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2006 CHEVROLET EXPRESS 1500 Rear Gas Shock Absorbers - Set of 2 (FCS Brand)

This Rear Gas Shock Absorbers - Set of 2 (FCS Brand) is manufactured by FCS Automotive, also known as FOCUS Automotive. They are based in Michigan, USA and are an OEM Manufacturer who have come give you an economic option by replacing your current Gas Shocks or struts, with the FCS Suspension Struts or Gas Shocks to give you a factory height, ride, and feel. If you're looking for an economic option but with high OEM Level Quality, this FCS Kit is the way to go. The Kit Includes FCS Components of: (2) 342523 For More Information visit us.<br>

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2006 CHEVROLET EXPRESS 1500 Rear Gas Shock Absorbers - Set of 2 (FCS Brand)

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  1. 2006 CHEVROLETEXPRESS1500 RearGas Shock Absorbers- Set of 2 (FCSBrand) ThisRearGasShock Absorbers-Setof2(FCSBrand)ismanufacturedbyFCSAutomotive,alsoknown asFOCUSAutomotive.They arebased inMichigan,USA andareanOEMManufacturerwho havecome giveyouaneconomicoptionbyreplacingyourcurrentGasShocksor struts,withtheFCSSuspension StrutsorGasShockstogiveyouafactory height,ride, andfeel.Ifyou'relooking foraneconomicoption butwithhighOEMLevel Quality,thisFCSKitisthe way togo. The2006CHEVROLETEXPRESS 1500 RearGasShock AbsorbersKitIncludesFCSComponentsof:(2)342523

  2. BasicFeatures: The 2006ChevroletExpress1500shockabsorbersaredesignedtoprovideasmootherrideandimproved handling.Theyofferbetter control overthevehicle'ssuspension,reducingjoltsandvibrations. These shockabsorbersareengineered fordurabilityand enhancedcomfort. DetailedInsight: The2006ChevroletExpress1500shockabsorbersplayacrucial roleindampeningthevehicle's suspensionmovements,ensuringacomfortableandstableride. They featuregasorhydraulic chambers thateffectivelyabsorband dissipatekineticenergyfromroadimperfections, reducingbounceand sway. These shock absorbersareengineeredtofittheExpress1500'ssuspensionsystem,contributing tooverall performanceand drivercomfort. Benefits: The benefits of2006ChevroletExpress1500shockabsorbers include improvedridequality withreduced bodyrollandvibrations. Theyenhance vehiclestability,makinghandlingsaferandmorepredictable, especiallywhencarryingheavy loads. Theseshockabsorbersensureasmoother,morecomfortable drivingexperience. InstallationandUse: To install2006ChevroletExpress1500 shockabsorbers,safely liftthevehicle,removetheold shocks, andreplace themwith thenewones,ensuring properalignment.Tightenmounting boltsaccording to manufacturer'sspecifications.Afterinstallation,the shock absorbers willenhance ride comfort and stability,deliveringa smoother drivingexperience. ProductQuality: The productquality of2006ChevroletExpress1500 shockabsorbersisgenerallyreliable,offering durability and effectiveperformance.They aredesignedtomeetthestandardsset byChevroletforsafety andride comfort,makingthemadependablechoice.These shockabsorberscontribute toa smoother and morestabledrivingexperienceintheExpress1500.

  3. ShopNowandExperience theUltimateProductExcellence: Shopnow withautobuffytoexperience theultimateproductexcellenceof 2006ChevroletExpress 1500 shockabsorbers.Elevateyourvehicle'sride qualityand stabilitywiththesehigh-qualitycomponents. Trustautobuffy for reliableautomotivepartsand asmootherdriving experiencein yourExpress1500.

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