1. Kant and duty Aim: To explore the concept of Duty, Deontology, and the importance of reason
Starter: Make a list of four things that you feel you should do, even if there is no obvious, direct benefit to yourself
Example: Tidy your room
3. Example: watch the Batman/ Superman clips
In the Superman clip, consider WHY Superman decides to save the helicopter
In the Batman clip, WHY doesnt Batman let the Joker fall?
4. The Importance of Reason How do we work out what the laws of duty are?
Kant says we use REASON
This is a uniquely HUMAN ability, to work things out, to be rational.
What does reason teach us?
That everyone should obey laws, because if a law is right for me it must apply to everyone- this is just consistent.
5. If I expect someone to act in a certain way then I must too.
What if everyone did that?
It is rational to expect everyone to obey rules, not just a few.
This is the Categorical Imperative
Applies to everyone, at all times- it is a DUTY
6. Categorical Imperative Kant had two versions
Version One:
I should universalise my motives, and only act in such a way that I would want a law for everyone to follow.
i.e. Only do things that you think other people should do too.
7. Version 2 What does it mean to treat somebody as a means to an end?
Write down three examples.
8. Version Two:
Treat people as an end not as a means to an end.
This means treating people with dignity, respect, and counting them as equals, not using them to get something selfish.
Example: Being nice to someone so they give you a promotion.