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Bible Time Line

Bible Time Line. Back to Main Menu. Adam to Abraham. Abraham to the Sojourn in Egypt. Joseph (c. 1914-1805). Abraham (c. 2166-1991). Abrahamic Covenant. Job (Dates unknown). Ishmael (c. 2080-1943). Isaac (c. 2066-1886). Jacob (Israel) (c. 2005-1859). Jacob flees to Haran (c. 1929).

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Bible Time Line

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Bible Time Line Back to Main Menu

  2. Adam to Abraham

  3. Abraham to the Sojourn in Egypt Joseph (c. 1914-1805) Abraham (c. 2166-1991) Abrahamic Covenant Job (Dates unknown) Ishmael(c. 2080-1943) Isaac(c. 2066-1886) Jacob (Israel)(c. 2005-1859) Jacob flees to Haran(c. 1929) First Ziggurats built by Ur-Nammu(c. 2112-2095) City of Ur falls(c. 2004) Middle Kingdom, 11-12th Dynasty(c. 2050-1800) BIBLE HISTORY Earliest forms of writing (cuneiform)(c. 3200) Sumer WORLD HISTORY Egypt Old Kingdom pyramids built(c. 2700-2200) MIDDLE EAST HISTORY 2200 BC 2100 BC 2000 BC 1900 BC

  4. Teaching Presentation Back to Main Menu

  5. Teaching Menu Creation to Abraham Intertestamental Period430 BC–6 to 4 BC Abraham to the Sojourn in Egypt 2200–1526 BC The Conquest & the Judges 1406–1051 BC Divided Kingdom 931–586 BC Early ChurchAD 30–100 Moses & the Exodus 1526–1406 BC United Kingdom 1051–931 BC Exile & Restoration of Jerusalem 586–430 BC Life of Jesus6 to 4 BC–AD 30 Back to Main Menu Click on the headings or bars above to be taken to the sections

  6. Creation to Abraham

  7. Creation to Abraham • Genesis chapters 1–2 tell the story of God’s creation of the world and humanity. • God saw that his creation was good, and he blessed the first man and woman. • However, Adam and Eve chose a path of disobedience to God; and hardship, conflict, and death entered the world (Gen. 3). • Life on earth was radically altered.

  8. Abraham to the Sojourn in Egypt Joseph (c. 1914-1805) Abraham (c. 2166-1991) Abrahamic Covenant Job (Dates unknown) Ishmael(c. 2080-1943) Isaac(c. 2066-1886) Jacob (Israel)(c. 2005-1859) Jacob flees to Haran(c. 1929) First Ziggurats built by Ur-Nammu(c. 2112-2095) City of Ur falls(c. 2004) Middle Kingdom, 11-12th Dynasty(c. 2050-1800) BIBLE HISTORY Earliest forms of writing (cuneiform)(c. 3200) Sumer WORLD HISTORY Egypt Old Kingdom pyramids built(c. 2700-2200) MIDDLE EAST HISTORY 2200 BC 2100 BC 2000 BC 1900 BC

  9. Abraham to the Sojourn in Egypt Joseph (c. 1914-1805) Joseph becomes an official in Egypt(c. 1884) Jacob and his family go to Egypt(c. 1876) Hammurapi (Hammurabi) reigns in Babylon(1792-1750) Law code of Hammurapi Middle Kingdom, 11-12th Dynasty(c. 2050-1800) Second Intermediate Period, 13-17th Dynasties(c. 1800-1570) BIBLE Isaac(c. 2066-1886) Jacob(c. 2005-1859) WORLD Egypt MIDDLE EAST Hyksos rule Egypt(c. 1670-1570) 1900 BC 1800 BC 1700 BC 1600 BC

  10. Abraham to the Sojourn in Egypt Abraham to the Sojourn in Egypt • The story of Abram (2166–1991 BC) begins in the land known as Mesopotamia. • Mesopotamia bordered the Tigris and Euphrates Rivers, an area that is today Iraq and northern Syria. • The Sumerian civilization permeated southern Mesopotamia, including the city of Ur. • Abram (later called Abraham) was from Ur.

  11. Abram’s Journey from Ur to Canaan

  12. Abraham to the Sojourn in Egypt Abraham to the Sojourn in Egypt • Canaan was comprised of various clans and tribes, generally referred to as Canaanites. • Abraham and his family were mostly nomadic in Canaan, moving around as their agricultural life demanded. Galilee

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