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Integrating GPRA Measures into Individual Performance Plans. DOI Annual Business Conference Hunt Valley, Maryland May 23, 2006. Dr. Rich Beck – Director, Office of Planning and Performance Management Kathleen Wheeler – Deputy Chief Human Capital Officer
Integrating GPRA Measures into Individual Performance Plans DOI Annual Business Conference Hunt Valley, Maryland May 23, 2006 Dr. Rich Beck – Director, Office of Planning and Performance Management Kathleen Wheeler – Deputy Chief Human Capital Officer Denise Sheehan – Assistant Director for Budget, Planning and Human Resources, U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service
Performance Plan Requirements • Responsibilities for GPRA accomplishment should be aligned so that individual responsibility for goal accomplishment is clear. • Rating officials should determine which appropriate GPRA/mission strategic goal(s), end outcome goal(s), end outcome performance measure(s), strategies, or strategy performance measure(s) can best be utilized to develop the critical element(s) and standards in each employee’s performance appraisal plan.
SES Performance Plans • Performance Element 1: Achieving Strategic Goals, Including GPRA includes two parts: • A: GPRA • B: Supporting Strategic Goals (e.g., Bureau Operating Plans, Strategic Assignments • For each measure, both the fully successful and commendable performance levels must be defined.
SES Performance Plans • When the performance plan is put in place: • Each GPRA goal for which an executive has responsibility should be listed as it appears in the list of GPRA goals distributed with the performance plan guidance. • Executive’s responsibility for each goal accomplishment should be described. • The level of accomplishment for both the fully successful and commendable performance levels should be identified.
SES Performance Plans • At the end of the rating cycle: • Executive should describe the level of accomplishment for each goal in the right hand column of the template. • The overall rating for this measure will be determined by how many measures were achieved within acceptable margins. • At least 30% of goals must meet the commendable standard for the executive to be rated commendable for this measure.
SES Performance Plans • This measure is to be used where an executive has GPRA responsibilities that contribute to broader accomplishment of GPRA goals. • This measure would apply to individuals in positions where what they do enables accomplishment of a goal, but they are not contributing directly to accomplishing a specific target.
SES Performance Plans • This performance measure is mandatory for Bureau Deputy Directors and Bureau Assistant Directors with GPRA responsibility and is optional for others. • The measure ensures that executives are setting timely, consistent, and verifiable performance targets and ensuring that results are reported consistently.
SES Performance Plans • This holds Senior Executives accountable for ensuring that GPRA and other strategic measures are appropriately “cascaded” into the performance plans of their employees. • To be commendable, the SES needs to provide a sampling of the performance to plans to their planning and human resources offices to ensure that the goals are reflected appropriately.
General Workforce Performance Plans • General workforce plans must have at least one performance element that is linked to the strategic mission and GPRA goals of the Department, Bureau/Office and/or work unit. • The performance element(s) should be clearly labeled as being linked to the strategic mission and GPRA goals on the Performance Plan.
General Workforce Performance Plans • The performance element(s) related to strategic mission and GPRA goals should be consistent with the employee’s responsibilities so that they clearly see how their individual performance links with the accomplishments of the overall mission of the organization.
General Workforce Performance Plans • The same listing of GPRA goal responsibilities by organization that is provided with the SES performance plan guidance is also included with the guidance for putting the general workforce performance plans in place. • This ensures that the goals included in performance plans are the same goals that the organization is being held accountable for by the Office of Planning and Performance Management.
Why? • Linking strategic mission and GPRA goals to performance plans helps individuals understand the relationship of what they do to the overall goals and mission accomplishment of their organization. • The linkage is a required element for obtaining certification of an agency’s SES performance system and for obtaining and maintaining a “green” score for the Human Capital Scorecard.
Resources • For general workforce guidance on performance plans, see Performance Appraisal Handbook (370 DM 430). Appendix A provides GPRA-specific guidance. The handbook and appendices are available at: http://www.doi.gov/hrm/guidance/370dm430hndbk.pdf • For additional information on GPRA measures included in SES performance plans, contact: Dr. Richard T. Beck Director of the Office of Planning and Performance Telephone: 202-208-1818 E-mail: Richard_T_Beck@ios.doi.gov