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Java course online training is designed to equip students and professional for developing industrial-strength on java language. This online training will help to boost your career. Enroll now. Visit http://aurelius-global.com for more details. Call or Whatsapp 91.783.501.1153
J Java Prog gramming g Course T Training Online Originally of the m a "write features and it b impleme of the ma y developed ost versatile once run a of java mak eing platfor ent the conc achine you a d by Sun Mic e and most u nywhere lan ke it extreme rm independ ept of OOPS are working crosystems w used langua nguage and ely unique a dent are th S through yo on unlike m with James G ges of the p has proved nd powerfu e most imp our codes an any other la Gosling in th present gene d these wor l of which O portant. Wit nd your scrip anguages. he lead, JAVA eration. Java ds effective Object orient th JAVA you pt is absolut A is probably a is claimed t ly till now." ted program u can effect tely indepen y one to be " Few mming tively ndent The lates added to and popu suit the v Mobile a st release of o it keeping i ularity of JAV various platf pplications a JAVA is that n mind the c VA a numbe forms. J2EE i and more. T t of JAVA sta contempora r of its Conf is being used These J2 vers andard editio ary technolog igurations a d for Enterp sions are nam on 8 having gical trends. re available rise applicat med as JAVA a number of . Due to the which have tions, J2ME i A SE, JAVA EE f new featur widespread been create is being used E and JAVA M res d use ed to d for ME. Course e Details‐ ‐ This caps and cove elementa subsurfa domains syntax so sule course o ers the mos ary parts o ce knowled . It will be b o that they m of JAVA is a st essential of JAVA inc ge of more eneficial if t may focus m highly intens parts of JAV cluding the advanced he trainees ore on the a sive course s VA with its syntax and concepts an have a very advanced co spread out o applicative d concepts nd how they basic knowl ncepts. over a time p use. The co involved. y can be ap ledge of wha period of 4 h ourse cover It also pro pplied in va at JAVA is an hours s the vides arious nd its •In ntroduction to JAVA •T he JAVA Syn ntax
•Object oriented programming features •Creating object‐oriented Java applications •Decision‐making and loop constructs •Implementing decision making and loop constructs •Implementing collection framework •Implementing error handling and IO functionality •Manipulating files, directories and file system •Creating data‐centric applications with JDBC •Processing strings with regular expressions •Implementing Multi‐threading and Localization Live Instructor‐led & Interactive Online Sessions Regular Courses Duration‐ 30 ‐40 Hours Fast‐Track Courses Duration‐ 4‐8 Hours Training Options‐ Option‐1 Option‐2 Weekend‐Cloud Based Training Sat‐Sun 09:00 AM ‐ 11:00 AM (IST) Weekend Online Lab Sat‐Sun 11:00 AM ‐ 01:00 PM Weekdays‐ Cloud Based Training Mon ‐ Fri 07:00 AM ‐ 09:00 AM (Mon, Wed, Fri) Weekdays Online Lab Mon ‐ Fri 07:00 AM ‐ 09:00 AM (Tue, Thur)
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