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Merry Christmas and Happy New Year 2007. The Beery- Buktenica Developmental Test of Visual-Motor Integration. Present by Asst. Prof. Dr. Nuntanee Satiansukpong. Objectives. Upon completion of the study, students should be able to
The Beery- Buktenica Developmental Test of Visual-Motor Integration Present by Asst. Prof. Dr. Nuntanee Satiansukpong
Objectives Upon completion of the study, students should be able to • Describe the VMI and the supplemental tests and their purposes • Describe the psychometric properties of the tests • Describe how to administer the test • Describe how to score and interpret the test results
Contents • The Overview of the VMI test and its supplemental tests • The psychometric properties of the VMI test and its supplemental tests • Administration, Scoring, and Interpretation
Overview of the VMI test andits supplemental tests • The VMI Test and • its two supplemental standardized tests: Visual Perception and Motor Coordination.
The Overview of the VMI test and its supplemental tests • provide the most valid and economical visual-motor screening battery. • available for preschool to adult age.
The Overview of the VMI test and its supplemental tests • a developmental sequence of geometric forms to be copied with paper and pencil. • The full, 27 items, for age 7+ years - adult • The short, 18 items, for age 3 to 7 years old. • can be either group or individually administered • Time use: 10-15 minutes
The Overview of the VMI test and its supplemental tests The purpose of the VMI and its supplemental tests are to • Identify significant difficulties in visual-motor integration, • Obtain needed services • Assess the effectiveness of educational and other intervention programs • Serve as a research tool.
The Overview of the VMI test and its supplemental tests Cautions: • If a child’s behavior during testing causes an examiner to suspect visual acuity or other special problem, he should be referred to a school nurse, an opthalmologist or other specialists. • No single test or score is sufficient for making a diagnosis or creating a treatment plan. Team evaluation and planning is always best whenever possible.
The Overview of the VMI test and its supplemental tests If a child performs poorly on the VMI, • It could be because he or she has adequate visual perceptual and/or motor coordination abilities, but has not yet learned to integrate, or coordinate, these two domains. • Alternatively, it is possible that the child’s visual and/ or motor abilities are deficient.
The Overview of the VMI test and its supplemental tests If a child performs poorly on the VMI, examiners frequently follow up a VMI with an assessment of visual perceptual and motor abilities.
The Overview of the VMI test and its supplemental tests The follow up can be done either with • Informal clinical evaluation (follow an outline on Manual, page 29-30) • Formal evaluation (use the supplemental tests). Note: If all three standardized tests are administered, they must be administered in the same order in which they were normed in order to yield valid results. The valid order is VMI, Visual Perception, Motor Coordination.
The Overview of the VMI test and its supplemental tests The standardized Visual Perception Test The child’s task is to identify the exact match for as many of the 27 stimuli as possible in a three-minute period.
The Overview of the VMI test and its supplemental tests The standardized Motor Coordination Test • The child’s task is to simply trace the stimulus forms with a pencil without going outside double-lined paths. • The test takes about 5 minutes to administer.
The psychometric properties of the VMI test and its supplemental tests Item and format selection: • Extensive review of literature and clinical experience • 72 geometric forms were initially selected for the study • 600 children between the ages of 2 and 15 years copied the 72 forms • Item analyses were made of the results, new forms were constructed, old forms were modified, and a developmental sequence of 30 forms was created. • Set criteria for selection (page 99) • 30 forms were administered to another 600 children • Following an item analysis of results, 24 forms were selected
The psychometric properties of the VMI test and its supplemental tests Sample selection and Demographics • The VMI was originally normed in 1964 on 1,030 Illinois children • It was cross-validated in 1981 with 2,060 Californian children and again in 1989 with a national sample of 2,734 children. • It also has been normed in other countries • The VMI and its supplemental Visual and Motor tests were normed in 1996 on 2,614 children, 3 to 18 years of age, living in the United States.
The psychometric properties of the VMI test and its supplemental tests Reliability: VMI Visual Motor • Interscorer Reliability .94 .98 .95 • Test-Retest Reliability .87 .84 .83 • Internal Consistency Reliability .96 N/A N/A • Average .92 .91 .89
The psychometric properties of the VMI test and its supplemental tests Validity: • Content Validity: Item selection, item analysis • Concurrent Validity: - Drawing subtest of Wide Range Assessment of Visual Motor Abilities (WRAVMA) .52 - Developmental Test of Visual Perception (DTVP-2) copying .75 - Comprehensive Test of Basic Skill (CTBS) .63
Administering, Scoring, and Interpreting Administering VMI • See manual page 26-29 for the VMI Scoring VMI • See manual page 34-81
Administration and Scoring Administering Visual Perception • See manual page85-86 Scoring Visual Perception • See manual page87
Administration and Scoring Administering Motor Coordination • See manual page89-90 Scoring Motor Coordination • See manual page90
Administration and Scoring Interpreting VMI, Visual, and Motor Raw score • See manual page 145 for getting Age equivalent from raw score, • Transform raw score to standard score (SS), p.146-175, according to chronological age (CA) • Converse Standard Score (SS) to percentile rank, see page 176.
Administering, Scoring, and Interpreting Standard score • Mean equals 100. • SD. equals 15.
Administering, Scoring, and Interpreting Standard Score Interpretation SS Performance % of age group 133-160 very high 2 118-132 high 14 83-117 average 68 68-82 low 14 40-67very low 2