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Tips About Taking On Life’s Challenges By World-Class Mind Coach<br>Kevin Abdulrahman. His site sites can be viewed at: <br><br>http://www.themaninspiringmillions.com/motivational-speaker-singapore/<br><br>http://www.kevinspire.com/public-speaking-training-dubai/<br>
June 2009 April 2009 Have you got game? By Kevin Abdulrahman- Mind Nutrition Expert Tips About Taking On Life’s Challenges By World-Class Mind Coach Kevin Abdulrahman 46 NETW RKER A D I R E C T S E L L I N G M A G A Z I N E
Have you got game? Success “If only you could see the potential I see in you”- Kevin Abdulrahman turn your value to the world is diminished. Those who have great influence on others are those who have high self-worth By Kevin Abdulrahman- Mind Nutrition Expert The first question anyone will ask upon meeting with you for business is ‘Have you got game?’ Now they may not use the exact phrase, and they will certainly not say it aloud, but within seconds of meeting with you, they will want to know, ‘Have you got game’? Unfortunately, many of the beliefs held by the majority are limiting ones. These limiting beliefs hold people back from having amazing results. It’s not their environment or the people that get in people’s way; it’s really the beliefs they hold of themselves that stops them. I have found that in most cases, even those who have done well, are performing far well below the greatness they can truly achieve. Tips About Taking On Life’s Challenges By World-Class Mind Coach Kevin Abdulrahman So, have you got it? When you are presenting your products or services, have you got the right confidence to, first of all sell yourself, then secondly, what you have on offer? No one will want to buy from someone (what ever the product/service is- including yourself) if you are not confident about it. If you lack the confidence in what you have, how could you expect others to have confidence in you? What kind of beliefs are you armed with? Do you believe you can do it? Or do you believe you can’t? Do you believe that you deserve it? Or do you believe that you don’t? Do you be- lieve that you have game? Or do you think your competitors have and will always have one over you? Henry Ford said, ‘If you think you can do a thing or think you can’t do a thing, you’re right.’ What underlies this confi- dence? Why does Henry’s quote hold true? Because we are what we think about most of the time. What we think about most of the time becomes our be- liefs. Our beliefs then lead us to take certain actions. These actions have their consequent results and depending whether the The confidence you have is set by the beliefs you hold of yourself, what you do, and where you plan to go. Speak to any confident person and you will find that they hold empower- ing beliefs about them- selves and what they do. It is because of these beliefs that they enjoy playing their cho- sen game and also get rewarded well for doing so. In short, they know what they stand for and are unwavering about what they need to achieve. beliefs were empowering or limiting, so will be the nature of our results. You simply can’t think that you are destined for failure and at the same time expect to build a lucrative home based business. Your beliefs must be in line with what you want. In my line of work, I come in contact and coach some already highly successful people in life, business, relationships and sports. What I find common with all of them is that their be- liefs are the reason they got there in the first place. They be- lieved that they can play at a top level and therefore their ac- tions were in line with their beliefs. The results were simply a by-product of the actions they took. The reason they hire me is their desire to further breakthrough their results to the next level. This usually comes with a requirement to further enhance those beliefs. If they believed that they were good, my role is to help them find it within themselves that they are great. If they think they are the best, my role is to help them see the possibility of being best with yet another 100%. Up until 1954, the four minute mile was seen as an impos- sible feat. Then came Roger Bannister and shredded that be- lief. Since then thousands of people from around the world have bettered the four minute mile. What happened? Did they gain more seconds in each minute? Have they reduced the length of a mile? The only changing factor has been the beliefs people carried with themselves since that event. Prior to 1954, the belief was ‘it’s impossible’. Shortly after Roger broke the barrier, the belief in some people was transformed to ‘if he can do it, then I can to’ You must understand that your beliefs will create an aura about you. That aura can attract potential partners to help you achieve your goals and deflect anyone who even attempts to get in your way. Think of your aura as a magnetic field that will attract everything you need and deflect everything that is of no value to you. Here is a hint: Copy and practice the beliefs of those who already have what you want. Be who they are (by way of be- liefs), do what they do (by way of actions they consistently take), and have what they have (destination, eg. A lucrative home based business). Where ever you are in life, whether you are achieving or not, there is always room to improve, there is room to play on another level, there is room to break through and chal- lenge yourself to higher grounds. Just when you think that you can’t, remember that there are others who were in your shoes and have done it. Just when you think you can’t take The worth that others place on you is a reflection of the self- worth you have for yourself. Your self-worth is determined by your beliefs. For you to have a high self-worth you need to have beliefs that are empowering and high of yourself. If you think low of yourself, your self-worth is affected and in 47 NETW RKER A D I R E C T S E L L I N G M A G A Z I N E
July 2009 April 2009 it anymore, believe in the fact that the challenges in your life are there because it is you who can conquer them. Just when you think it’s not worth fighting for what you want, think of the price you will pay living the rest of your life in regret won- dering ‘what if’. There is always room to take one more step, there is always room to push for more, as long as you carry the belief that if anyone can, then indeed, YES YOU CAN. difficult of times will only be seen as a process. Your belief will help you see any downturn or rejections as mere obsta- cles that need to be tackled and dealt with. Those lacking belief will focus on the obstacle where as those with strong beliefs look through and past the obstacles focussing on the vision of where they want to go. They know that all setbacks are temporary and every failure and mistake is a lesson to be learned from on the road to success. Those with empowering beliefs have their focus not on the road but on their destina- tion. Will the road to your destination be smooth? Definitely not. Expect a bumper ride because that’s what life is all about. Developing empowering beliefs help people see the opportu- nities in every crisis because they know that doing otherwise will not aid in their purpose of moving forward. You bet- ter learn to have fun through your journey. We are all often hit with opportunity, hit with disaster, hit with happiness, sadness and disappointment. What is the reason there is a variance in results amongst different individuals and teams when faced with similar challenges? Where ever you are in life, I guarantee that you can take it up a notch. If it’s going to be you against the world, then so be it. If you have enough belief in yourself and decide to never ever ever ever give up, then the world is yours for the taking. It is not what we are hit with, but how we deal with the hit. It is not what we are we are hit with, but how hard we can hit back. It is not the size of the person in the fight, but size of the fight in that person that will determine whether they will make it or not. And what underlies the size of your fight? Your beliefs are what will give you the confidence to win your fights. About the Author Kevin Abdulrahman is The Man Inspiring Millions. He is an International Author of a series of books under THE BOOK label, Inspirational Keynote Speaker, Mind Nutrition Ex- pert, World Class Mind Coach to the elite and an In-Demand Trainer. Kevin helps organisations, universities, sports teams and individuals create leadership from within and achieve breakthrough results. Strong empowering beliefs also reduces the feeling of uncer- tainty that is experienced by many. Most people are unfor- tunately gripped by the fear of uncertainty and remain in the doldrums not achieving anything. Empowering beliefs help reduce the uncertainty because you will know that it’s all part of a process. There is nothing personal. If you want to go to The Next Level, you can contact Kevin Abdulrahman on “http://www.MeetWithKevin.com” or email his team at info@MeetWithKevin.com” When you believe in yourself no matter what, then the most 48 NETW RKER A D I R E C T S E L L I N G M A G A Z I N E