Short Term Car Insurance - Secure your Car with Short Term Car Insurance One day car insurance is becoming popular now. People make an effort to prevent long term insurance and shift to one day car insurance. There definitely are several motivations for that. Getting insurance for only one day is very useful if you are intending to get a short trip or a one day experience. In the event you don't have a vehicle and also would wish to travel, then it is best to get one day insurance for legal and protection motivations. This may let you go readily wherever you need and not become stressed of not becoming covered by insurance and being hurt. Needless to say there is always the choice to set up a friend or a relative to your existing automobile insurance policy, just in case you should do thus - but this mightn't be the least expensive process to purchase the cover you need, additionally it can jeopardise your no-claims bonus if whoever borrows your car has an accident while driving it.Short term car insurance is precisely that which you'd expect it to be car insurance that is made to furnish cover on a temporary basis. Most insurance policies run for 12 months, however there may well be conditions where you do not desire protection for this period of time. Perhaps your auto needs repair work and in addition you have had the chance to borrow a pal or relative's vehicle for the week; or perhaps your son or daughter is home from university for the summer and wish to be in a position to drive your personal car for a month or two. Temporary vehicle insurance is priceless for occasional motorists and students. In the event that you need to add to your personal existing auto coverage on a new driver it may prove to be a really job that is cumbersome. It's going to not be worse to choose a short term insurance policy on for the new driver separately. Temporary auto insurance is the best alternative to make sure you aren't demanding on someone you could be seeing. Moreover, it will enable them to give you their automobile with no reluctance. When selecting low-cost one day car insurance, realize that just the person identified from the other side of the coverage will likely be covered unless otherwise defined.