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Last week's assignment. All designs were between-subjects (non-repeated measures)Contrast coefficients?Questions ?. This week. Polynomial contrasts
1. PSYM021 Introduction to Methods & Statistics Week Four: Statistical techniques II
2. Last weeks assignment
3. This week
4. Polynomial contrasts
5. Polynomial contrasts
6. Polynomial trends
7. Two-way ANOVA: Driving study
8. Results of Two-way ANOVA: Driving study
9. Implications This means that you can use ANOVA to examine the independent effects on your data of 2, 3, 4 or more different independent variables
In the SPSS output from such analyses, the so-called main effects tell you whether each variable has an independent effect (by itself) on the dependent variable
The interactions tell you how the effect of each independent variable is itself altered by the influence of the others
10. Interpreting main effects and interactions What does it actually mean to say that
the TIME main effect was significant,
the WEATHER main effect was significant
And that the TIME by WEATHER interaction was significant?
To answer this, it helps to plot the results...
12. Graphs of possible non-interactions(parallel graphs)
13. Graphs of possible interactions(non-parallel graphs)
14. Plots in ANOVA
15. Describing main effects and interactions (1) Distance estimates are affected by whether people are driving during day or at night (the TIME main effect)
(2) Distance estimates are affected by whether people are driving in foggy or clear conditions (the WEATHER main effect)
(3) The average difference in Day compared with Night estimates is itself affected by whether people are driving in foggy or clear conditions (the TIME*WEATHER interaction)
16. Be clear! For example, it is wrong to describe the interaction as showing that:
distance estimates are affected by both WEATHER and TIME of day at which the test is done
This could easily be a description of a completely different experimental outcome:
(1) estimates are affected by WEATHER;
(2) estimates are affected by TIME of day but
(3) No interaction.
17. Summary Main effects tell you something about the differences in performance that occur when an independent variable is manipulated (e.g. effect of day vs. night, or of foggy vs. clear)
The interaction tells you about differences between differences (or more generally between the profiles of the effects of an independent variable).
18. Repeated-measures ANOVA
19. Problems with Sphericity Only relevant to repeated measures
Not necessary for contrasts (not even contrasts using repeated measures variables)
21. Assessing Sphericity One approach is to use Mauchlys test of Sphericity
A significant Mauchly W indicates that the sphericity assumption has been violated
Significant W = trouble
Mauchlys test is innaccurate
Routinely given as the first step of SPSS output
Ignore Mauchlys test table because it is not accurate
What do we do instead?
Greenhouse-Geisser or lower bound test
22. Dealing with departures from Sphericity assumptions Worst Case Scenario:
This assumes that the violation of sphericity is as bad as it could possibly be
In other words, each participant is affected entirely differently by the manipulation
This is known as the Lower Bound test or Greenhouse-Geisser Conservative test
For ANOVA procedures with Repeated-measures IVs, four different F-ratios and p-values are reported.
23. Dealing with departures from Sphericity assumptions
24. Dealing with departures from Sphericity assumptions
25. Undergraduate lectures Sphericity will be covered in more detail in PSYM022
Undergraduate lectures on Sphericity take place on:
Tuesday Nov 14th and 21st
Location: Newman E, 2:00-3:00pm
You are advised to attend these !
26. Summary Non-parametric tests are limited in their ability to provide the experimenter with grounds for drawing conclusions - parametric tests provide more detailed information
Tests of difference use a statistic that reflects a signal to noise ratio, or how much variance in the DV is accounted for by the IV, compared with the what is left
The only fundamental difference between a t-test and ANOVA is the number of levels in the Independent Variable (IV)
T-tests: IV has two levels; ANOVA: IV has three or more levels (or two or more IVs with 2+ levels)
We can combine a number of IVs together in the same ANOVA procedure (two-way, three-way etc.), identifying their individual and combined (interaction) effects on the DV
27. Break If I needed a drink last week, today I need a swim
Five minutes please be prompt
28. Test of association - Correlation A correlation measures the degree of association between two variables (interval or ordinal)
Associations can be positive (an increase in one variable is associated with an increase in the other) or negative (an increase in one variable is associated with a decrease in the other)
Correlation is measured in r (parametric, Pearsons) or ? (non-parametric, Spearmans)
29. Test of association - Correlation Compare two continuous variables in terms of degree of association
e.g. attitude scale vs behavioural frequency
30. Test of association - Correlation Test statistic is r (parametric) or ? (non-parametric)
0 (random distribution, zero correlation)
1 (perfect correlation)
31. Test of association - Correlation Test statistic is r (parametric) or ? (non-parametric)
0 (random distribution, zero correlation)
1 (perfect correlation)
32. Correlation: Height vs Weight Strong positive correlation between height and weight
Can see how the relationship works, but cannot predict one from the other
If 120cm tall, then how heavy?
33. Example: Symptom Index vs Drug A Strong negative correlation
Can see how relationship works, but cannot make predictions
What Symptom Index might we predict for a standard dose of 150mg?
34. Best fit line
Allows us to describe relationship between variables more accurately.
We can now predict specific values of one variable from knowledge of the other
All points are close to the line Example: Symptom Index vs Drug A
35. We can still predict specific values of one variable from knowledge of the other
Will predictions be as accurate?
Why not?
Residuals Example: Symptom Index vs Drug B
36. Simple RegressionHow best to summarise the data?
37. Establish equation for the best-fit line:
y = bx + a General Linear Model (GLM) How best to summarise the data?
38. Establish equation for the best-fit line:
y = bx + a Simple RegressionTerminology
39. For simple regression, R2 is the square of the correlation coefficient
Reflects variance accounted for in data by the best-fit line
Takes values between 0 (0%) and 1 (100%)
Frequently expressed as percentage, rather than decimal
High values show good fit, low values show poor fit
40. R2 = 0
(0% - randomly scattered points, no apparent relationship between X and Y)
Implies that a best-fit line will be a very poor description of data
41. R2 = 1
(100% - points lie directly on the line - perfect relationship between X and Y)
Implies that a best-fit line will be a very good description of data
43. Simple regression uses a t-test to establish whether or not the model describes a significant proportion of the variance in the data
This tests is reported in the SPSS output
44. R2 is reported in the first table in the SPSS output
Expressed as a decimal, but can be reported as a percentage
0.520 = 52%
45. SPSS output table entitled Coefficients
Column headed Unstandardised coefficients - B
Gives regression coefficient for each regressor variable (IV)
Coefficient for AGE = -0.162
Constant = 68.285
DEPRESS = -0.162 AGE + 68.285