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LBAT-PARIS 2009 Arriv é e à Charles de Gaulle…voyage au MIJE If you arrive with the group, Dr. Gall be waiting for you at the airport and will guide through the maze..we’ll take the shuttle to the MIJE Fourcy
LBAT-PARIS 2009Arrivée à Charles de Gaulle…voyage au MIJE • If you arrive with the group, Dr. Gall be waiting for you at the airport and will guide through the maze..we’ll take the shuttle to the MIJE Fourcy • If you arrive before or after the group, getting from Charles de Gaulle Airport to your Paris hotel is easy as un-deux-trois Useful links • http://goparis.about.com/od/transportation/f/GroundTransport.htm • http://europeforvisitors.com/paris/articles/paris-metro.htm • MIJE (Maison Internationale des Jeunes Étudiants) Fourcy. Adresse: 6 rue de Fourcy, 75004 Paris (4ème arrondissement) Tel: 01 42 74 23 45. Lignes de métro (from the Parisian hub, Châtelet-Les Halles Station): Saint-Paul, ligne 1, direction Château de Vincennes or Pont-Marie (2 stations away from Châtelet station, then a one-minute walk to the MIJE), ligne 7, direction Mairie d’Ivry or Villejuif-Louis aragon (1 station away from Châtelet station, then a 3-minute walk to the MIJE) • Plan du métro et du RER parisien version PDF • Plan du métro et du RER parisien avec les rues version PDF • Mini-plan du métro version PDF (ask for a mini subway map at a RATP booth..it’s free) • Plan de Paris virtuel
LBAT-PARIS 2009Ordinateur – Appareils électroniques – Paris (free) wifi • Paris Wifi comment ça marche? • Paris Wifi accesible dans les jardins parisiens • Localisation des bornes wifi dans le 4ème arrondissement de Paris • Bringing your electronics to Europe • Grounded Adapter - CE Certified - USA to Europe - Heavy Duty Adapter for non-Mac laptops • Apple World Travel Adapter Kit (available @Lenox Square Mall) • Kensington International Travel plug adapter • Travel voltage fundamentals (hair blowers) • We’ll provide extension cords and power strips with surge protection in and outside the classroom • Cell phone options Paris • Cybercafé Web 46 Ungrounded Adapter - CE Certified - USA to Continental Europe - Adapter for non-Mac laptops…available at Radioshack, Circuit City , Amazon.com etc..Price range: $3-5 Paris Wifi – Place des Vosges
LBAT-PARIS 2009Appareils electroniques – Telephones portables et appareils photos • Cell phone options • Public phones. Available at tobacco shops, post offices, and France Télécom stores, a real France Telecom card or télécarte is necessary for nearly all public telephones. You'll notice that on the front/left side, they have a microchip or “puce” that keeps track of the number of units left after each telephone call. Each card has either 50 or 120 “unités”( call credits that you can watch count down as you make the call) and is sold for either 7.50 € or 15 €. The télécarte will allow you to make calls within France easily and at a reasonable rate, and you can call home at a rate that, while not good, is at least discernable. These fast and easy cards are particularly useful when you're only calling home to ask that someone call you back. To make an international call from France, you first dial 00, then the country code, then the number you are calling. For the U.S., you will dial something like 001xxx-xxx-xxxx • Digital cameras
LBAT-PARIS 2009Vie pratique: les commerces de la rue de Rivoli – Carte ISIC – Carte d’Assurance – Mangez bien et pas cher! • La carte ISIC: les avantages en France et pour voyager :discounts on cultural activities (museums, movies etc), travels, youth hostels and much more. Keep it in your wallet along with your insurance card for field trips and/or every time you go out or travel. The ISIC student card is issued by the Office of International Education ( you will get it for free if you travel • Rue de Rivoli : 30 seconds away from the MIJE, you’ll find everything you need for your daily errands within a 500-yard radius (supermarkets, pharmacies, post office, boutiques d’opticien, cell phone vendors, Internet cafes, pastry shops, “sandwicheries”, laundromats, boutiques, ATMs, station de métro, cheap and not-so-cheap restaurants) Rue de Fourcy (MIJE) Rue de Rivoli
LBAT-PARIS 2009Vie pratique: tips for eating cheap and well • Please email me ASAP if you have any dietary restrictions (vegetarian, vegan, religious dietary rules) or if you are allergic to certain food types to specify what you can’t or mustn’t eat ! Merci… • Knowing that lunch is not served at the MIJE-Fourcy restaurant and that you may not always be 100% satisfied with the food for breakfast and/or dinner (be it qualitatively or quantitatively), here are some money-saving solutions : 1)Buy your preferred foods/snacks in bulk at the nearby supermarkets (G20 , Franprix…hours of operation: 9am to 9pm). For breakfast, you may want to buy pastries, jam, Nutella. For lunch, you may want to prepare sandwiches made from scratch (with baguettes, camembert, brie, tomatoes, fruits etc..) and/or buy packaged mixed salads and/or yogurts. 2) Buy fresh (organic) produce, veggies and so much more at the marché en plein airin Place BaudoyerWed 3-8:30pm + Saturday morning 7:30am -3pm 3) Vegetarians and/or and non-vegetarian alike will find excellent stand food at the Jewish and Libanese restaurants. If you’re craving falafels, hummus, or taboule, check L’As du Fallafel et L’Escale du Liban out. These restaurants are within walking distance from the MIJE…miam-miam! • Remember: the “to-go box” (or “doggy bag” for the French) is a concept is alien to French dining culture and restaurateurs.
LBAT-PARIS 2009What to pack? Packing List. Avoiding pickpockets. Paris safety tips. Tipping in Paris and France. • Weather in June • Weather in July • Packing list : consult this list before your trip to France so you don't leave home missing those needed items. By all means, not everyone will need everything off this list. If you take everything on this list, you will NOT be packing light. • Tips for avoiding pickpockets in Paris : don’t bring expensive jewelry, don’t carry too much cash. You can purchase almost anything anywhere with a VISA credit card. • Paris safety tips : Paris is statistically a safe place. Even safer is the high-end district where you will be staying ! Avoid taking the first and the last metro. Avoid smiling at or making prolonged eye contact with men you do not know: in France, this is (unfortunately) often interpreted as an invitation to make advances. Avoid smiling at or making prolonged eye contact with women even though the jealous infuriated husband or boyfriend might not be in sight. Go out as a group every time you can. Avoid jam-packed places and shady bars/clubs (they’re usually empty). Remain poised and disengage from any situation potentially leading to verbal abuse, physical confrontation or sexual harassment. • Tipping in Paris and France.
LBAT-PARIS 2009Academic Honor Code. Code of Conduct. MIJE rules and policies. • As a Georgia Tech student, you will remain subject to the Academic Honor Code and Code of Conduct for the entire duration of the program. • Dr. Gall will hand you out the French-English MIJE-Fourcy rules and regulations form for you to review and sign. Abiding by these rules will ensure that you fittingly represent our program and institution. • MIJE Fourcy is a nice hostel that is cleaned daily and has good space. Staff is helpful and friendly. There aren't lockers inside the rooms but the hostel does have some. There's night surveillance inside the hostel and at the entrance door. • Breakfast/dinner room • Bedrooms
LBAT-PARIS 2009Useful links and addresses • Blog LBAT-Paris 2008 • LBAT FAQ (Dr. Cottille-Foley’s website) • Tips on how to improve your French before leaving for Paris (Dr. Cottille-Foley’s website) • Ambassade des Etats-Unis à Paris: 2, Avenue Gabriel - 75008 Paris, France – Tél. 01 43 12 22 22 • Dr Lionel Gall: 4, Rue des Lombards- 75001 Paris – Cell 06 20 00 03 25 (in case of emergency, you can reach me 24/7 by phone (preferred) and text message)..Dr. Cottille-Foley will use this phone as well after my departure) - Apt. Tel. 01 44 61 07 69 – lgall@gatech.edu or lionelgall@earthlink.net (if there is a system outage with Zimbra Spectrum) • Dis moi où…un guide personnalisé, interactif et collaboratif pour visiter, sortir, manger, faire du shopping à Paris.