Getting Higher Education in France. Primary Specialization of Education in France Made by Anna Shevkoplyas and Olga Kravchenko
Getting Higher Education in France.three main types of institution Compared to other countries, France has an unusual and complex system of higher education. There are three main types of higher institutions 1. Lycées ( or "Prépas“) 2. Universities 3. “Grandes Ecoles”
"Prépas" are the classic illustration of the traditional French approach to education, which involves a lot of book-learning, long hours in the classroom, amassing of facts and information, and less in the way of questioning, discovery and creativity Lycées ( or "Prépas“) LyceeCondorcet — one of the four oldest and best Parisianlyceums. And Lycee Henri IV
The Université Blaise Pascal in Clermont Ferrand The Université de Provence France has 82 state universities, plus 5 Catholic universities (and a large number of private "institutes", some of which award degrees.) Universities award three types of degree, in line with the European "Bologna" system. The first degree (3 years) is the Licence, the first postgraduate degree (5 years' study) is the Masters, and the final degree, obtained after at least eight years' study, is the Doctorate.
Sorbonne University Three best universities in france
Grading Degrees at Licence and Masters levels come with various grades: as throughout the French education system, marks are graded on a scale of 0 to 20, with 10 being the pass mark. A pass degree is one where the student has an average mark of between 10 and 11.99; at first degree level, the majority of students get a pass degree. From 12 upwards, students receive a "mention" : Assez Bien (not bad) from 12 to 13.99, Bien (good) from 14 to 15.99, and Très Bien (very good) from 16 upwards. In most university departments, a general 'Mention trèsbien" would not normally be awarded to more than 3% of students, often far less - so it is really something quite exceptional on a graduate's CV. Graduation ceremonies do not exist in French universities. However, some university departments have introduced unofficial ceremonies, notably for Masters graduates.
The most famous Grande Ecole is "Polytechnique", also known as "X", which was founded in 1794 as a school of public engineering. Compared to other countries, France has an unusual and complex system of higher education. The peak of the education pinnacle in France is represented by the country's “Grandes Ecoles” (there is no an equivalent for this education institute in America) - relatively small and highly selective "schools" which provide a cosseted higher education to the nation's future elites - tomorrow's senior civil servants
Primary Specialization of Education in France First of all, you should know that there are about 80 state universities in France. 12% of students in France are foreigners among 500 best universities in the world, French one ranks the 65th place
Rank Establishment 1. Harvard University 2. Stanford 3. Berkeley 4. University of Cambridge 5. Massachusetts Institute of Technology 6. Princeton University 7. Oxford 8. California Institute of Technology 9. Columbia University 10. University of Chicago 39. Pierre and Marie Curie University (Paris 6) 46. Université Paris-Sud (Paris 11) 87. Ecole Normale Supérieure (Paris) 101-150. Aix-Marseille University 101-150. University of Strasbourg 101-150. Université Paris Diderot 151-200. Université Joseph Fourier (Grenoble 1) 151-200. University of Bordeaux 151-200. University Paris Descartes (Paris 5)
The 39th place Pierre and Marie Curie University
The 46th place Université Paris-Sud
The 46th place Ecole Normale Supérieure
Specialties, which today are in demand on the French labor market:- Nurses and junior medical staff.- Marketing and Logistics.- Specialists in insurance and in banking.- Financiers and accountants.- Managers, managers in industry, specializing in mechanical and electrical engineering.
Unclaimed specialty in the labor market in France:- Skilled and low-skilled workers, using manual labor in manufacturing plants that produce electronic and electrical devices.- Employees of enterprises of tourism and hotel business.- The representatives of creative professions.- Poorly builders.- Cashiers, salesmen.
In the near future the following trends are projected increase in demand for such specialists:- Workers in childcare and elderly, on the basis of the institution.- Skilled construction workers.- Accountants.- Employees of the statistical data processing.- Qualified physicists and chemists.- Nurses and midwives, junior medical staff.
In conclusion on this topic… What a foreign student should know: 1. Foreign students have the same opportunity of getting well-paid job as French students 2. All students, after graduating universities, will get well-paid job immediately 3. Their salary will directly depend on their experience
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