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Considering an Enterprise Architecture for the NSDI

Considering an Enterprise Architecture for the NSDI. Doug Nebert FGDC Secretariat July 20, 2004. Presentation Outline. What is Enterprise Architecture? Considering functional need for data Lines of Business Modeling Geodata to support business needs. Definition.

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Considering an Enterprise Architecture for the NSDI

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  1. Considering an Enterprise Architecture for the NSDI Doug Nebert FGDC Secretariat July 20, 2004

  2. Presentation Outline • What is Enterprise Architecture? • Considering functional need for data • Lines of Business • Modeling Geodata to support business needs

  3. Definition • Enterprise Architecture: the explicit description and documentation of the current and desired relationships among business and management processes and information technology OMB Circular A-130, revised 11/00

  4. Enterprise Architecture • Defines a framework in which one describes the current and future work activities and justifies the investments (personnel, data, applications) of an “enterprise” • A precursor to electronic government (e-gov) and business process re-engineering

  5. Reference Models • Business Reference Model (BRM) –define mission-critical lines of business, business processes, and functions • Technical Reference Model (TRM) –identifies and describes the information services used to achieve the BRM • Data Reference Model (DRM) – defines the data/information structures, definitions, and valids required by the BRM in the context of the TRM

  6. What How Where Who When Why Contextual Conceptual Logical Physical As Built Functioning What How Where Who When Why Zachman Framework Planner’s view Owner’s view Designer’s view Builder’s view Integrator’s view User’s view Modified from: http://apps.adcom.uci.edu/EnterpriseArch/Zachman/Resources/ZachmanTutorial.ppt

  7. Defining the Enterprise community whole of government ministry division office workgroup # participants, complexity

  8. Why an NSDI EA? • Differences in understanding and implementing EA in various agencies • Encourage communication between geospatial business professionals and IT/CIO offices within agencies • Improve communication between agencies and departments on available services and data backed by a Business Reference Model • Identify opportunities to fortify and share common geospatial services across all levels of government

  9. Shared lines of business Integrated Data and Information “To Be State” DOI USDA Using the FEA-DRM Recreation DOE Natural Resource HHS Health Emission Consumer Safety Public Health Monitoring Consumer Health & Safety Recreational Resource Management & Tourism Pollution Prevention & Control Energy Research

  10. Information Community Mapping and Exploratory Software Users Transfer Protocol Common Data Format Common Data Model Linked Data Producers Portals Problem- Solving Software

  11. Geospatial Services • Increasingly geospatial data can be accessed in real-time over local area networks and the Internet as if it were local data • Multiple organizations can benefit from the data being staged and maintained once and used many times • Desktop software and portals can use these services over the Web

  12. NSDI EA Project Proposal • Develop an Enterprise Architecture for the NSDI to encourage the identification of geospatial data / service producers and consumers, and optimize resourcing for relevant programs within and across agency lines

  13. Outcomes • Training / Familiarization of FGDC and GOS participants on FEA, EA Reference Model concepts, and the objectives of this project • Develop use case scenarios that address critical provider and user processes and the data behind them • Develop formal Business, Data and Technology Reference models consistent with FEA guidelines • Developed cooperatively between NSDI members and industry via a consensus process • Validation of Reference Models via active prototyping and demonstration • A consensus process to evolve reference models via broad NSDI Stakeholder / Community involvement

  14. Approach in Three Phases • Phase I*: Establish common understanding of objectives and terminology, develop key use cases for geospatial, establish EA Business Reference Model for NSDI that ties to agency-supplied FEA Lines of Business and equivalent BRM structures • Phase 2: Mature data and technical reference models • Phase 3: Validate BRM, DRM, TRM via experimentation and prototyping *This phase would be funded by the FGDC in FY04, with other phases potentially funded as FY05 budget allocations.

  15. Proposed Schedule Phase I • June 2004 • Requirements definition • July 2004 • Issue Task Order via OGC • Finalize and Deliver Detailed Project Plan • September 2004 • Agreement on Plan and Schedule • Initial Training on EA, Use case development, Reference Model Development • October 2004 • BRM development with Industry via OGC Enterprise Architecture SIG • December 2004 • Refined DRM, TRM development plan via EASIG

  16. Proposed Schedule Phase II • Jan 2004 – May 2005 • Complete first drafts of DRM and TRM via EASIG Process • June 2005 • Complete updated DRM / TRM with comments from FGDC and broader community review

  17. Phase III Schedule • May 2005 • Refine plans for specific prototypes and demonstrations to validate Reference Models • May 2005 – July 2005 • Conduct prototypes as OGC Technology Interoperability Experiments (TIEs) • Sept 2005 • Demonstrations

  18. Opportunities for partnership • E-government initiatives including recreation.gov and geodata.gov • DOI EGIM members • Group on Earth Observations (GEO) partners • NASA • Department of Homeland Security • Environmental Protection Agency • USDA • Key state government agencies

  19. For more information, contact: Doug Nebert FGDC Secretariat ddnebert@fgdc.gov (703) 648-4151

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