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Title 5 and curriculum development. Cathy Cox Curriculum Review Committee Chair January 28, 2010. What is Title 5? . Education Code (Law). Title 5 (Regulations). Title 5. California Code of Regulations (CCR) Implements legislation Has the force of law.
Title 5 and curriculum development Cathy Cox Curriculum Review Committee Chair January 28, 2010
What is Title 5? Education Code(Law) Title 5(Regulations)
Title 5 • California Code of Regulations (CCR) • Implements legislation • Has the force of law
Academic rigor and the “Carnegie Unit” Title 5 §55002.5:48 hours of “time on task” = 1 unit(minimum requirement)54 hours of “time on task” = 1 unit (maximum for apportionment) 3 unit class = 3 x 54 = 162 hours of work total 5 unit class = 5 x 54 = 270 hours of work total
Lecture vs. lab Lecture Units Student contact hours per unit: 16-18 Outside class hours per unit: 32-36 Total hours of “time on task”: 48-54 Lab Units Student contact hours per unit: 48-54 Outside class hours per unit: 0 Total hours of “time on task”: 48-54
Disciplines Title 5 §53400-53430 • Listed in the “Disciplines List”: Minimum Qualifications for Faculty and Administrators in the California Community Collegeshttp://www.cccco.edu/Portals/4/minimum_quals_jan2008.doc • 2 sections:Master’s and non-Master’s disciplines
Disciplines • Discipline = minimum qualifications needed to teach • Department = administrative oversight of the course • List all acceptable disciplines for each course!
Interdisciplinary studies Minimum qualifications for “Interdisciplinary Studies”: • Master’s in the interdisciplinary area OR • Master’s in one of the disciplines included in the interdisciplinary area and upper division or graduate course work in at least one other constituent discipline
Hypothetical course: “Politics of Race and Gender” • Applicable Disciplines: • Sociology • Ethnic Studies • Political Science • Women’s Studies Interdisciplinary Studies (requires degree in one area plus additional grad. work in second area) Multiple Disciplines (any one of the listed disciplines can teach course)
Pre- and co-requisites • Either one or the other (Datatel limitation, not regulatory) • “Content Review” required - Title 5 §55003 Ties specific outcomes from previous class to entry requirements for next class
Repeatability Title 5 §55040 et. seq. • Maximum of 3 repeats for credit - affects reporting for apportionment • Limitations on repeatable courses: • Legally mandated for student’s continued employment; or • Content of course differs each time; or • “Activity course” • Not allowed: ESL, foreign language, or non-degree applicable basic skills courses (Title 5 §55041)
Chancellor’s Office Approval required by the State for: • Associate Degrees • “Certificates of Achievement” of 18 units+(transcriptable) • Substantial modifications to existing programs
Resources: • Program and Course Approval Handbook(PCAH) http://www.cccco.edu/Portals/4/pcah_032009.pdf • Minimum Qualifications (Disciplines List)http://www.asccc.org/Publications/Papers/downloads/PDFs/minimum_quals_jan2008.pdf • ASCCC Curriculum Developer’s Websitehttp://www.ccccurriculum.info/