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DIVERSIFICATION IN AGRICULUTRE – SCOPE AND STRATEGIES Dr. N.B. Singh Agriculture Commissioner Ministry of Agriculture

DIVERSIFICATION IN AGRICULUTRE – SCOPE AND STRATEGIES Dr. N.B. Singh Agriculture Commissioner Ministry of Agriculture New Delhi . Achievements

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DIVERSIFICATION IN AGRICULUTRE – SCOPE AND STRATEGIES Dr. N.B. Singh Agriculture Commissioner Ministry of Agriculture

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  1. DIVERSIFICATION IN AGRICULUTRE – SCOPE AND STRATEGIES Dr. N.B. SinghAgriculture Commissioner Ministry of Agriculture New Delhi

  2. Achievements Spectacular growth in agriculture during in last 50 years : Impact of Green Revolution Foodgrain production rose from 50.8 to 212.06 million tonnes Close to one fourth of GDP contributed by Agriculture Largest producer of tea, milk and second largest producer of rice, wheat, vegetables, sugarcane, tobacco

  3. Targets and Achievements of Production of Major Crops during 2002-2003 and 2003-04 Crop 2002-2003 2003-04 Targets Achievements Targets Achievements (Million Tonnes) (Million Tonnes) # Million Bales of 170 kg. each. @ Million Bales of 180 kg. each. * Advanced Estimates as an 05.08.2004

  4. Present Scenario Regional Imbalances in production & productivity Soil degradation, salinity, alkalinity  Depleted water table in Greenbelt, untapped rain water resources in dry lands  Rising cost of inputs / high cost production  Reduction in factor productivity  Open access to international market

  5. AVENUES TO ENHANCE FARMERS INCOME • * Demand Driven Production of Crops • * Add new enterprises at the farm i.e Rice + Fish Cultivation, Apiculture • * Enhance the efficiency of resource use, land, water, fertilizer • * Adopt improved technology • * Post Harvest Value Addition

  6. NEED FOR DIVERSIFICATION • Household food / nutritional security • Risk coverage : Mono cropping high risk • Rural employment opportunities • Sustainability of Production Systems

  7. Diversified Agriculture • * Adoption of farming system, involving shift in cropping pattern towards crops more in demand like oilseeds, pulses, horticulture, floriculture, medicinal and aromatic plants etc. • * Synergy through land-based enterprises like livestock and fishery, poultry, etc. • * Capturing the new market opportunitiesthrough enterprise including post harvest / value addition

  8. REQUIRED STEPS FOR DIVERSIFICATION Crop Diversification * Delineate area : Scientific data base * Prioritise and target the area * Choice of alternative crops and technology * Priority Input / credit supply for alternative crops * Share the risk of new system * Market support - Rural uplinking “End to End Approach”

  9. Approaches for Diversification * Area Specific Programme * Contract Farming : Public – Private Linkages * Incentive for Diversification * Policy Initiatives

  10. Constraints in Adoption of Contract Farming * Comparative Return *Informal Agreement * Risk factors * Credit availability * InadequateTechnological intervention * Marketing of Produce * Small farm holding / lease deeds State Intervention ??

  11. Land Leasing System in vogue • Legal ban in some States • No legal ban but high cost of leasing • No restriction in some States • Tribal areas - requiring special Govt. interventions • Need for Policy Support

  12. Possible Addition of area to different crops



  15. Key determining factors: Farmers Angle * Profit margin of new system * Availability of market for produce * Ease of operation / cultivation / storage * Risk factor / technology available * Other compelling reasons to shift for a new system * Incentive, if any.

  16. THRUST AREAS FOR ENHANCING PRODUCTIVITY : KHARIF 2005 * Promote hybrids in maize, rice, sorghum, pearl millets, cotton, castor and other crops * Enhance area coverage in oilseeds and pulses * Target high seed replacement in soybean, groundnut * Promote ridge planting of pigeon pea * Balanced use of soil nutrients by adding sulphur, zink and iron in deficient soils * Promote lime use in acidic soils * Promote integrated crop management through IPM, INM * Timely input supply and monitoring * Intercropping of Pigeonpea with Groundnut and Soybean


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