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Oxford Developments Reports and background processes Automating of processes Many enhancements done by Geac UK to enable Advance to run as Federal system Limits to work done manual work e.g. Printing of orders, claims, notices Broken down by sublocation etc.
Oxford Developments Reports and background processes
Automating of processes Many enhancements done by Geac UK to enable Advance to run as Federal system Limits to work done manual work e.g. Printing of orders, claims, notices • Broken down by sublocation etc. • Unable to use automatic print option as each library wanted their notices printing on their printer • Secretary had to do this manually – tedious and prone to error • Systems programmer discovered expect GAUG 2002, Lady Margaret Hall, Oxford University
What is expect? • unix program to control interactive applications • Based on tcl “tickle” Tool Control Language (scripting language) • spawn process (Advance or ftp) • send strings to process • expect strings in return • Able to script the simulation of a user of Advance (robo) • Free (no support) • Used by a few other Advance sites GAUG 2002, Lady Margaret Hall, Oxford University
expect used to automate: • Printing of notices, orders etc. • Reset OCP, ACP & SCP times daily • Daily export of new and changed records to OCLC (runs selection, uabe & ftp) • Weekly export of new and changed records to CURL • Weekly import of BNB file (ftp, ubii & ubix) • Daily import of RLIN files for Middle East project • Authority loads (uaii, uaix & FW’s specials) • Circulation backup/Self-issue upload (enters data as if a librarian, emails error report) • Inventory control (runs phyt) • Daily Import of reader data from University Card database • Daily export of reader data for local library security systems • Running of offline reports GAUG 2002, Lady Margaret Hall, Oxford University
expect – advantages & disadvantages Advantages • MUCH more reliable than running process manually • Doesn’t mind tedious, repetitive jobs • Able to keep stats and log files of processes • Able to email errors, e.g. password expired • Scripts develop over time and can become quite sophisticated Caveats • Scripts only as good as they’ve been programmed to be • Need revising when there are software/hardware upgrades GAUG 2002, Lady Margaret Hall, Oxford University
Reports • Run reports from TCL • Emailing of report output • Initially all reports run centrally • Regular reports automated & run from robo’s crontab at off-peak times • Creation of savedlists of pieces file, one per library • Written by Frank Watson, Geac UK • Run overnight • Speeded up PIECES reports enormously (PIECES > 8,000,000 recs) • Create frequently requested reports as keywords for libraries to run online • Use @LOGNAME (=unix id) to look up PORT/CUDEF record and determine library and thus limit reports to own records • Keywords call paragraphs which restrict access, prompt user for parameters, allow output to screen, printer, email or holding area GAUG 2002, Lady Margaret Hall, Oxford University
Emailing of reports • Special uniVerse printer form, Form 70 • Calls relatively simple Perl script, mail.drv • mail.drv scans input looking for keyword mailto: • Scans input for ‘\ putting everything before this into email address variable • Continues scanning input looking for newline, putting everything before this into the email subject variable • Sends remaining input through sendmail to the given email address(es) using the given subject GAUG 2002, Lady Margaret Hall, Oxford University
Emailing of reports cont. All reports to Form 70 should start: mailto:email address’\Example subject • (multiple email addresses separated by commas) Achieved by using the HEADER keyword: HEADER “mailto:sara.burnell@las.ox.ac.uk’\Example subject” HEADER “mailto:<<I2,Email address>>’\<<I3,Subject>>” HEADER “mailto:sara’\Subject’L’Header of Report” GAUG 2002, Lady Margaret Hall, Oxford University
Offline reports Annual/weekly checkout/checkin/renewal stats • Daily by membership group • Daily by circulation code • Hourly by membership group • Hourly by circulation code • Membership by circulation code matrix • Annual stats also broken down by year/month code GAUG 2002, Lady Margaret Hall, Oxford University
Offline report examples Daily Checkout stats by circulation code (MONDAY, TUESDAY etc. DICT items updated by script to give correct date) Circ Code... 03/03 04/03 05/03 06/03 07/03 08/03 09/03 Total.. LASB 10 174 180 150 139 143 75 871 LASC 3 176 134 201 149 158 60 881 LASCA 0 11 14 17 5 19 8 74 LASJ 0 18 12 14 15 5 4 68 LASR 0 0 0 1 0 0 3 4 ====== ====== ====== ====== ====== ====== ====== ======= Total 13 379 340 383 308 325 150 1898 GAUG 2002, Lady Margaret Hall, Oxford University
Offline report examples Membership group by circulation code matrix Create dictionary items in CIRC.CHKOUT.STATS for each circulation code Memb.... LAS... LAS... LAS... Total.. Code.... AUDIO. BOOK.. VIDEO. LASABV 3 48 24 75 LASB 0 7 0 7 LASBA 1 61 0 62 LASEXP 0 21 0 21 LASPR 0 2 3 5 ====== ====== ====== ======= Total 4 139 27 170 GAUG 2002, Lady Margaret Hall, Oxford University
Offline reports cont. • Reader blacklists • Fines paid (for checking against cash register) • Top 100 titles lists (clunky method but can be automated by expect) 11 10786394 Dieu d'eau : entretiens avec Ogotemmeli 10 13790607 Place Vendome [videorecording] 9 15031367 Les rois maudits 7 13686661 Chacun cherche son chat [videorecording] 7 12039967 Contemporary French cinema : an introduction 7 13324534 Lacombe Lucien [videorecording] 7 10502746 OEuvre romanesque 6 13439698 ESSAIS SUR FLAUBERT • Accessions lists (extraction criteria and output tailored to individual library’s needs) GAUG 2002, Lady Margaret Hall, Oxford University
Offline reports - examples Accessions lists examples: Crim 500 G797a Green, Penny, 1957- Criminal policy in transition Onati international series in law and society Oxford : Hart, 2000. Crim 500 H765f/235 Harrington, Victoria Mobile phone theft Home Office research studies ; 235 London : Home Office, Research, Development and Statistics Directorate, 2001. Crim 500 H765qq*[19] West Midlands Criminal Justice Strategy Committee Improving confidence in the criminal justice system : a conference for the West Midlands Criminal Justice Strategy Committee : conference report, 3 October 2001, Holiday Inn, Dunstall Park, Wolverhampton Liverpool : Home Office Special Conferences Unit, [2001] GAUG 2002, Lady Margaret Hall, Oxford University
Offline reports - examples Accessions lists with html tags: <p>Arutiunian, N. V. (Nikolai Vasilevich) <i>Korpus urartskikh klinoobraznykh nadpisei</i> Erevan, Armenia : Gitutiun, 2001. 5808004764</p> <p>Clapp, Nicholas <i>Sheba : through the deseart in search of the legendary queen</i> Boston : Houghton Mifflin, c2001. 0395952832</p> <p>Duchesne-Guillemin, Marcelle <i>Monumentum Marcelle Duchesne-Guillemin</i> Acta Iranica ; 34 Leuven : Peeters, 1999. 9042907436 (Peeters Leuven)2877234347 (Peeters France) </p> GAUG 2002, Lady Margaret Hall, Oxford University
Offline reports - examples Accessions with links to Zget: http://web.comlab.ox.ac.uk/internal/library/Acq2002/02Feb.html <p>65N 30 VAN<br> Vanmaele, Michele<br> <em><a href="http://library.ox.ac.uk/find?DocID=15258482" target="checkOLIS">Contribution to the theory of finite element methods for second-order elliptic eigenvalue problems</a></em><br> Koninklijke Vlaamse Academie van Belgie voor Wetenschappen en Kunsten, 2001<br></p> <p>95A 10 BEE<br> Beekman, George<br> <em><a href="http://library.ox.ac.uk/find?DocID=15270810" target="checkOLIS">Computer confluence : exploring tomorrow's technology, 4th ed</a></em><br> Prentice Hall, 2001<br></p> GAUG 2002, Lady Margaret Hall, Oxford University
Online reports - Acquisitions Orders by funds (should really be an index in Advance) • Especially useful at Year End time • Report by committed or spent amount • Prompts user for Fund or Funds, date range GAUG 2002, Lady Margaret Hall, Oxford University
Online reports - Circulation Current checkouts • Count of current checkouts only (Screen only) • Count of current checkouts by sublocation • Count of current checkouts by circulation code • Count of current checkouts by sublocation and circulation code • Count of current checkouts by membership code • List of current checkouts sorted by shelfmark Overdue items between two dates Fines reports • Fines owed (totals or details) • Fines waived • Fines paid (totals or details) GAUG 2002, Lady Margaret Hall, Oxford University
Online reports – Circulation cont. Reader reports (reports must be limited by library membership) • Lists of expired readers (one or more membership codes) • Lists of registered readers (one or more membership codes) • Reader counts by expiry date • Reader counts by expiry/registered date • Readers with email addresses • Readers with no email addresses • Lists of email addresses (one or more membership codes). Can be used for sending a general email to a group of readers. GAUG 2002, Lady Margaret Hall, Oxford University
Online reports – pieces reports Reports start with a GET-LIST of the appropriate library list Offer Counts by: • Current sublocation • Owning sublocation • Circulation code • Format code • Status GAUG 2002, Lady Margaret Hall, Oxford University
Online reports – pieces reports Current status........... TOTAL Available 26130 Awaiting Collection 1 Being Repaired 2 Confined 20 MISSING 5 ON ROUTE 3 On Loan 607 Reported Missing 2 ========== TOTAL 26770 GAUG 2002, Lady Margaret Hall, Oxford University
Online reports – pieces reports Can limit pieces count by: • Current sublocation • Owning sublocation • Circulation code • Format • Status • Creation date range • Update date range • Shelfmark range GAUG 2002, Lady Margaret Hall, Oxford University
Online reports – pieces reports Pieces listings Limited by same selection options as pieces counts Optional main sort with a new page on: • Current sublocation • Owning sublocation • Circulation code • Format • Status Sort by • Shelfmark • Author then title • Author/title combined key GAUG 2002, Lady Margaret Hall, Oxford University
Online reports – pieces reports Output format • Brief details (one line per item) • Fuller details • Comma-delimited format (e.g. for Access) • Tab-delimited format (e.g. for Access) e.g: 303039177 ABJ (bra) Branson, Richard/Losing my virginity : the autobiography 303904205 ABJ (gre) Green, Richard P./Investigating entrepreneurial opportun 303039085 ABJ (wet) WetFeet.com (Firm)/Zero to sixty : first-person entrepre 304053643 ABM (har) Harvard Business School/The Harvard Business School guid 303039115 ABM (har) Miller, Alex R./Management Consulting 1998 304053642 ABM (sha) Shafrir, Doree/Vault.com career guide to consulting 303022967 ABM (wet) WetFeet.com (Firm)/A.T. Kearney GAUG 2002, Lady Margaret Hall, Oxford University
Online reports – pieces reports Bonne, Alfred, 1899-1959 Some aspects of the recent socio-economic changes in the Middle East Royal Central Asian Society, 1940 MS/MUR/C N12383628 Bosworth, Joseph, 1789-1876 An Anglo-Saxon dictionary : based on the manuscript collections of the late Joseph Bosworth The Clarendon press, 1898 REF 302593640 Bowers, Fredson Principles of bibliographical description Russell & Russell, 1962 B 010.42 Bow 302593520 GAUG 2002, Lady Margaret Hall, Oxford University
Online reports – pieces reports "00A 20 FLE","300773250","Fletcher, A. (Alan), 1903-","An index of mathematical tables","2nd ed","For Scientific Computing Service [by] BlackwellScientific,","1962" "00A 20 FLE","300773254","Fletcher, A. (Alan), 1903-","An index of mathematical tables","2nd ed","For Scientific Computing Service [by] Blackwell Scientific,","1962" "00A 20 FLE","300773263","Fletcher, A. (Alan), 1903-","An index of mathematical tables","","Scientific Computing Service,","1946" "00A 20 FLE","300773267","Fletcher, A. (Alan), 1903-","An index of mathematical tables","","Scientific Computing Service,","1946" "00A 20 FRE","300773258","Freiberger, Walter F.","The international dictionary of applied mathematics","","Van Nostrand,","1960" "00A 20 GMT","300774361","Burunova, N. M.","A guide to mathematical tables : supplement no.1","","Pergamon,","1960" "00A 20 GMT","300774365","Lebedev, A. V. (Andrei V.)","A guide to mathematical tables","","Pergamon,","1960" "00A 20 GRE","300774366","Greenwood, J. Arthur (Joseph Arthur), 1927-","Guide to tables in mathematical statistics","","Princeton University Press,","1962" GAUG 2002, Lady Margaret Hall, Oxford University
Conclusion • COGNOS to replace the above? • Continue to write online reports • Further details on any of the above, please contact me • Improvements to the above, most welcome GAUG 2002, Lady Margaret Hall, Oxford University