A Project of the Academic Affairs Division
Carole Bogue-Feinour, Vice Chancellor
LeBaron Woodyard, Dean of Instructional Programs and Services
Project Team
Vicki Warner, Project Lead, Specialist Academic Planning and Development
Brad Morrison, Project Facilitator/Planner, Morrison Forbes
3. Alignment Project Starting Points Noncredit Instruction: Portal to the Future (1/2006)
Address the inequities in federal and state funding
Examine the alignment and integration of noncredit instruction with career-technical education and transfer education programs.
4. Alignment ProjectAwarded to Morrison Forbes
5. Alignment Project Study Elements Interviews
Review of the literature
Historical review of noncredit
Focus groups
MIS data analysis
Steering committee advice and review
6. What is Noncredit Education? A key aspect of lifelong learning
Essential to the mission of the community colleges
Part of continuum of community college curriculum for all students
No fee adult postsecondary education
7. What is Noncredit Instruction? Provides for an educated citizenry that is vital to a stable economy
Helps parents develop skills they need to help their children in school
Provides tools for immigrants and citizens to actively engage in civic life
Supports persons with disabilities to develop ways to be self-sufficient
Shows seniors how to maintain and enjoy a healthy and active life
8. What is Noncredit Instruction? Serves nine instructional areas that are of interest to the state.
Four special populations:
person with disabilities
older adult
9. What is Noncredit Instruction? Six disciplines areas:
Basic skills
English as a Second Language
Family and Consumer Science (Home Economics)
Health and Safety Education
Short-term Vocational Programs with High Employment Potential
10. How Large Is Noncredit? Noncredit accounts for 87,000 FTES, representing slightly less than 227 million dollars in apportionment.
The unduplicated headcount is 773,667, which represents 30% of all 2,671,421 community college students.
On average, each student takes about 2.2 classes, accounting for 1,773,511 in total enrollments.
11. How Large Is Noncredit? Almost one in every three community college students is enrolled in a noncredit course.
70% of all California community college students enroll only in credit courses.
12% enroll in some combination of credit and noncredit.
18% enroll in noncredit only.
12. How Large Is Noncredit? All 72 districts claim noncredit apportionment
25 colleges account for 83% of all noncredit FTES
Historically colleges have had agreements limiting noncredit.
FTES at sixty cents on the dollar has discouraged many colleges from offering more noncredit courses.
13. Who Are The Noncredit Students? 58% are female and 39% are male.
57% of noncredit students are minorities.
36% are in the 18-24 age group while 22% are 65 or older
39% have some form of high school diploma or completion certificate while 18.4 % have either dropped out or not earned a high school diploma or certificate.
34% do not disclose their educational status.
14. Key Challenges For Noncredit While California offers more categories of instruction than any other state, it ranks 45th nationwide due to the apportionment rate of 60 cents on the dollar. Key challenges for the future include:
Limited space on campus
Budget constraints
Stability of the part-time instructional positions
15. Alignment Project Recommendations Three Overarching Recommendations
Strengthen noncredit instruction through improved curriculum development, articulation, program review and approval process
Build system awareness and capacity of noncredit instruction
Improve alignment and collaboration between noncredit short-term and credit vocational programs and developmental education
16. Alignment Project Future Directions Set the stage for continuous improvement of noncredit instruction
Converge with goals for System Office Strategic Plan
Align noncredit with other community college instructional systems
17. Alignment Project Future Directions Recommend changes to Education Code and Title 5 Regulations
Work toward the long term viability of noncredit instruction