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Learn Ethical Hacking in simple and easy steps at Aurelius Corporate Solutions. After getting online training, you will be able to secure information from the hacker. Enroll now for online training. Visit http://aurelius-global.com for more details.
Ethica al Hackin g Certific cation Co urse Trai ning Onli ine In the gr organizat fold in t professio certified under th rowing age o tions slowly the contem onal must th ethical hack e supervisio of cyber dep moving onl mporary time hink like a h ker does all on of the con pendencies, ine, the risk es. To beat hacker and t the jobs of ncerned orga cyber crime k of cyber cr t a cyber c this is wher a hacker bu anization. e has increa riminal's infi criminal aka re the need ut only in a ased over th ltration has a hackers, a of ethical h legal and le he years. Wi increased m a cyber sec hacking aris gitimate ma th all many‐ curity es. A anner Course Details‐ This cou knowledg compreh hacker m focus on course h has some urse on Eth ge of ethic hensive unde must use in o n the implem ighly interac e amount of ical hacking cal hacking erstanding o order to ensu mentation p ctive and ap f experience g is an inte and explo of the vario ure protectio practices mo plication ba in the doma ensive caps ores its var us elements on and secu ore than the sed. It will b ain of inform ule course rious advan s and practi rity of netw eoretical as be beneficial mation secur which prov nced conce ices that an ork systems pects in ord l for the trai rity. vides applic pts. It pro n efficient et s. Care is tak der to make inees if he o cative vides thical en to e the or she
•Overview of Ethical Hacking •Procedures of foot printing and reconnaissance •Network scanning procedures •Enumeration techniques •Hacking systems •Trojans, backdoors, viruses and worms •Sniffers and their effects •Social engineering concerns •Denial of services •Methods of hijacking sessions •Methods of hacking web servers •Methods of hacking web applications •Injection of SQL •Methods of Hacking wireless networks
•Methods of Hacking Mobile platforms •Methods of evading IDS , Firewalls and honey pots •Concept of butter overflow •Cryptography techniques •Penetration testing Techniques Live Instructor‐led & Interactive Online Sessions Regular Courses Duration‐ 30 ‐40 Hours Fast‐Track Courses Duration‐ 4‐8 Hours Training Options‐ Option‐1 Option‐2 Weekdays‐ Cloud Based Training Mon ‐ Fri 07:00 AM ‐ 09:00 AM (Mon, Wed, Fri) Weekdays Online Lab Mon ‐ Fri 07:00 AM ‐ 09:00 AM (Tue, Thur) Weekend‐Cloud Based Training Sat‐Sun 09:00 AM ‐ 11:00 AM (IST) Weekend Online Lab Sat‐Sun 11:00 AM ‐ 01:00 PM
Hea ad Office e Aure A‐125 Phon Enqu lius Corpo 5 Sector 63 ne: +91.783 uiry: contac orate Solut 3, Noida‐2 3.501.1153 ct@aureliu tions Pvt Lt 201307 3 us.in td.
For more e details Cl ick on ht ttp://aurelius‐glob bal.com/ /it‐securit cking.php ty‐cyber‐ p security/ /ethical‐ hac