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Ashish Aggarwal founder of Acube Ventures shares, u201cIf you see yourself and your company achieving profitable billion dollar success, then this article would be a perfect fit as it uncovers the business control relevant for growth.
Ashish Aggarwal founder of Acube Ventures shares, “Ifyou see yourselfand your company achievingprofitablebilliondollar success, then this article would be a perfect fit as it uncovers the businesscontrolrelevantforgrowth. Tounderstanditonadeeperlevel,thefirststepincludesscientific audit which helps solopreneurs and entrepreneurs to build a successful brand. With hand-picked financial growth strategies, internationalbrandsassociatedwithAshishAggarwalAcube Ventures Group have seen massive quantities of success bulging aperfectblendofinnovation,resilienceandgrowthusing technologicalaidtoaddressthepainpointofindustries.
It’s relevant to keep a check over internal controls of the venture,it’sessentialtofocusonthebalanceandpositioning of your firm to thrive. Voyaging right from interviewing to land a billion dollar success is a road filled with astonishing experiences, supportive mentors, valuable network, money managementandvaluabledeliveryforproduct. With significant time,resources, money and energy your dreamjobdependsonit.Inthejourney,maybeyou encounter people where you might have not told you “YES” or that interviewer you have not told you “NO” For non Idea labs,peoplemighthaveachievedwildsuccess.When decisionmakingauthoritygoesoutofthewindow,a organization is left to witness inadequate regime, reckless cash management process, and focussed authority within small groups and under experiencedecision maker and otherissues,AshishAggarwal,isafinancialbrainiacwhohas broughtwiderangeofinternationalbrandtoIndia,by leadinggrowthtodifferentbusinesses,hisampleexperience inleadership,todeliverefficientsolutiontomanyindustry. OVERVIEW WelcometoThynkUnlimited, where we specialize in propelling businessestonewheights through innovativeand results- driven marketing strategies. In a rapidly evolving digital landscape, ouragencystandsoutforits commitmentto delivering tailoredsolutions thatresonate with your target audience. Here's a snapshot of what we bring to thetable:
ImportanceOfControlsInBusiness Internalandbusinesscontrolsdepictthepolicies,proceduresand practiceswhicharedesignedandaccomplishedwithinthe business segments to protect assets, ensuring accurate financial reporting,whileenhancingpromotionalefficiency. Internalcontrols,suchasassigningofduties,consistent monitoring,andlicensingprocedurewhichcomprehendsto businesscontrols.Importanceofcontrolrises with thesizeofthe company, more broadly with the number of employees working towardsthesuccessoftheorganization.
The risk is complicated by the trend towards remote workforce, postcovid19shifthasbroughtmanyorganizations,hasprovided manytraditionalcontrolsgoobsolete.Forexample,many traditional ways have been replaced with digital payment release strategy. Inasmallorganization,asingledecisionmakerisresponsiblefor handling different decisions, which is projected behind every action and choice. Consider the founder of a pre-seed startup, lookingtocontractwithasoftwarevendor. When anentrepreneurpersonallydecideswhichvendorto partner with,the consequences of poor choicefallson the shoulders,affectingfinancesandoperationsoftheorganization.
However,asacompany grows, theCEOisresponsibletomake a choice, continue to make all calls and risks, or sometimes delegatingsomeofthosedecisionstosomeonefromaC-suite. However, no matter how much trust a CEO has on a new Vice President, trust is not an efficient solution. In the absence of a controllable framework, the VicePresident will follow their personalizedselectionprocess,indoingsoriskproportionateto level of responsibility. Likewise, the CEO doesn’t get a clear sense,whichdecisiontodelegateandthedecisionswhichthey have to reserve, which can make the CEO diverge randomly betweenmicromanagementanddisengagement.
TheMythOfControlImpeding Growth So, I have created an innovative, growing internal framework for quickly growing companies by accommodating, my trainer andexperienceatextreme,moreconventionalorganized corporations. These extensions are designed to reduce losses, helpinginsecuringventurecapitalfundingwithout compromisingagility. Ashish Aggarwaladvice for you would be to start by assessing andrecordingfollowingriskandcontrolfactorsforyour organization. Doing so will ensure common understanding are reached on relevant topics while allowing decision makers to buildefficientworkprocesswhilehandlingtherisk appropriately,
OperatingComplexitiesregardspresentmanpower,staffing model, workforce, operating location, business model and customerbase.Whenacompanybecomesmorecomplex,it requiresgreaterneedofclosermonitoring. TechnologicalAidgrantsacompanyaposition,diversifiedrange of robotic control, is a crucial pillar for simplifying control framework.Agiantorganizationemploysamassivechunkof technology across all areas, which multiplies complexity and efficiencyinthedesignofautomatedbusinesscontrols.
Materiality is the foundation under which you would be able to toleratefinancialdeviation,mistakes,andvariationintheprocess. Anything or everything over the materiality threshold must point toimmediateactionorreporting.Whenthinkingaboutboth financialandnonfinancialimpact(lossofcredibilityand customer’strust).Alowerlimitwoulddemandgreatercontrol. RiskSensitivityisaformofmaterialitywhichismostlyuseful when it’s rigid to estimate a monetary value. It helps a CEO to define their opinion and risk tolerance. When we talk about it subjectively,Icantolerate,unpredictablesubscriptionmodelfrom salesaslongaswearethrivingcontinuously.Thisthoughtwill likely evolve overtime, documenting it today provides a useful incentive for a reference. Higher risk sensitivity promotes lesser control.
Fundraising Stage is a common trigger for a tight control, to be initiated, as shareholders carry higher expectations for larger companies.Angelsbeforeinvestingconsidertheoverall,business control of the organization in different ways before closing the round. With great understanding one can lay a strong foundation for progressivecontrolsystem,asitcontrolshowmanyfoundations are included in an organization. After this we will learn more aboutmappingthreeleversofcontrols: Once the overall authentication and evaluation of risk and controlsaredone,Iusethreeessentialadvantagestomeasure eachcontrol,whichdeterminesoverallriskevaluationandrisk capacityforeachcompany: ValueLimit:Thistweakthevaluewhichtriggersthemanagement, Whenwechangethislimit,itgreatlyimpactstheflagsforreview.
Cadence: This assesses how proficient a control is performed, frompertransactiontodaily,monthlyandevenannually. Objectives:Thisdefineswhenthecontrolisdesignedtoprevent or spot unsanctioned events or decisions. While preventive controlsaresuperbatminimizingtheoverallriskofthe organization, less troubled detective controllers are a great compromiseinconjunctionwithothercorecontrols. Manysmallscalecompaniesareopentotakehigherrisk,and lookforaspeedygrowth,however,afterapplyingthecontrolsit is essential to assess, the risk appetite in the context of risk assessment should be reviewed monthly and annually which matchesthesizeoftheorganization.
DECIDEHOWTO DELEGATEAUTHORITY Cadence: This assesses how proficient a control is performed, frompertransactiontodaily,monthlyandevenannually. Objectives:Thisdefineswhenthecontrolisdesignedtoprevent or spot unsanctioned events or decisions. While preventive controlsaresuperbatminimizingtheoverallriskofthe organization, less troubled detective controllers are a great compromiseinconjunctionwithothercorecontrols. Manysmallscalecompaniesareopentotakehigherrisk,and lookforaspeedygrowth,however,afterapplyingthecontrolsit is essential to assess, the risk appetite in the context of risk assessment should be reviewed monthly and annually which matchesthesizeoftheorganization.
This matrix of companies regulates the framework which by rephrasing and measuring decision making authority of each face of the management unit. Once the framework is in place, business would be in a better position to thrive and your investorwouldfeelmoresecurewithyou.Yourcompanywillbe protected—growthwhenhappenswithoutbanisteritleavesa companywithanopenrisk,bothfromwithinandwithout.” For forward-thinking investors like Ashish Aggarwal, startups present a compelling investment opportunity in 2024. With the potential for innovation, high growth, early entry advantage, portfolio diversification, support for entrepreneurial passion, and adaptability to market trends, startups offer a unique and promisingavenueforachievingsignificantreturns.