb is greater than 10g/dL.
79. Modification of transfusion threshold: Patient age
Medical status / comorbidities
Is current anemia acute or chronic
The decision to transfuse must be made on an individual basis.
Example: patients with CAD who are at risk for myocardial ischemia may benefit from a Hgb no less than 10mg/dL.
80. Management of acute hemorrhage: Acute loss of large volumes of blood should be managed with administration of blood.
Administration of crystalloid volumes necessary to replace the intravascular fluid loss will result in an inadequate oxygen-carrying capacity of the blood.
Blood loss greater than one-third entire blood volume.
Blood loss leading to hypovolemic shock.
Whole blood is preferred to PRBCs in these situations to expand the circulating blood volume and the red cell volume.
81. Adequacy of blood volume replacement: Evaluation of
systemic blood pressure
Heart rate
Central venous pressure
Urine output
Arterial oxygenation
Arterial pH
Base deficit
Serial hematocrit levels