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Aurelius Corporate Solutions provides online training sessions or program from highly experienced trainers. You can get online training program on Full stack development course and accelerate your career in this technology. Enroll now. Visit http://aurelius-global.com for more details.
Full St tack We eb Deve elopme ent Course Onl line The grow managem compartm trend has Full Stack and part understa developm developm wing indust ment. Indivi ments of th s led to the k developme ts of a pa and that a fu ment. It is ment and pr ry demands iduals posse he trade get developmen ent concept rticular pro ll stack web a much w ovidence th s versatility essing talen ahead in th nt of Full Sta relates to th oduct, busin developer d ider domai rough the w and flexib nt of unde he race and ack Web Dev he ability of ness or ser does not onl n which m web. ility in all d rstanding a d are highly velopment T a develope rvice develo ly work on w ay even in domains of nd connect sought afte Technologies r to work in opment. It web program volve busin technology ting the va er. This indu s. In essence various dom is importan mming or we ness and se y and arious ustrial e, the mains nt to ebsite ervice Course e Details‐ ‐ This full versed in trainees and back course i different stack web d n at‐least o through all k end deve s construct t aspects of t developmen one core co the aspects elopment, M ed with fo the web dev nt course is ompetency. s of web dev Mobile app cus on est velopments. structured k The full sta velopment i developmen ablishing an keeping in m ack develop involving pr nt and serv nd introduc mind that th per online c ogramming ver side dev cing relation he trainee is course takes languages, velopments. ns between s well s the front . The n the
Overvie ew and int roduction to scriptin ng languag ges •C reating web b pages throu ugh HTML e lements •A Applying CSS to various p parts of the w web page fo or display and d behavior m manipulation n •P rogramming g interactive JavaScript i n a web pag ge Underst tanding fro ont end w web UI fram meworks a nd tools •Se etting up, de esigning and d styling web b pages using g bootstraps s and its com mponents. •U Understandin ng responsiv ve web page designing •U Using web to ols to set up p and manag ge websites Use of F Front end JavaScript t Framewo orks: Angu larJS •Fa amiliarizing with client s side JavaScri pt framewo orks and the MVC design n patterns •Im mplementing g single page e application ns in Angula rJS
•Understanding the use of various Angular features including directives, filters, controllers, scope and routing methods •Understanding the use of functional front‐end web application using AngularJS Enabling the use of multiplatform mobile app development using web technologies •Building mobile applications which can work on multiple platforms with one codebase •Leveraging HTML5, CSS, JavaScript and AngularJS skills •Understanding the use of various ionic framework features to build hybrid mobile applications Development of server side with Node JS •Understanding the server side concepts of CRUD and REST •Building and configuring a backend server with the help of Node JS framework •Building a restful API to allow the backend services to access the frontend Live Instructor‐led & Interactive Online Sessions Regular Courses Duration‐ 30 ‐40 Hours Fast‐Track Courses Duration‐ 4‐8 Hours
Training Options‐ Option‐1 Option‐2 Weekdays‐ Cloud Based Training Mon ‐ Fri 07:00 AM ‐ 09:00 AM (Mon, Wed, Fri) Weekdays Online Lab Mon ‐ Fri 07:00 AM ‐ 09:00 AM (Tue, Thur) Weekend‐Cloud Based Training Sat‐Sun 09:00 AM ‐ 11:00 AM (IST) Weekend Online Lab Sat‐Sun 11:00 AM ‐ 01:00 PM Head Office Aurelius Corporate Solutions Pvt Ltd. A‐125 Sector 63, Noida‐201307 Phone: +91.783.501.1153 Enquiry: contact@aurelius.in
For more e details Cl ick on ht ttp://aurelius‐gl lobal.com develo m/web‐ opment. ‐design/ php /full‐stac ck‐web‐