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Google Ads Services

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Google Ads Services

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  1. Google Ads Services Professional knowledge: You need to be familiar with Google’s bidding advertising delivery mechanism, keyword filtering, ad text writing and other professional knowledge. You also need to be familiar with the rules and account management of the Google advertising platform. Analytical ability: You need to be able to independently analyze problems in ADS accounts, analyze the causes based on data and propose improvement plans. Therefore, certain data analysis capabilities and promotion planning capabilities are required. Communication skills: It is necessary to communicate efficiently with customers and adjust the delivery strategy in a timely manner to achieve better results. Be patient and careful: Since the placement of bidding ads is a long-term process, you need to carefully adjust and observe the advertising effects, and patiently process various data reports in order to find and solve problems in time. Innovation ability: It is necessary to constantly try new delivery strategies, advertising materials and new methods to improve delivery effects. Practical experience: For a bidder without any rich practical experience, no matter how good the theory is, it is just talk on paper, and it is also irresponsible to the customer. DMT bidders have extensive experience in advertising consumption exceeding 1 billion yuan. Google search ads

  2. When users search for relevant keywords on the Google search engine, these search ads will be displayed at the top and bottom of the search results page. This is a form of pay-per-click advertising. Advertisers only need to pay when the ad is clicked, and there is no charge if there is no click. Google Shopping Ads Mainly aimed at C-end retail sellers, shopping ads are based on products and displayed on Google search results pages and shopping pages. It usually displays product pictures, titles, prices, retailer names and other information, and users can directly click on the advertisement to enter the product page. Google Display Ads It is mainly displayed on the Google Alliance website and the Google AdSense mobile interface, displaying advertising content in various forms such as pictures, text and videos. Display advertising does not require users to actively search, but attracts potential customers through "active display". Google Performance Maximization Ads Google effect maximization advertising combines all Google advertising types. After setting marketing goals, budgets, and bids, the DMT machine automatically learns to realize intelligent bidding and intelligent placement of ads to maximize the effect and achieve advertising goals. Google Video Ads

  3. Video ads placed on the Google platform usually appear on YouTube or other Google partner websites. We can screen and promote products to certain groups based on their characteristics and audience. The advantage of video advertising is to promote the brand, but it is poor for inquiry or order conversion. Google discovery ads Discovery ads combine the form of text titles, descriptions, and pictures, and are actively displayed on YouTube, Gmail, and Search through machine learning. It is generally displayed on YouTube, Gmail and Search. Google Ads is an online advertising platform developed by Google, which allows businesses to display ads on Google's search engine and other properties, including websites and mobile apps, through a pay- per-click (PPC) model. This advertising platform is an essential tool for businesses looking to promote their products or services, generate leads, and drive website traffic. Here are some key aspects of Google Ads services: Ad Types: Google Ads offers various ad formats, including text ads, display ads, video ads, and shopping ads, to cater to different advertising goals and target audiences. Keyword Targeting: Advertisers choose specific keywords or search queries to trigger their ads to appear in Google's search results. Keywords are central to targeting the right audience. Budget Control: Advertisers can set daily and monthly budgets, ensuring they have control over their advertising spend. Bidding: Advertisers can choose between various bidding strategies, such as manual CPC (Cost-Per-Click) or automated strategies like Target CPA (Cost-Per-Acquisition) and Target ROAS (Return on Ad Spend). Audience Targeting: Google Ads allows for precise audience targeting, including demographics, interests, behaviors, and retargeting of previous website visitors.

  4. Ad Extensions: These provide additional information or call-to-action buttons in ads, enhancing ad visibility and interaction. Ad Quality: The quality of your ads and the landing page experience are important factors in Google Ads. Ad quality can affect your ad's position and cost. Ad Auction: Google Ads operates on a real-time auction system where ads compete for placement based on factors like bid amount, ad relevance, and landing page experience. Ad Performance Tracking: Advertisers can monitor their campaign performance in real-time and adjust their strategies accordingly. Google Ads provides detailed analytics and reporting. Conversion Tracking: It allows you to track specific actions that users take after clicking on your ads, such as making a purchase or filling out a contact form. Location Targeting: Businesses can target specific geographic regions to reach a local or global audience. Ad Scheduling: Advertisers can schedule when their ads appear, allowing them to target specific times and days to reach their audience. Remarketing: Advertisers can show ads to users who have previously visited their website, helping to re- engage potential customers.

  5. Display Network: In addition to Google search results, Google Ads allows businesses to display ads on the Google Display Network, a collection of websites, YouTube, and mobile apps. Shopping Ads: These are used by e-commerce businesses to display product images and information in search results. Video Ads: Google Ads includes options for running video ads on YouTube and across the web. Smart Campaigns: Google offers simplified ad campaign options for small businesses, making it easier for them to get started with online advertising. To use Google Ads effectively, businesses often benefit from working with digital marketing professionals who can create and manage campaigns to maximize their ROI. The platform is complex and requires continuous monitoring and optimization to achieve the best results.

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