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Answers.com was founded by Henrik Jones and Bill Gross at idealab in 1996. He was also the CEO of Answers.com. He started the real asset portfolio of Hall Capital Partners. Henrik is currently the Managing Partner of Buckhill Capital and Buckhill Credit. Henrik Jones is the Managing Partner of Buckhill Group which includes both equity and credit investments. Founded in 1999, Buckhill Capital has been a provider of debt and equity capital to middle market companies and various funds. Buckhill Capital, Buckhill Group and related entities have made over 60 direct investments and over 20 fund investments.
A Brief History of Q&A Sites ? Launched April 1997, Ask Jeeves was one of the first question ? and- -answer sites. Jeeves was the name of the butler pictured on ? the original site that fetched answers to question, which could be ? 102 ? posed in conversational language or by using keyword searches ? In later incarnations the Q&A site added support for math, diction ? ary, and conversion questions. In 2001 the name was shortened ? 103 ? to Ask.com ? On September 23, 2005, the company announced ? Jeeves was going into retirement, and the character was removed ? 104 ? from Ask.com on February 27, 2006.1 4 On May 16, 2006, Ask.com ? introduced a "Binoculars Site Preview"' into its search results so that ? users could use the Binoculars" to get a sneak peek at search re ? 105 ?In September 2010 Ask.com launched its mobile Q&A ? sults pages ? for the iPhone, which brought the service to mobile users in an ? app ? 106 ? easy- -use format ? Yahoo! Answers, launched July 5, 2005, lets users both pose ? 107 ? questions and respond to questions submitted by other users ? The Q&A site accepts and answers queries in twelve languages and ? 108 ?As of December ? awards status points to encourage participation ? 2006, Yahoo! Answers had already amassed 60 million registered ? 109 ? users and a database of 65 million answers ? Answers.com was founded by Bill Gross and Henrik Jones at ? Idealab in May 1996, but it didn't launch its free Q&A site until Janu ? 110 ? 10 By August 2009 the site had 56 .4 million unique monthly ? 111 ?Bob Rosen ? visitors in the United States and 83. O million globally. ? schein, CEO of Answers .com, announced that the site had reached ? 5.5 million registered users and its database of answers had topped ? 112 ? 10 million as of November 2010 ? This social media category has long been controlled by high ? traffic industry giants such as Yahoo! Answers and Answers .com ? which each had nearly 50 million unique monthly visitors in Decem ? 113 ?However, more ? ber 2010, according to the analytics firm comScore ? recent players, like Quora, have reinvigorated this lethargic field with ? new innovations, such as celebrity experts and video questions and ? 114 ? answers ? Marketing with Q&A Sites ?
Social News ? Alexa Global ? Dated ? Google ? Description ? Sites ? Started ? Traffic Rank ? Page Rank ? Ask.com ? Originally known as "Ask Jeeves ? 49 ? April 1996 ? 8 ? Ask.com allows users to pose ques ? tions in natural language or using key ? words, and supports math, dictionary, ? and conversion questions ? Combines community-driven questions ? Answers .com ? 183 ? May 1996 ? 9 ? and answers with hundreds of authorita ? tive editorial reference books as well as ? drawing on community WikiAnswers answers from ? and Reference Answers ? database, along with licensed reference ? topics ? Yahoo! Answers ? Accepts questions and provides an ? N/A ? July 2005 ? 7 ? swers in twelve languages, with sta ? tus points awarded to encourage ? participation ? Quora ? 1,042 ? January ? Experts have flocked to the site to ? 6 ? 2010 ? answer questions in specific fields ? such as programming, cooking an ? photography- ? JustAnswer ? 1,596 ? A fee- -based service, which matches ? August ? 2003 ? 6 ? user questions with topic experts, such ? as lawyers, veterinarians, mechanics ? physicians, and contractors ? haCha ? December ? 2,330 ? Provides answers to questions via t ? 6 ? 2005 ? website, or through texting and mo ? apps ? 3,405 ? AllExperts ? Early 1998 Volunteer experts in a wide variety ? 6 ? of fields are available to answer user ? questions ? Answerbag ? 4,910 ? July 2003 ? A collaborative database of FAQs, where ? 6 ? multiple answers to a question are ? 8 ? displayed, with the best-rated responses ? at the top ? 5,405 ? June 2006 ? Blurtit ? 5 ? Offers a community- -based approach to ? answering users' questions ? Popular Q&A Sites, as of December 2011 ? Table 12.2 ? types a question, the Q&A site instantly begins to search for similar queries posted days ? or months earlier. With luck, the answer is already there. Some Q&A sites can classify ? questions by category, increasing the odds it will be seen and answered by a person ? who knows about the subject. Popular Q&A sites include Ask.com, Answer. Yahoo. ? com, Answers.com, and Quora.com (see Table 12.2 for a list of other Q&A sites). of ? these, Answers .com is unique in that is combines responses from common users with ? authoritative sources such as Wikipedia, the Encyclopedia 101 ? Heritage Dictionary ? Britannica, and the American ? Chapter 121 Discussion Boards, Social News, and Q&A Sites ? 24 ? 46 ?
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