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Living away from home seems more like an adventure trip, squeezing your lives into suitcases and leaving your native city behind with dreamy eyes and ambitious heart. When you move away you turn your life into a journey filled with uncertainty and you grow up in unexpected ways. You face new challenges, you get to know parts of you didn’t know existed, you’re amazed at yourself and at the world. You learn, you broaden your horizons. You evolve. You feel homesick… and you shape memories that will stay with you forever.
YOU START REALIZING THAT YOU LOVE YOUR HOMETOWN AND IT IS MUCH CLOSER TO YOUR HEART THAN YOU EVER THOUGHT. source:http://az616578.vo.msecnd.net/files/2016/04/24/635971284441680795755320886_friendsroommate.jpg
MONEY HOLDS SO MUCH MORE VALUE NOW AND YOU APPRECIATE THE SLIGHTEST YOU HAVE. source:http://clickmarketingsolution.com/wpcontent/uploads/gallery/geld_inner.png
YOU LEARN TO APPRECIATE YOUR OWN COMPANY. source:http://cdnmedia1.lifehack.org/wpcontent/files/2014/07/index4.jpeg
FRIENDS BECOME THE VITAL PART OF YOUR LIFE, ENDING UP BECOMING YOUR OWN LITTLE FAMILY. source: http://www.hercampus.com/sites/default/files/2015/08/22/oCOLLEGEROOMMATESfacebook.jpg
YOU START BECOMING MORE RESPONSIBLE. source:http://www.myrkothum.com/wpcontent/uploads/2008/06/youareresponsible.jpg
YOU BECOME INDEPENDENT: CLEANING, COOKING BECOME YOUR TRAITS. source:http://www.flowservices.com.au/wpcontent/uploads/2016/01/manwithlargepiee1453426614853.jpg
YOU DISCOVER YOURSELF AND THE TRUE FACES OF PEOPLE. source:http://www.hercampus.com/sites/default/files/2015/08/22/oCOLLEGEROOMMATESfacebook.jpg