1. U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) Enterprise Email Communication Case Study Introduce self.Introduce self.
2. Review agenda.
Review agenda.
3. Purpose of the FDA Website To provide accurate, timely and useful FDA-related information to the public.
To provide interactive forums, such as discussion groups and bulletin boards, in order to exchange information and opinions about FDA-related issues, and comment on FDA proposals.
To provide a venue for electronic "commerce" between the public and the agency in terms of on-line submission of information from regulated industry, on-line reporting of adverse reactions, and other matters related to FDA-regulated products.
4. Phase 1 of FDA.gov Update: Homepage Redesign
Update look
Meet information needs of all FDA stakeholders
Increase consumer focus
Ease access to all content
Add improved email communication NOTE: Theres animation in this slideNOTE: Theres animation in this slide
5. Updated Homepage
6. Why Enterprise Email Communication? A major purpose of FDAs Website: To provide accurate, timely and useful FDA-related information to the public
FDAs audiences are diverse with different information needs
Email is a Key Communication Channel
"87% of Consumers online time is spent reading their emails"
-David Daniels, Vice President of JupiterResearch, (Dec. 2007).
Successful GovDelivery pilot in CDRH
Flexibility and Customization
7. Predecessor to FDA.gov Enterprise Email Communication Launch: Center for Devices & Radiological Health (CDRH)
Launch Nov. 2005
Offered 15 items
Went from 14k subscribers to >50k in first year; 113k in Year II; Now 282,773
Increased # of topics chosen per subscriber by 300%
Sent 5.8 million emails 12/05-12/07; 2,060,241 from Jan-June 08
8. Subscription Option Examples at CDRH
9. Lessons Learned at CDRH that Applied to FDA Enterprise Offer many topics to meet information needs of diverse stakeholders
Promote subscription options on every relevant page
Seek ways to automate getting emails out to public (limit administrator involvement)
Rollout quickly and make adjustments
10. FDA Email Updates Across the Website
11. Administrators Across FDA Control How Messages Go Out Automation is used in a number of ways
12. FDA.gov Email Update Sign-Up
13. Most Popular FDA Subscription Topics Recalls, Market Withdrawals and Safety Alerts
MedWatch Safety Alerts
FDA News Digest
Dietary Supplements and Food Labelling
FDA Patient Safety News
Drug Information
FDA Consumer Health Information
Drug Safety News (Podcast alert)
FDA Press Releases
14. Users Sign up to more Topics with Cross-Promotion
15. As a Final Step for End Users, FDA Offers Relevant Content from other Agencies
16. HHS.gov uses the Web 2.0 Collaboration Network to Promote FDA Content
17. Power of Cross Promotion Across HHS
18. FDA Email Subscription Results
19. Final Lessons Learned & Next Steps Lessons Learned
Your first customers are your administrators engage them early and often
Maximize audience analysis to provide best service to stakeholders
Tweak over time
Next Steps
Continue adding new topics while reducing redundancy
Continue implementing subscription links across website and experimenting with homepage placement
Work with other agencies on cross-promotion
20. Tomatoes
21. Q&A Discussion