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R&D for e-Governance for Comprehensive Set of Solutions

Concept Note. R&D for e-Governance for Comprehensive Set of Solutions . ISID, Vasant Kunj, New Delhi (Based on Research in India). e-Governance: Critical Areas of Concerns. Very Less e-services availed by citizens through e-Kiosks.

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R&D for e-Governance for Comprehensive Set of Solutions

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  1. Concept Note R&D for e-Governance for Comprehensive Set of Solutions ISID, Vasant Kunj, New Delhi (Based on Research in India)

  2. e-Governance: Critical Areas of Concerns

  3. Very Less e-services availed by citizens through e-Kiosks Very Less number of citizens utilise e-Governance services through e-Kiosks

  4. Key Issues • Lack of integrated view of services. • Automation of a few Services of a Department; and Partial Automation of Services do not improve the Efficiency much • There is no online service delivery at e-Kiosks • Services are not provided in the form of a package • Several Applications can not speak to one another: So far, the applications are developed in different platforms, which are not compatible to one another. …… resulting into very less number of e-services availed by citizens through e-Kiosks Source: based on Study in Rajasthan and AP in India 4

  5. Critical Concerns • Lack of… • BPR • Backend computerisation • System Integration • Application development for online service • Citizen management

  6. Way Ahead

  7. Access (easy and affordable) Motivation to citizens (value added services, large number of services) Confidence to citizens to use e-Kiosks (awareness, skills, and trust & security) Strategy Formulation Encouraging Citizens through Citizen-centric Approach

  8. Key to Success for e-Governance • Five Key Considerations • I. Package of Services to Citizens at e-Kiosks • Application for online service delivery • II. Integrated View of Services for Efficiency gain • ERP for integrating the Databases • III. Horizontal and Vertical Integration in Future • SOA and Web-services • IV. Citizen Management • Application for CRM • V. Support for Multiple Channels of Communication • Like IVRS, PDA, Mobile, Internet, Landline phone 8

  9. Strategy for improving Viability of e-Kiosks (CSCs) * Viability of e-kiosks is in question due to these factors CSCs: Common Service Centres (one lakh CSCs are being set up by Govt. Of India across the country), equivalent to e-Kiosks

  10. Citizen-centric Framework for e-Governance Source: Own analysis

  11. Overall Strategy for e-Governance • I. For Service Delivery to Citizens • Providing package of services (to motivate Citizens to go to e-Kiosks) • On-line service delivery (after BPR) at e-Kiosk • Empowerment of Citizens • Decision support system (DSS) for Panchayats / local bodies for resource planning and management that will address local problems. • Management of social and rural development programmes that are frequently needed by local people • II. For Improving Capacity of e-Governance Service provider • Improving the e-Governance System Architecture by leveraging the service Oriented Architecture (SOA) and Enterprise Architecture • Improving IT capability of service provider: Developing IT application for on line service delivery (of certificates) at e-Kiosks; and for System Integration (ERP), Knowledge Management (KM), and Citizen Relationship Management (CRM) for effective service management. • Improving decision support system (DSS)

  12. R&D Projects for evolving Citizen-centric e-Governance Approach

  13. Contd… *These service and programmes have been identified based on citizen requirement study (CRS) conducted by the Institute. ** Services cover 75% of the services sought by Citizens in rural areas in India (based on CRS)

  14. Pilot R&D needed for… • I. Service delivery to Citizens • BPR • Application development for online service delivery [with IT security (RFID, IRIS, Smart Card)] • Software, Database and content development for citizen relationship management (CRM) and system integration* (equivalent to ERP) • Developing Knowledge Management (KM)** System • Implementation at e-kiosks • * i. Land-based services for: Land certificate (Jamabandi / ROR), Sale • deed, Mutation, and Relief for disaster (land-based); • ii. Personal certificates for Caste, Income, Domicile, Ration card and • Death & Birth • ** For internal knowledge & records (about various Acts, rules & • procedures; reports, court work, MIS and so on). • II. Resources Planning : GIS-based village resource centre and Decision Support System (DSS) for planning of resources • III. Management of programmes: IT application for Project Planning and Management for Rural Development Programmes

  15. Phases for e-Governance System in a District

  16. Designing Components for e-Governance for one Service Department in a District

  17. Internet Services to Citizens R&D Initiatives for e-Governance: A Snapshot I. II. Knowledge Management Integrated Services - System Integration (SI) DSS for Panchayats / Local bodies Application for on-line services CRM NRM modeling (Groundwater and watershed) Service Department GIS BPR • Services to be covered at Kiosks (in the beginning) • Land-based services • - Land certificate (Jamabandi), • - Sale deed, Mutation, Relief for • disaster • - Crop Insurance • Personal Certificate • - Caste - Income • - Domicile - Ration card • - Death & Birth Decision support system (DSS) III. • IT application for Project Planning and Management for Rural Development Programmes • NREGS (wage employment) • SGSY (self-employment) • PMGSY (roads) • Personal Insurance • OAP • BPL List IV. Empowerment Knowledge Dissemination Information about programmes / technology / price / cost, etc. - Natural Resource Management - Agriculture - Health - Development programmes and so on ( e-kiosks at villages )

  18. Future Prospects….. • Users (for IT Applications) will be from the following Departments / • Agencies: • i. Common Service Centres (CSCs) under • e-Governance (NeGP) : No. 1,00,000 • ii. Government Department / Panchayat / Local bodies • (under NeGP) • a. Deptts. at Central Govt. level : 50 • b. Deptts. at State Govt. level : 50 • c. Deptts. at District level : 600 District x15 : 9,000 • d. Deptts. at Block: 6,000x10 : 60,000 • e. Gram Panchayat (village): 2,25,000x7 :15,75,000 • …in a way future possibilities of Replication are immense

  19. Architecture of e-Governance System

  20. Thank you

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