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A modular kitchenu2019s popularity is at par with other remaining interiors. We have always looked up to the Italian kitchen as an inspiration for modern home needs and wished for the same transformation in our homes as well.
TRANSFORMYOURKITCHENWITH THELEADINGMODULARKITCHEN MANUFACTURERININDIA A Kitchen’s significance extends beyond its traditional role as the place of cooking meals. It has now become a measurable component of your home. The primary function of a kitchen has always been to accommodate cooking and serve as a utilitarian area, but with the gradual shift of the societal standards the kitchen has begun togainmore and moreattention. A modular kitchen’s popularity is at par with other remaining interiors. We have always looked up to theItaliankitchen asaninspirationfor modernhomeneedsandwishedforthesame transformation in our homes as well. Modular Kitchen Companies in India make Kitchens for you with many benefitsover the traditionalKitchensettings, namely Easy andminimal maintenance. Cost-effective and long-lasting Hygienic Aesthetic Plannedstoragespaces User-friendly Highfunctionality
8.Inbuiltelectricalappliances . PopularKitchenDesignsAvailableByModularKitchenManufacturersIn India IslandKitchen L-ShapedKitchen U-Shaped Kitchen G-Shaped Kitchen One-Wall Kitchen GalleyKitchen . ErgonomicKitchenDesigns Culinary experience can be made safe with an Ergonomic Kitchen design. It can maximize space for food preparation with proper planning and efficiency to minimize risk of injury. Let us look into what needs to be planned in the kitchentomake it ergonomically designed: FirstZone– placewhere the food isprepared and includes thecountertop, space, trash area below the sink, and chopping boardarea. Second Zone – This includes the area with the hob and chimney unit. Ideally, the cooking area should always be close to the preparationarea. ThirdZone– Thisis the placewhere the sinkis placed forwashing dishes, andhands and itneeds to be close to the cooking area in case of any mishap. FourthZone –Allyourcupboards,cabinets,anddrawersforstoring dryitemsshouldbe close to the foodpreparationarea. Fifth & FinalZone–Here,westoreall our utensils,pots, pans,plates, glasses, and cutleries. It also has thespace forstoring allyourcooking-related electrical appliances. A goodModularKitchenmanufacturer willFollowallthese fivestepsinthedesign-making process andmakeyourkitchenanergonomickitchen.Yoursettingof akitchenworktriangleiswhatwill makeyourkitchenefficientandstructuredmeaning thehobunit,sinkandrefrigeratoris kept makinga triangle. LetusguideyouthroughthebestandmostpopularModularKitchen Companiesin Delhi:
E3Studio– Delhi-basedwell-knownInteriorandExteriorproductmanufacturing company, E3 Group has launchedits modular kitchenrange underE3 Studio. They are knowntoprovidea widerangeofinnovative,customized,long-lastingandeconomical kitchens withmostof itspartsmadein-house. Youcandefinitelynever gowrongwith their services and the hospitalityoffered. GodrejInterio – A well-knownpopularbrand knownalloverIndiaforproviding housing and interior services. They haveabroadrangeto suit your liking. Sleek Kitchens –Knownfor theirinnovativecustomlayoutsand varietyandas theirname suggeststheir solutions for modern designs arequite sleek. Livspace – Quitewell-likedfortheir after-salesservicesand thetestimonials ontheirweb pagealso saysso, and for designs thatstand the test of time. Hettich –Theyboastoftechnologythatmakesmodularkitchensuser-friendly.Their reputationprecedes themin terms ofbeing a manufacturingcompany. Faber – They are known bestfor their kitchen accessories and appliances. These appliances are good sustainableoptions for modularkitchens and aremade tomaximize performance with less energyconsumption. Hafele India – A multinationalbrandandhasbeenaroundintheIndian marketforquite some time is known for its high-quality hardware and fittings while improving the aesthetics and practicality of kitchen design. RegaloKitchens – Thismanufacturerfocuses onpremiummaterialsandinnovative manufacturingtechniques.Theywanttheirclienteletobehappyandofferpost-purchase assistance. Rehau– A brandfromGermany,in themarketsince 1997,theymakekitchensbasedon your needs and budget. Anchor by Panasonic –A Japanese manufacturerthatprovides high-endkitchen solutions and designsthatmakeyourlifeeasy andfashionable.Knownfor itssuperior materials, theydesign conventionalkitchensusing top-of-the-linematerials. Intheend,ModularKitchenmanufacturer in Indiadesigns kitchens as per your needs and the space available. You can choose your materials, colors, and designs to make the space a beautiful extension ofyou.A goodModularKitchenmanufacturer in Delhi will help you step by step from startto finishandevenforafter-sales servicesandsoherewepreferE3Studio, whichisa Delhi-based companygrowing popular overtime for their bestkitchenpractices. SourceUrl:- https://e3groupindia.com/transform-your-kitchen-with-the-leading-modular-kitchen-manufacturer -in-india/