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Natural Hazard Risk Management in the Caribbean Liz Riley Mainstreaming Gender in Natural Hazard Risk Reduction Workshop The Royal, Saint Lucia November 28-29, 2005. Presentation outline. Introduction A Definition Comprehensive Disaster Management (CDM)

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Natural Hazard Risk Management in the CaribbeanLiz RileyMainstreaming Gender in Natural Hazard Risk Reduction WorkshopThe Royal, Saint LuciaNovember 28-29, 2005

  2. Presentation outline • Introduction • A Definition • Comprehensive Disaster Management (CDM) • Components of Natural Hazard Risk Management • Entry points in gender mainstreaming

  3. Caribbean prone to natural hazards • Storm surge, tsunami, coastal erosion • Landslides • Volcanic, earthquakes • Flood, high winds, drought

  4. Clarendon Jamaica Flood Event May 2002 (Acknowledgement JDF)

  5. Clarendon Jamaica Flood Event May 2002 (Acknowledgement JDF)

  6. Palmiste, Grenada – Hurricane Lenny 1999

  7. Guave Grenada – Hurricane Lenny 1999

  8. Vulnerability reflected in • Recurrent Losses • Multi sector impacts • Differential impacts to various groups Result – scarce resources, earmarked for development diverted for relief and reconstruction

  9. Disasters are essentially a development problem. • Disasters expose vulnerabilities which are already in existence • There are various types of vulnerability: structural, institutional, economic, social etc.

  10. Definition: The systematic management of administrative decisions, organizations, operational skills and abilities to implement policies, strategies and coping capacities of the society or individuals to lessen the impacts of natural hazards.

  11. The Traditional approach A focus on preparedness and emergency response Responsibility lies with government and specifically the Disaster office

  12. NHRM … A different Approach • Anticipatory and pro active – hazards considered in development practices • Responsibility belongs to all – a comprehensive approach • How do our development decisions contribute to vulnerability? How can development planning reduce vulnerability?

  13. Comprehensive Disaster Management • Integrate disaster management into planning and development • Integrated management of all hazards • Management of all phases of Disaster Management Cycle: • Prevention and Mitigation • Preparedness and Response • Recovery and Restoration/Rehabilitation

  14. Dimensions of Hazard Risk Management • Risk Identification – How well do we understand our vulnerability? • Risk Reduction – What activities have we designed to minimize or eliminate damage from hazard events? • Risk Transfer – What mechanisms do we have which ensure funds are readily available to repair or replace should loss occur?

  15. Entry Points for Gender Mainstreaming … • Risk Identification • Gender disaggregated data collection (pre-event) • Mapping of vulnerable populations • Utilizing past disaster scenarios to anticipate possible impacts related to gender • Post-disaster assessment

  16. Risk Reduction • Integrating gender considerations into hazard risk reduction policies and programmes to guide future development and investment towards reduced hazard vulnerability • Public information and education campaigns are targeted and informed by gender considerations

  17. Risk Transfer • Insurance schemes designed to benefit vulnerable populations. Preparedness • Strengthened community resilience through gender sensitive training in preparedness functions • Shelter management, Warehouse management • Evacuation planning

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