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Author Keywords and Keywords Plus give you additional ideas on other keywords you might use for searching ... What Web of Science does really well is let you know what other ...
Slide 1:Searching Web of Science
Eastern Washington University Libraries
Use AND to narrow your search Remember to change the default Author to Topic
Click on the Search button “Topic” is now selected in both boxes
Number of articles retrieved by search Use this section to refine narrow down your search results
Narrow by Subject area. In this case, “Microbiology” Narrow by Document Type. In this case, “Article”
Click the “Refine” button
Refining the results reduced the number of articles to 128
Clicking on an article title takes you to the “full display”
Article title Source gives the name, volume, issue, pages, and date of the journal (information required to get the article) The Abstract gives a brief summary of what the article is about The Full Display gives you more information about the article Author(s)
Full Display, continued Author contact information Author Keywords and Keywords Plus give you additional ideas on other keywords you might use for searching
To see if the article is available from EWU Libraries, click on the “Check for Full Text” button
In this case, the article is available from EBSCOhost Academic Search Complete. Click the link to go to the article If the article is not available through EWU Libraries, you can request an Interlibrary Loan
“Browse Journal for Article” takes you to the journal level. You then need to go the volume and issue your article is in. Use this link if the “Get Article from” link does not work or is not present Please report any links that do not work correctly
What Web of Science does really well is let you know what other articles have cited an article Default sort is by “Latest Date” – newest to oldest
To find the articles that have been cited the most times by other articles, choose the “Times Cited” option
The articles are now sorted by which have been cited the most frequently This article has been cited 188 times This article has been cited 153 times
Click on the number of times cited to see the citing articles Note that this is a 2001 article
The most recent citing article was published in October 2008 All the citing articles will be newer than the 2001 cited article All citing articles are indexed in Web of Science. Click on the title to go the full display for more information
In the Full Display, you can also get the references cited in the article. These will all be older than the article.
Not all cited references will be indexed in Web of Science. You can contact an EWU librarian for help finding these.
Slide 21:Need Help?
Contact: Doris Munson Systems/Reference Librarian EWU Libraries dmunson@mail.ewu.edu (509) 359-6395