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The Battery Canon

The Battery Canon. Jay Ni Nandita Sriram Jonathan Tan Zhi Kuang Tan Andy Teo ENGR 145 Winter 2008. Harnessing Waste Energy: From Heat to Electricity . The Problem. It takes nearly 15 years to recoup the extra investment in hybrid cars! * Who would want to make this commitment?.

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The Battery Canon

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Presentation Transcript

  1. The Battery Canon Jay Ni Nandita Sriram Jonathan Tan Zhi Kuang Tan Andy Teo ENGR 145 Winter 2008 Harnessing Waste Energy: From Heat to Electricity

  2. The Problem It takes nearly 15 years to recoup the extra investment in hybrid cars! * Who would want to make this commitment? *Based on calculations comparing the Honda Civic to the Honda Civic Hybrid

  3. Value Proposition • To make hybrid cars more cost effective by improving their fuel efficiency by up to 25% • How? • By recovering waste energy! • Over 60% of the energy used by a combustion engine is wasted as heat. • Technology: • Rough Thermoelectric Silicon Nanowires

  4. How It Works

  5. Value Chain While we must target car manufacturers to implement the technology, our product ultimately benefits the consumer, who saves money on gas!

  6. Market Analysis Source: Green Car Congress “We see the hybrid unit continuing to grow to over 1 million units by 2012 so long as gas prices grow.” -Michael Omotoso, senior manager of J.D. Power.

  7. Money Savings! With the thermoelectric silicon nanowires, consumers enjoy a ~25% increase on their mileage and can expect to save an extra ~$150 per year!

  8. Business Timeline • Complete working prototype • Pilot testing via General Motors and Ford 2013 2009 - 2010 Mar. 2008 Dec. 2008 2011 - 2012 • Found company • Secure VC seed financing ($3.5M) • R&D to reach target efficiency for commercialization. • Second round of financing for marketing and manufacturing. •  Large-scale commercial launch

  9. Financial Projections

  10. Competitors • Homogeneous Charge Compression Ignition • Alternative Bulk Thermoelectric Materials, e.g. Bi2Te3 ,(Hi-Z Technologies) • Quantum Well Thermoelectrics • Power Chips (www.powerchips.gi)

  11. Our Partners • Federal and State Governments • Silicon Suppliers • Clean Tech Supporters (e.g. PG&E) • Car Manufacturers engaged in developing thermoelectric materials (e.g. GM) • Semiconductor Fabricating Companies

  12. Risks

  13. Future Opportunities

  14. Conclusions • We feel like this is an excellent opportunity! • Huge growing market • Oil prices are rising. • Clean tech investing is at its prime. • Risks are manageable. • Builds value for an increasingly “green” society.

  15. Notable Primary References • Peidong Yang: UC Berkeley, Dept. of Chemistry • Co-inventor, Professor • Clay Maranville: Ford Motor Company • Sr. Research Scientist, Dept. of Materials Science & Nanotechnology • David Wagner: Ford Motor Company • Technical Specialist • Ed Tate: General Motors Corporation • Hybrid Powertrain Engineering • Leonel Leal: Toyota Motor Engineering • Plastics, Engineering Specialist • Scott Kohn: Tesla Motors, Inc. • Engineer • N. Jason Mendez:Tesla Motors, Inc. • Development Engineer

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