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Kidney stone occurs because when the amount of solute, mineral or waste product in our body increases to some extent and if this urine is rested in the body, then deposition starts on the surface of the kidney.
Initially, these stones are small in sizes like 2 mm or 3 mm, and they get bigger by forming a layer over time. When these stones increase beyond an extent, this pain, bleeding or infection starts.
There are chances of having kidney store for 30% of the people who are treated and diagnosed kidney stone before.
Heredity: People with kidney stones in their families are more likely to develop the disease. The patient should consult a Urologist and seek clarification while doing the test. Drinking less water: Water intake should be 3-4 litres daily to reduce salt deposition, and there will be no kidney stones anymore.
Diet / Food Intake: We need to be aware of what we eat. There are chances of getting stones depending on what we eat. Food to avoid: Tomato, Spinach because the amount of oxalate is high in these vegetables. Also, chocolates, cold drinks, coffee-related drinks, salt should be kept low in food. People who have kidney stones should not stop calcium immediately because it is important to have calcium up to a level in our bodies. The sudden decline of calcium in the body results in high chances of getting stones.
Drink plenty of water. Fruit juices, especially citrus fruits like lemon, orange, mosambi etc., should be consumed in large quantities. Consumption of Barley water will reduce kidney problems. Regular exercise can reduce the problem of getting kidney stones. Pass urine once in the night.
Those who have chances of having kidney stones should follow these things. You should consult a urologist every six months and get checked.
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