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Vital indicators. . SSA IN UTTARAKHAND SSA - Financial Progress ( 2010-11). Progress OverviewAWP
4. SSA IN UTTARAKHANDSSA - Financial Progress ( 2010-11)
Progress Overview
AWP&B for 2010-11 : 430.94
SSA : 423.98
NPEGEL : 2.63
KGBV : 4.33
RTE : : 70.38
Total : 501.33
Balance of 2009-10 : 35.03
Total funds available : 474.76
GoI Share : 305.72 (65%)
State Share : 164.41 (35%)
GoI releases : 257.94
State releases : 146.52
13th Finance release : 31.00
Expenditure of the year 2010-11 : 368.32
Expenditure against AWP&B : 73.47 %
Expenditure against available fund : 77.58 %
5. Achievement (2010-11 )
6. House hold survey conducted during 2010-11 & digitised (on line) for effective tracking of the children living specially in urban areas.
School Mapping in collaboration of Uttarakhand Space Application Centre (U-SAC).
Dissemination and sharing of information regarding revision of norms to implement RTE provisions.
Awareness campaign for RTE among community through print, electronic and folk media.
Regular discourse with forest & park authorities to manage land for construction of schools buildings in Forest / park areas, and to replace EGS centres by the year end.
Teachers training through regular BTC course and professional training to untrained teachers (Para teachers) after qualifying TET.
Enabling ownership among parents towards schools, linking them in SMC.
Need based teachers training focused on constructivism and higher order of learning in the light of RTE provisions.
Special training on the basis of child specific diagnosis and revision of learning material for age specific enrolment. SCERT has just finalised the modules. Strategies for Addressing Major Issues
7. Contd… ‘Dev Bhoomi Muskan Yojna’ for migratory children & ‘Pahal’ for urban deprived children under special training programme.(identification of the prone areas, pattern of migration, dialoguing with willing private schools for convergence, detection of vulnerable children etc. )
Ensure teacher accountability through responsiveness among community.
Comprehensive assessment of children through CCE.
Capacity building of project functionaries and to fulfil vacancies at each level. Additional manpower would be put in place for smooth implementation of activities.
Strengthening of the financial monitoring system .
Improvement in identification, profiling and better resource support to CWSN.
To work out mode of transport & unit cost specially for children residing in sparsely populated areas.
To complete unfinished KGBV buildings: the state has released a sum of Rs.313.72 lakhs so far, needs additional fund from GOI.
8. Action taken by state on preparedness for RTE State Rules for RTE- The State level committee constituted vide order no. 268/XXIV (1) 2010-45/08 Dated 1st April 2010, formulated model rules of which gazette notification has to be issued .
Academic Authority- SCERT is notified and prescribed as Academic Authority vide Govt. order No. 1366/XXIV(1)/2010-45/2008 T.C. Dt 16 September 2010.
Protection of child’s education rights- The State cabinet agreed to setup a State commission for protection of child rights. Notification in this regard has soon to be issued.
Eight year Elementary Education Cycle- Already in place.
No Board Examination- There is a no procedure of centralized or board examination and CCE is put in place in elementary education.
9. Action taken by state on preparedness for RTE Notifications regarding to specify “Weaker Section” and “Disadvantaged Group” under RTE Act 2009 issued on dt. 8 April 2011
For ensuring admission of specified group of children as mentioned in section 2(d) & (e) of RTE Act 2009 to the schools under section 2 (n), sub section (iii) and (iv), a comprehensive Govt. Order No.298/XXIV(1)/2011-45/2008 Dated 07 April 2011 is issued.
A Govt. Order No. 158/XXIV(1)/2011-60/2010, Dt. 09 Feb. 2011 issued for the constitution of School Management Committee under section-21.
The process for the preparation of Special Training Module for OOSC has been finalized. The modules are prepared in collaboration with SCERT & other educationists.
10. Status on basic Performance Indicators Access:
Total habitations in the State: 25050 (for the purpose of school facility, a hamlet is considered habitation)
PS facility within 1 km : 24371 (97.28.%)
Unserved habitation: 679 (2.71%)
UPS facility within 3 km : 24607 (98.23.%)
Unserved habitation: 443 (1.76%)
(Forest Area, Industrial Area, New Developed Urban Slums and migratory population and scattered habitation in hilly areas.)
85 &31 habitations are being served with EGS facility at primary & upper primary level.
11. Habitation, Access (Primary and Upper Primary)
12. Population and Enrolment
13. Coverage of Out of School Children
14. Infrastructure Development Almost 99% Government school having own school buildings and Third Party Evaluation by CBRI, Roorkee for quality assurance.
Deployment of Executive engineer at SPO & recruitment of Asst. Engineer at District level and Junior Engineer at Block level.
School Management committee constituted at school level to carry out all civil work activities.
7 days training of technical persons at Pant Nagar University for capacity building..
15. Infrastructure Development
16. Quality initiative 2010-11 Review and development of curriculum and textbooks for Elementary classes.
Comprehensive child friendly assessment process adopted under CCE.
TLM exhibitions at cluster / block / district level for sharing best practices.
Mandatory Teacher Diary.
Teacher training during vacations – concept and creativity based teacher training.
Performance Indicator ADEPTS mandatory for teachers , BRC and CRC.
Establishment of library at all PS and UPS.
Science/Maths kit and learning corners for supporting math/science learning at UPS level.
Project work - an innovative practice for the problem solving and critical thinking.
Development of comprehensive quality vision framework - Road Map for learning outcome.
Intensive inspection drive carried-out for ensuring teacher`s attendance.
Kunjapuri Approach to Active Group Learning (KAGL)- Expansion of KGAL to104 clusters from 52 (Two cluster of each district).
17. Quality initiative
18. Innovative activities
SC/ST and Minority :Step Ahead
Special training for these children.
SRG constituted.
Strengthening of ‘Ashram Padhyati Schools’ and Maktab Madarsas.
Life skill programmes for these children.
Special mass campaign for this community.
2020 UPS covered under CAL.
Interactive learning materials CDs developed in collaboration with SCERT & APF.
Teachers training with help of IT department.
19. Community Mobilization Mobilization and motivation of parents/community about demand for quality education wrt aptitude and ability.
Integrated community camps (Health- education camps) to be organized at all levels to enable feeling of ownership.
Toll free No. 1800-180-4132- for complaints and suggestions.
SMC being constituted as per norms specified, and more number of parents, local bodies to be nominated.
Multipurpose vehicle with help of corporate / PSU Sector to spread awareness.
Different events like; Nukkad Natak, Bal mela, Kala Jatha, Sapno ki Udaan, Radio Samvad, Television programme carried out to the Gram Panchayat level.
Community mobilization through BGVS.
20. Gender and Social Equity IE for CWSN:
CWSN identified – 22390 (1.26% of total child population).
Enrolled in school- 19348 (86.41%).
Covered through HBE- 1786 (7.9%).
21290 CWSN provided aids and appliances so far.
43629 teachers oriented to IE in in-service trg.
1203 teachers provided 90 day foundation course.
56.89% schools made barrier-free.
Steps ahead
21392 identified children to be covered.
Convergence with other departments and NGOs for identification and assistance.
Sample checking of identified data.
Up dation of Child profiling.
Better resource support to CWSN with the help of resource teachers at block level or as per need.
Individual Educational plan in collaboration with the parents & RTs.
21. Gender and Social Equity Gender Equity:
442 Model Cluster School in all EBBs.
Convergence with Mahila Samakhya in 06 districts.
316936 girls benefited under NPEGEL.
1083 girls enrolled in 26 KGBVs, 41 girls in 2 new KGBVs.
Initiatives taken by State Government for forward linkage of KGBV girls at secondary level.
5589 ECCE centers catering 142679 children.
5120 anganwadi workers trained.
22. Uniform (Entitlement) Progress & Proposal
Uniforms @ Rs. 400 is proposed for children.
The uniform will be procured in the spirit of decentralized mode by the concerned SMCs at local level by themselves.
The State is also providing uniform to some of the SC, ST and other children through social welfare department in ATS school and in Rajeev Gandhi Navodaya Vidyalaya/Shyama Prasad Mukherjee Vidayalaya at their own norms.
23. ESCORT/TRANSPORT (entitlement) Progress & Proposal
Transport/Escort is being proposed to the children residing in sparsely populated habitations in far flung area and some where in urban areas of the State, where either the schools cannot be established as per norms or the land constraint for construction of building.
The State has worked out to provide this facility on priority basis to those children who used to travel long distance to go to schools. Besides this the street children of urban area who usually engaged in petty things are proposed for the facility (entitlement).
24. Issues 1 Proposal for re-sanctioning of spill over amount for 20 UPS in district Uttarkashi.
In Uttarkashi district 20 UPS were sanctioned by PAB in the year 2007-08 with the unit cost of Rs. 9.05 lakhs. The total amount sanctioned was Rs.181.00 lakhs. The State got 4.52 lakhs spill over based on the tentative expenditure (Rs.176.475 lakhs) mentioned in the costing of 2008-09. The State could not revise the spill over budget as per actual expenditure incurred in that year which was Rs. 135.75 lakhs. The present status of the work is that all these 20 UPS buildings have been completed but payment is still to be given to concerned VEC.
Therefore the PAB is requested to sanction the remaining spill over amount (Rs. 45.25 lakhs- Rs. 4.52 = Rs. 40.73 lakhs) against new primary school head in district Uttarkashi.
25. Issues 2 Proposal for sanctioning of the spill over amount (not spilled over) for 06 KGBV in two district.
As per status shown in the table, a sum of Rs. 24.30 lakhs could not be spilled over in the next financial year. The matter was put up before GOI earlier vide letter dt. 25.6.10 and 16.7.10 but it was told to put up the proposal in regular PAB for next year. So the PAB is requested to approve Rs. 24.30 lakhs.
26. Issues 3 Proposal for additional requirement of fund to complete KGBVs.
Total budget requirement as per present SOR Rs. 2061.99 lakhs
Total budget sanctioned/approved under SSA Rs. 662.70 lakhs
Additional budget requirement Rs. 1399.39 lakhs
Budget to be borne by the State Rs. 696.59 lakhs
Additional budget to be sanctioned under SSA Rs. 702.70 lakhs
Out of additional requirement of Rs. 1399.29 lakhs around 50% fund is being borne by the State. Considering the efforts made by the State, remaining 50% may be sanctioned from GOI so that all these buildings can be used and the children may get their entitlement. So PAB is requested to sanctioned Rs. 702.70 lakhs additional funds.
27. Issues 3 Proposal for additional manpower at SPO
The State has a total number of 66 post as a manpower sanctioned at State Project Office. With the advent of RTE the programme has spread out that need additional manpower for better implementation. The following additional post need to be created for better management.
There is a need of full fledged technical cell at State level therefore it need 04 additional post of Assistant Engineer besides the technical staff available at present.
04 program coordinator (1- Urban Planning, 1- PMIS, 1-Pedagogy and 1-Incharge for call center for RTE).
To establish design cell and legal cell at SPO for which the empanelment is required.
One Audit Officer for effective financial management by way of auditing funds at each level.
The expenditure would be borne under total management cost of the State. So PAB may kindly allow.
28. Proposal for 2011-12
31. Status on Commitment 2010-11