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Trend Smart Smartphone Consumer Market Research Report. June 2009. Objective. Understand the activities that would make smartphone users vulnerable to phishing. Understand the perceptions of security on their mobile device.
Trend SmartSmartphone Consumer Market Research Report June 2009 Darren Itow Corporate Marketing
Objective • Understand the activities that would make smartphone users vulnerable to phishing. • Understand the perceptions of security on their mobile device. • Determine if there is a difference in activities and perceptions between iPhone users and other smartphone users? Internal Use Only
Methodology • An online quantitative survey was conducted among smartphone users in the United States. • A total of 1,016 surveys were completed in the United States between May 20-23, 2009. • 310 Apple iPhone Users • 301 Windows OS Users • 302 RIM Blackberry Users • 103 Palm and Symbian Users • Qualification criteria are: • Must own and use one of the following smartphones • BlackBerry • HTC • iPhone • LG • Motorola • Nokia • Palm • Pantech • Samsung • Verizon • Must be 18 years of age or older Internal Use Only
Sample • In order to capture a mix of smartphone operating systems (OS), an emphasis was placed on the top 3 smartphone OS in the U.S. which include: Apple, Windows and RIM. However, 10% of the sample included users with the Palm and Symbian OS. • The following was the sample composition for this study: Internal Use Only
Executive Summary Darren Itow Corporate Marketing 5
Executive Summary • There is strong interest among smartphone users in the Trend Smart product (46% very or extremely interested). • Over three-fourths of smartphone users feel the Trend Smart solution would better protect their smartphone. • Smartphone users who didn’t think Trend Smart would better protect their phone did so primarily because they “didn’t think they needed it”. • Close to one-half (47%) of smartphone users would download the Trend Smart free solution. • Smartphones users with the Apple and RIM OS are at a higher security threat risk as they are more likely to be surfing the web, emailing, downloading music, accessing GPS navigation tools and text messaging. • More than 50% of smartphone users are surfing the web at least 30 minutes a week. Of these users, 12% are spending more than 120 minutes per week surfing the web. iPhone users significantly spend more time surfing the web compared to other smartphone users. • Smartphone users are frequently visiting search engine web sites. Male smartphone users are significantly more likely to visit news/sports websites and women are more likely to visit social networking sites. • iPhone users are more likely to visit audio/video sharing sites, shopping, blogs/web logs and social networking sites from their smartphone. Internal Use Only
Executive Summary • A large percent of respondents (44%) feel surfing the internet on their smartphone is just as safe as surfing the web on their computer. • Close to one-third of smartphone users feel they are less likely to get infected with an email virus/malware on their smartphone versus their computer. • Almost half of smartphone users have received SPAM emails on their smartphone in the past 3 months, with 17% saying the number of SPAM emails has increased. Only 10% said the number of SPAM emails has decreased. Close to half of smartphone users have opened an email attachment on their smartphone in the last month and 39% have clicked on a link/URL in an email received on their phone. • Smartphone users are most concerned about losing their phone, losing contact information and sensitive data. Web threats infecting their phone is the least concern. • Security threat “phishing” is recognized and understood by more than 8 in 10 smartphone users. “Data leakage” and “pharming” were the least recognizable terms to smartphone users. • Over 2 in 10 smartphone users have encountered a “phishing” scam with 10% of those becoming a victim. • Only 3% of smartphone users have encountered “malware” in the last 3 months; however, close to half have fallen victim to this attack. Internal Use Only
Findings Darren Itow Corporate Marketing 8
Smartphone Brand/OS • By design, we targeted the Apple, RIM, Windows, Palm and Symbian operating systems (OS) for the smartphones in this study. However, based on smartphone OS market share in the U.S., the three main OS include; Apple, RIM and Windows. * The sample mix by OS was by design to capture the three largest smartphone operating systems (Apple, RIM, and Windows) in the U.S. and capture directional findings from Palm and Symbian. Internal Use Only
Smartphone Usage • About one-half of respondents use their smartphone for both personal and business use. • Close to half (46%) of respondents use their smartphone for ONLY personal use. • Respondents using their smartphone for only personal use, are significantly more likely to be using an iPhone or a phone with the Windows OS. • Just 3% of respondents use their smartphone for ONLY business use. • Respondents using their smartphone for only business use, significantly more likely to be using a Blackberry. N=1,016 Internal Use Only
Smartphone Feature Usage • Not surprisingly, the majority of smartphone users use their phone for answering and making calls. • About 8 in 10 use the contacts and address book feature (82%) and text messaging (78%). • Respondents with the iPhone more likely to surf the web than those with other smartphones. • Respondents with the iPhone and Blackberry more likely to send email than those with other smartphones. • Respondents with the iPhone more likely to listen to music, watch videos, download music, use GPS, and gaming than those with other smartphones. • The younger in age the respondent are, the more likely they are to be text messaging, surfing the web, taking pictures/video, listening to music/watching videos, using GPS navigation and downloading of music or audio files. N=1,016 Internal Use Only
Smartphone Feature Usage • Besides answering calls and making calls, close to one-half of all smartphone users text message (49%), email (48%), and use their contacts/address book (45%) everyday. • One-third of respondents surf the web everyday from their smartphone. With close to two-thirds (63%) surfing the web at least several times a week. N=1,016 Internal Use Only
Smartphone Feature Usage by OS • Apple and RIM OS smartphone users are at a higher risk for security threats as users are frequently surfing the web, emailing, downloading music or audio files, accessing GPS navigation and text messaging. N=1,016 Internal Use Only
Most Used Feature Besides Telephone • Text messaging (34%) and emailing (29%) are the two most used features besides the telephone function. N=1,016 Internal Use Only
Besides Telephone Smartphone Feature Usage Most Often by OS • The table below shows the features respondents use the most besides the telephone function on their smartphone. • The “green” boxes represents the features used most often by smartphone users by OS. N=1,016 Internal Use Only
Minutes Surfing the Web • More than 50% of smartphone users are surfing the web at least 30 minutes a week. 12% are spending more than 120 minutes surfing the web each week. • iPhone users surf the web the most frequently from their smartphone. • Only 14% of respondents do not surf the web from their smartphone. • 27% of smartphone users with the Palm/Symbian OS do not surf the web. • 21% of smartphone users with the Windows OS do not surf the web. N=1,016 Internal Use Only
Websites Visited • Close to 70% of respondents are frequently visiting search engine sites from their smartphone. • Close to one-half (47%) of smartphone users are going to news/sports websites. • Men are significantly more likely to visit news/sports websites than women • Over one-third (37%) of smartphone users are visiting social network communities. • Women are significantly more likely to visit social network communities than men. N=1,016 Internal Use Only
Websites Visited, Continued… • iPhone users are more likely to visit audio/video sharing sites, shopping, blogs/web logs and social network sites than other smartphone users. • Blackberry users are more likely to visit corporate web sites versus other smartphone users. N=1,016 Internal Use Only
Smartphone Activities in the Last Month • Close to one-half of smartphone users have opened an email attachment on the phone in the last month. • 39% of smartphone users have clicked on links/URLs in an email received on their phone in the last month. • iPhone and Blackberry users are significantly more likely to open an email attachment and click on a link/URL in an email on their smartphone compared to other smartphone users. • Only 2% of smartphone users have been infected with a virus in the last month. N=1,016 Internal Use Only
Activities on the Smartphone in the Last 3 Months • Half of the smartphone users have opened and email attachment on their smartphone. • iPhone and Blackberry users are significantly more likely to open an email attachment versus smartphone users with the Windows, Palm and Symbian OS. • More than 40% of smartphone users have clicked on a link/URL in an email received on their phone. • iPhone users significantly more likely to click on a link/URL in an email versus other smartphone users. • iPhone users are significantly more likely to purchase a product or service from their smartphone compared to other smartphone users. • Only 3% of smartphone users have been infected with a phone virus. N=1,016 Internal Use Only
Concerned with… • Close to one-half of respondents are most concerned about losing their phone, losing contacts and phones battery life. • 4 in 10 smartphone users are very/extremely concerned about losing sensitive data. • Email viruses, SPAM and web threats were the least concern of smartphone users. N=1,016 Internal Use Only
Security Threats Heard of • SPAM, viruses and spyware are security threats most familiar to smartphone users. • Malware is familiar with close to two-thirds (64%) of smartphone users. • 84% of smartphone users were familiar with the term “Phishing”. • Only 22% of smartphone users were familiar with the term “pharming” and 28% with the term “data leakage”. • No significant difference noticed between smartphone OS users. N=1,016 Internal Use Only
Threats to Smartphone • Respondents are most concerned about “viruses” and “trojans” infecting their smartphone. • Over one-third of respondents were unfamiliar with “pharming”. • 35% of respondents view “phishing” as a very/extremely serious threat to their smartphone. N=1,016 Internal Use Only
Received SPAM Email on Smartphone • Almost half of respondents have received SPAM emails on their smartphone in the past 3 months. • iPhone and Blackberry users significantly more likely to have received SPAM emails on their smartphone compared to smartphone users with the Windows, Palm and Symbian OS. N=1,016 Internal Use Only
Number of SPAM Email Received • Two-thirds of respondents receive about the same number of SPAM emails on their smartphone as they did 3 months ago. • 17% or respondents say the number of SPAM emails have increased in the past 3 months. • On average, Blackberry users SPAM emails have increased over the past 3 months while smartphone users with the Windows OS has decreased. N=498 Internal Use Only
Encountered Phishing on Smartphone • Over 2 in10 respondents (22%) have encountered a Phishing scam on their smartphone in the past 3 months.. • iPhone users significantly more likely to encounter phishing on their smartphone in the past 3 months compared to other smartphones. N=1,016 Internal Use Only
Victim of Phishing Scam • One in ten smartphone users have fallen victim to a Phishing scam that they are aware of. N=220 Internal Use Only
Encountered Malware on Smartphone • Only 3% of respondents have encountered malware on their smartphone in the past 3 months. • Blackberry users are significantly more likely to encounter malware on their smartphone compared to other smartphone users. N=1,016 Internal Use Only
Victim of Malware • Close to half (45%) of respondents have fallen victim to a Malware scam on their smartphone. • Close to 2 in 10 (18%) smartphone users were not sure if they had been a victim to a Malware scam. N=33* *Caution – Low Base Size Internal Use Only
Protection Against Security Threats • About half (55%) of smartphone users are paying more attention to incoming emails and/or more selective of the websites they visit (45%). • Female smartphone users are more likely to pay more attention to incoming emails compared to male smartphone users. • Close to 1 in 4 (23%) smartphone users utilize security software already installed on their smartphone. • Blackberry users significantly are more likely to install security software on their smartphone compared to other smartphone users. • Blackberry users are significantly more likely to request security guidance from IT and utilize security software already installed on their smartphone compared to other smartphone users. N=1,016 Internal Use Only
Perception of Smartphone Security • 44% of smartphone users feel surfing the internet on their smartphone is as safe as surfing the web on their computer. • About one-third or smartphone users feel they are less likely to get infected with an email virus malware on their smartphone versus their computer. N=1,016 Internal Use Only
Perception of Smartphone Security • Apple OS users feel surfing the internet with their smartphone is just as safe as surfing the web on their computer compared to other smartphone OS. • Windows, Palm, and Symbian OS smartphone users significanlty are more likely to click on email links from their smartphone than computer. • RIM and Apple users are more likely to log onto a social network web site and to an audio/video sharing web site on their smartphone than on their computer compared to other smartphone OS. • iPhone users are significantly less likely to go to an audio/video sharing web site from their smartphone. N=1,016 Internal Use Only
Emails Sent Per Week • More than 25% of smartphone users send more than 26 emails per week. • RIM OS smartphone users significantly more likely to send emails than other smartphone OS users. • 18% of smartphone users do not send email from their smartphone. • Window’s OS smartphone users are significantly likely not to send emails compared to other smartphone OS. N=1,016 Internal Use Only
SPAM Email Messages • More than 25% of smartphone users receive more than six SPAM emails per week on their smartphone. • Apple and RIM OS smartphone users are significantly more likely to receive more SPAM emails per week compared to other smartphone OS. • Over one-third of smartphone users have not received SPAM emails. • Window’s, Palm and Symbian OS smartphone users are significantly more likely to not receive SPAM emails compared to other smartphone OS. N=1,016 Internal Use Only
Interest in Trend Smart • Smartphone users were given the following description and asked how interested they would be in a solution like Trend Smart. The free security solution protects users of smartphones from Web threats by using an industry leading content security infrastructure. The solution blocks access to phishing sites and Web pages containing malware that could infect your smartphone, as well as any PC connecting to the mobile device. • 43% of smartphone users were very/extremely interested in a solution like this. • smartphone users 31-50 years old significantly more likely to have a stronger interest in Trend Smart compared to the other age groups. • Only 12% had no interest at all in this solution. • There are no significant difference by smartphone OS. Top 2 Box 43% N=1,016 Internal Use Only
Solution Better Protect Smartphone • More than three-fourths of smartphone users found this solution would better protect their smartphone. • Female respondents are significantly more likely to view this solution would better protect their smartphone compared to male respondents. • No significant difference by smartphone OS. N=1,016 Internal Use Only
Why Trend Smart Solution NOT Protect your Smartphone • 57% of respondents who didn’t think the solution would help them protect their smartphone did so because they didn’t think they needed it. • One in five didn’t think it would be very effective or think there is limited risk from surfing the web on their phone. • Male smartphone users are significantly more likely to view there is limited risk from surfing the web on their phone compared to female smartphone users. • No significant difference by smartphone OS. N=240 Internal Use Only
Likelihood to Download Trend Smart • Close to one-half of smartphone users (47%) is very/extremely likely to download this free solution. • No significant difference by smartphone OS. N=1,016 Internal Use Only
Why Unlikely to Download Free Solution • More than one-half of respondents (55%) don’t think they need this free solution to protect their smartphone. • 18% think this software solution will slow down the browser on their phone. N=200 Internal Use Only
Respondent Demographics Darren Itow Corporate Marketing 40
Age • All smartphone users were 18 years or older. • Half (51%) of the smartphone users were 41+ years or older. • Respondents 18-24 years old are significantly more likely to be using a smartphone with the Windows OS. N=1,016 Internal Use Only
Gender • Female smartphone users are significantly more likely to be using the iPhone compared to male smartphone users. • Male smartphone users are significantly more likely to be using a Blackberry compared to female smartphone users. N=1,016 Internal Use Only
Adopter of New Technology • Over 60% of smartphone users would classify themselves as early adopters of new technology. • Male smartphone users are significantly more likely to be adopters of new technology compared to female smartphone users. • Only 6% of respondents would not classify themselves as an early adopter of new technology. • Respondents with smartphones with the Windows OS are significantly more likely to be a non-technology adopter. N=1,016 Internal Use Only
Education • All smartphone users have at the very least completed high school. • Over two-thirds (67%) of smartphone users have a 4-year college degree. • Respondents with some high school or high school graduates are significantly more likely to be using a smartphone with the Windows OS compared to other smartphone OS. N=1,016 Internal Use Only