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Flight. Gliders . Balloons. Famous People. Laws. 5 pt. 5 pt. 5 pt. 5 pt. 5 pt. 10 pt. 10 pt. 10 pt. 10 pt. 10 pt. 15 pt. 15 pt. 15 pt. 15 pt. 15 pt. 20 pt. 20 pt. 20 pt. 20 pt. 20 pt. 25 pt. 25 pt. 25 pt. 25 pt. 25 pt. Air in motion. Wind.

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Flight Gliders Balloons FamousPeople Laws 5 pt 5 pt 5 pt 5 pt 5 pt 10 pt 10 pt 10 pt 10 pt 10 pt 15 pt 15 pt 15 pt 15 pt 15 pt 20 pt 20 pt 20 pt 20 pt 20 pt 25 pt 25 pt 25 pt 25 pt 25 pt

  2. Air in motion

  3. Wind

  4. Any machine that is capable of flying through the air.

  5. Aircraft

  6. The force which retards the forward movement of an aircraft in flight.

  7. Drag

  8. Point where three axes come together

  9. Center of gravity

  10. The flow of air which moves opposite the flight path of an airplane.

  11. Relative wind.

  12. Sailplane cadets use at Air Force Academy

  13. Schweizer TG-4

  14. Disrupts airflow over upper camber of the wing.

  15. Divebrakes or spoilers

  16. Average rate at which temperature decreases with an increase in altitude.

  17. Lapse rate

  18. The art of staying aloft by exploiting the energy of the atmosphere.

  19. Soaring

  20. A column of air that moves upward.

  21. Thermal

  22. A form of wooden construction used in the baskets.

  23. Wicker

  24. Another name for a basket.

  25. Gondola

  26. Container that holds the hot air.

  27. Envelope

  28. A measure of heat

  29. British Thermal Unit or BTU

  30. Material that covers the vent

  31. Parachute

  32. Father and son who flew towards the sun

  33. Daedulus and Icarus

  34. Discovered relationship between pressure and fluids in motion.

  35. Daniel Bernoulli

  36. Discovered gravity

  37. Sir Isaac Newton

  38. Two French brothers who created the first successful, manned hot air balloon

  39. Montgolfier Brothers

  40. Made a flight over Paris on November 21, 1783.

  41. Pilatre d’Rozier and Francois d’Arlandes

  42. The amount of heat required to raise the temperature of one kilogram of water, one degree celcius.

  43. Calorie

  44. An object at rest will remain at rest unless acted upon by some outside force.

  45. Newton’s First Law of Motion.

  46. CL X R X 1/2V2 X A

  47. Lift

  48. Also known as Bernoullian Lift

  49. Induced lift

  50. Dynamic lift is example of this Newton Law

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