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CSC/FAR 020, Computer Graphics, October 26, 2009 Dr. Dale E. Parson http://faculty.kutztown.edu/parson More outline for week 8, Type tools Perspective Cloning Open cschallway.psd. Filter -> Vanishing Point. Create and Adjust a blue Plane Tool up the hallway floor.
CSC/FAR 020, Computer Graphics, October 26, 2009 Dr. Dale E. Parson http://faculty.kutztown.edu/parson More outline for week 8, Type tools
Perspective Cloning • Open cschallway.psd. • Filter -> Vanishing Point. • Create and Adjust a blue Plane Tool up the hallway floor. • The Stamp Tool clones according to the perspective. • Try cloning a wide tile boundary up the hallway center.
Type Tools • Horizontal and Vertical Type • Download Type.zip from Parsons/Inbox. • Open ScottsRunKayak.jpg in Photoshop. • Adding horizontal or vertical type creates a new layer. • Click a point on the Background for Point Type. • Click and drag for Paragraph type. • Add some of each, set against Background Layer. • Set color in Type Options palette. • Font, Point Size, etc. similar to word processing.
Type is Vector Graphics • Image pixel-based graphics so far constitute raster graphics, a.k.a. bitmapped graphics. • Raster graphics are defined in terms of a 2D matrix of pixels displayed on a raster. • Vector graphics are description of objects to draw using lines, stokes, etc. • A vector can be rendered at any resolution. Only when rendered does it appear as pixels.
Rendering Vector Graphics • Font, Point Size, Text Style, Anti-Aliasing Parameters describe the vectors and vector rendering of type. • Zoom in on selected text and try anti-aliasing parameters None - Smooth, also zoom out. • The rendering process computes pixels. • Older generation vector graphics displays actually displayed vectors via electron beams.
Re-Editing Text • Select the text while in the Type Tool. • Paragraphs can be resized and rotated. • Control-clicking the Layer allows conversion between Point and Paragraph Type. • Text can be pasted into the Type Tool from another application. • Text can be imported from Adobe Illustrator. • We will start working with Illustrator soon.
Transforming Text • Type tools allows parameter based changes. • Move Tool with Show Transform controls checked allows you to transform text area. • Bring up Window -> Character palette. • Slide or adjust kerning for between-character spacing. • Slide or adjust tracking for multi-character spacing.
Character Formatting • Character Palette applied to a paragraph allows leading (inter-line spacing) adjustment and horizontal scaling adjustment. • Other options at bottom of Character Palette allow additional formatting of character appearance. Baseline shifts bottom of text. • Type Option Palette supports changing orientation, alignment, text warping.
Paragraph Palette • Delete Type layers then create a new Paragraph Type layer. • Window -> Paragraph Palette. • Alignment based on whole words, hyphenated syllables or entire line of text. • Give margins and indents in points, inches or centimeters. They convert to points.
Layer Effects for Type • Open a clean copy of ScottsRunKayak. • Place a large-font, fat, neutral color text saying “Type” over a dark area. • On layers palette click the fx (Effects) icon. • Add Bevel and Emboss initially, experiment visually with their effects on text. • Add other effects via checkboxes, then adjust their parameters.
Layers Styles • Get a Type layer effect that you like. • Window -> Styles. • Save the Style that you just created. • Try other Styles from the library. • Pattern Overlay is good for text.
Rasterizing Text • To apply bitmap (raster) pixel transformations to a Type layer you must Rasterize it. • At that point you can no longer manipulate it as editable type. It has become an image. • Control-click and Rasterize the layer. • Get type to the image that you want to combine before rasterizing it (if at all). • Try out Filter gallery -> Sketch Filters on text.
Screening back type • Close All, Open ParsonOffice.jpg. • Add a layer of big, black, bold text type. • Apple-Click the T icon in the Layers Palette to select the text’s pixels. • Shut off the text layer’s eyeball. • Create a Levels Adjustment Layer. • Trash the text layer. • Adjust Levels to screen the text back in.
Reusing type-derived layer mask • Once you have the layer mask, you can duplicate the layer. • You can unlink the layer mask from the duplicate layer. • You can add another adjustment layer. • You can move a layer mask copy into it. • You can copy-move a layer mask to a Smart Filter layer as well.
Hacking Text • Use some novel, fat fonts. • Create some fresh rasterized text. • Use Selection and Move tools to tear it apart and put it back together again. • Use vector-generated font graphics as visual building blocks.
Assignment 6 • Create a Folder called Type. This is the last assignment to focus on Photoshop mechanics. • Use your own photographic images. Bring them to class on November 2. • This assignment requires one completed image. It focuses on the Type Tool integrated into an image. • On November 2 we are also going to discuss aesthetics, and brainstorm about a final project in Photoshop. Bring some ideas to class.
Assignment 6 – Type • Do something creative with Type Tool that integrates type into an image. Use your imagination. • Make a poster, an advertisement, a flyer, or integrate some poetry into an image. • This one is due on November 11 as Type.zip. • I will look for at least 4 substantial type transforms, for example level effects and post-rasterization transforms. Make sure to include your log file description of these steps.