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Ashish Aggarwal Founder & CEO Of SpaceMantra Talks About Evolving Luxury Trends In The Real Estate Sector In India

A fascinating trend has evolved among the evolving trends of luxury real estate: an increasing demand for facilities and services that ooze pure ease and magnificence. A plethora of world-class facilities, ranging from the abstract appeal of infinity pools to the vertiginous views of rooftop lounges, and the brawn and beauty of workout centers that leave one gasping in amazement, are what smart homebuyers are looking for, says Ashish Aggarwal. Developers are incorporating these amenities into their properties to attract affluent buyers.

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Ashish Aggarwal Founder & CEO Of SpaceMantra Talks About Evolving Luxury Trends In The Real Estate Sector In India

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  2. Luxury residences have been at the forefront of India's quickly developing real estate market for the past several years. Due to changing consumer preferences and expectations, the Indian real estate market is expected to undergo substantial changes in the following year. Developerswhospecialiseinbuildingluxuryhousesarepreparedtodisruptthegamebyfocusingonofferingtop-notchamenitiesandservices to attract wealthy clients. With developers concentrating on providing top-notch amenities and services to draw wealthy consumers, luxury residences,inparticular,arepoisedtochangethegame.AccordingtoAshishAggarwalSpaceMantra,luxuryhousesarepoisedtoalterhowwe liveandinvestinrealestate.Theseincludesmarthomesoutfittedwiththenewesttechnologyandluxuriousrooftoploungesandinfinitypools. LetusanalyzeemergingdevelopmentswithinIndia'srealestateindustryregardingitstransformationaltrendsfor2023-specificallyfocusing onhowhigh-endpropertiesaredrivingthesechanges. WWW.ASHISHAGGARWAL.COM

  3. In India, luxury properties have become synonymous with high-end amenities, premium quality finishes, and world-class services. Luxury propertiesareoftendesignedforaffluentbuyerswhoseekexclusivity, privacy, and comfort. Such luxury properties aren't called luxury just becauseofhow it'sdeveloped butwhereitisdeveloped too. Developers like to construct such properties in areas close to city downtowns that are home to excellent educational institutions and healthcarefacilitiesaswellasluxuryshoppinghubs. Developersliketohirewell-knownand world-renownedinterior designers to give a touch of class to the living spaces, and the architectscontributetothisbyprovidingtheblueprintswithadoseof creativity. Remotelycontrollingyourhouseisalsomadepossiblethroughstate- of-the-art technology like smart home systems which often come alongwiththeseproperties.AccordingtoAshishAggarwal,Theyalso feature high-end appliances, fixtures, and finishes, such as Italian marbleflooring,Germankitchenappliances,anddesignerlighting. Overall,in response to the growing demand fromthe cash-rich property investors in India forluxury properties, more and more developersarefocusingondeliveringhigh-endluxuryproperties. OVERVIEWOFLUXURY PROPERTIESININDIA ASHISHAGGARWAL FOUNDER&CEOSPACEMANTRA WWW.ASHISHAGGARWAL.COM

  4. The preferences of Indian luxury homebuyers are changing rapidly, with buyers looking for properties that offer the latest amenities and services. Indian consumers of luxury homes are increasingly searching for homes with the newest facilities and services, which is altering their preferences quickly. Luxury house purchasers of today seek properties with the most up-to-date amenities,cutting-edgetechnology,andbreathtakingsights. Theincreasingdemandforsmarthousesisoneofthemajortrendsintheluxuryrealestateindustry. Inordertomanagetheirhousesfromanywhereintheglobe,buyersareoptingforhomesthatgive automation and management. To fulfil this expanding demand, developers are integrating smart hometechnologiesintotheirbuildings. A fascinating trend has evolved amongst the evolving trends of luxury real estate: an increasing demandforfacilitiesandservicesthatoozepureeaseandmagnificence.Aplethoraofworld-class facilities, ranging from the abstract appeal of infinity pools to the vertiginous views of rooftop lounges,andthebrawnandbeautyofworkoutcentresthatleaveonegaspinginamazement,are whatsmarthomebuyersarelookingfor,saysAshishAggarwal.Developersareincorporatingthese amenitiesintotheirpropertiestoattractaffluentbuyers. CHANGINGPREFERENCESOFINDIANLUXURYHOMEBUYERS WWW.ASHISHAGGARWAL.COM

  5. The increase in luxury real estate is mostly a result of rising middle-class affluence and an increaseinhigh-net-worthindividuals(HNIs)inIndia.Astheirincomesanddisposableincome rise, more and more Indians are keen to invest in premium real estate that offers an opulent lifestyle. TheexpandingurbanisationtrendinIndiaisalsoadrivingforcebehindthedevelopmentof luxuryrealestate,accordingtoanexpertanalysisbyAshishAggarwalSpaceMantra.Asmore individuals move to cities, the demand for luxury housing options, such as luxury flats and villas, has skyrocketed. Developers are fully utilising this pattern and shift in Indians' lifestyle demandsafterrecognisingit.Thereareafewmaincausesbehindtheincreaseindemandfor luxury homes and estates. First and foremost, after witnessing the pandemic, Indians today choosetoenjoyliferatherthanputmoneyawayforthefuture.Indiansnowchoosetoresidein thriving communities with excellent schools for their children, outdoor swimming pools for summergatherings,andshoppingcentresnearby.Theyalsoexpectmodernconveniencesto beincludedinthelivingarea. WHYAREUPSCALEHOMESGAININGPOPULARITYININDIA? WWW.ASHISHAGGARWAL.COM

  6. India'sluxuryrealestatemarketwouldbeatrueElDoradoforenterprisinginvestorswith an eye for excess and a taste for novelty. The demand for these opulent homes is anticipatedtoskyrocketinthefutureyearsasaresultoftwofactors:growingstandardsof living sought by people moving into the upper middle class and new investment opportunitiesforthewealthy. Since they thrive at the nexus of personal indulgence and professional know-how, investorscaninvesttheirmoneyinluxuryhomesforeitherpersonalenjoymentorrental income.ThearistocracyofNRIs,HNIs,anddiplomatsareallvyingfortheseandarewilling to pay top dollar for these opulent luxury lodging options. Luxury real estate investing requires careful consideration of a number of factors,such as location, developer reputation,andamenities.Beforeinvestinginanyproperty,investorsshoulddotheirdue diligenceandextensivestudy. OPPORTUNITIESFORLUXURYREALESTATEINVESTMENTININDIA WWW.ASHISHAGGARWAL.COM

  7. TheluxuryrealestatemarketinIndiais onitswaytoindustry-defining changesthatarestillhardto determineinthecomingyears,driven bychangingpreferences,anewsurge ofthemiddle-classpopulation,and expectationsofhomebuyers.Andwith thesurgeoftechnologyinthehome developmentindustry,therising demandforsustainability,andthe demandforluxuryfeaturesevenin budgetaccommodationoptionshave pusheddevelopersintoanewarea wheretheyhavetofocusondelivering onlythebest. THEFUTUREOFLUXURY REALESTATEININDIA


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