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Endocrine Control of Gastrointestinal Function. Jack L. Leonard 2004. GI Hormones. Candidate Hormones. Neurocrines. Volume Secreted during first 2 hrs. 150. total. 100. 25. cephalic. gastric. 50. total. 20. intestinal. cephalic. 15. Volume (ml/15 min). 10. gastric. 5.
Endocrine Control of Gastrointestinal Function Jack L. Leonard 2004
Volume Secreted during first 2 hrs 150 total 100 25 cephalic gastric 50 total 20 intestinal cephalic 15 Volume (ml/15min) 10 gastric 5 intestinal 1 2 3 4 Hours Fed meat The Three Phases of Acid Secretion
+ sight, smell taste, chewing swallowing conditioned reflex Acetylcholine Bombesin - + + - Somatostatin + gastrin H+ Cephalic Phase Vagal nucleus Somatostatin cell G-cell Oxyntic cell
local reflex acetylcholine Stomach distention Vago- vagal reflex gastrin bombesin Peptides Amino acids Protein digestion acetylcholine H+ Gastric Phase
Intestinal G Cell Gastrin Protein Digestion products Intestinal Endocrine Cell Entero- oxyntin H+ Absorbed amino acids Intestinal Phase
Factors Regulating Acid Secretion Conditioned stimuli Smell, taste Chewing Swallowing hypoglycemia Vagus nerve Gastrin G cell H20 & HCO3- AcH AcH Acinar cells Duct cells Enzymes Gastrin
Vagus nerve (vagovagal reflex) Parietal cell Fat Protein H+ E cells CCK Peptides + Amino acids Fat S cells H+ Secretin Duct cells H20 & HCO3- Acinar cells AcH AcH Enzymes Secretin CCK Factors Regulating Acid Secretion (cont)
Pre-Prandial Pancreas Post-Prandial Monitor peptide Food Protein Chymotrypsin Trypsin Small intestine CCK Pancreatic Enzyme Secretion
Gut – Insulin Secretion Neural reflexes Intestinal dose Oral dose 40 100 Insulin (mU/ml Insulin (mU/ml 50 20 0 0 4 8 40 1 20 min min 10% glucose 10% glucose 100 100 0 0 5 min