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My name is Elisa Ranieri and I am a small Breeder of Toy Cavoodle puppies in Sydney, Australia. I have raised and had dogs my entire life and have grown a passion for the growth and development of Cavoodles.
AboutElisa "My name is Elisa Ranieri and I am a small Breeder of Toy Cavoodle puppies in Sydney,Australia.Ihave raisedandhaddogsmyentirelife andhavegrown a passion forthe growthanddevelopmentofCavoodles. Itis myaimasyourCavoodle breeder,toraiseyour puppy with alltherighttools tohelp aida lifefullofsuccessand ensureto do all thehardworkfor you,so when your little bundle of joy arrives you can just enjoy! It can be so overwhelmingandveryexciting gettinganewpuppyandwithloadstoremember I tryandmake itaseasyaspossible!"
“MeetourCavoodlepuppies'parents” Nala Meet Nala!Our beautiful rubyredwavycoated first-generationcavoodle. Nalais likeno other,sheiscurious,adventurous,andhasthebiggestpersonalityyouwillever meet.She is cheeky,fullof energy andcanjump ashighasakangaroo,and loves cuddles.Her favoriteplacetogois tothebeach,wheresheloves to swimandwilldoanything for abite of fish and chips.
Mia Mia hasaunique rubycurly/wavycoat andisverypetite, extremelyaffectionate, and loveable. OurlittleMia isatail-wagger bumwigglerwhogetsso excitedandwill do anything fora cuddle. She isveryintelligent and knowshowtoworkhercharm to get a headscratch!She isverycalm,placidandenjoys the companyofothers, she lovesbeing aroundher hoomansandwillnever leaveyour side.
Louie OurhandsomemanLouie!Don'tlethischarmingfacefoolyou, heischeeky! Heisfullof character, adventureandisverycurious.Hehasalovefor food andwilleatjust about anything,helovestopasstime byplayingwith histoys,chasing thebirds,andcuddlewith his companions.Hehasabeautiful Ruby wavy coat, notto mention hisstunningwhite markings. Louiewillneverpass up theopportunityto go onawalkandgoexploring. ContactUs Businessname: OodleLife Address:Benwerrin Cres,GrasmereNSW2570, Australia Contact Email: hello@oodlelife.com.au Contact No.:61 488667 988 Website:https://www.oodlelife.com.au/