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International Brand Management

International Brand Management. Week 2. Week 2 Objectives. Conditions for Successful Branding Why Leading Brands Are Successful Marketing Strategy Alternatives Case Study (Levi’s) Brand Creation Process Alternative Architecture Options Positioning, Naming . Terminology. Brand Promise

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International Brand Management

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  1. International Brand Management Week 2

  2. Week 2 Objectives • Conditions for Successful Branding • Why Leading Brands Are Successful • Marketing Strategy Alternatives • Case Study (Levi’s) • Brand Creation Process • Alternative Architecture Options • Positioning, Naming 2

  3. Terminology • Brand Promise • Differentiation • Positioning • Strategy – Tactics – Implementation/Execution • Conditioning the Market • Awareness • Familiarity • Brand Personality – User Imagery • Intangibles • Symbols 3

  4. Conditions for Successful Branding • Product easy to identify by mark • Quality best value for price and maintainable • Availability • Large demand • Demand strong so price can support branding • Economies of scale • Retail display possibility 4

  5. Leading Brands 5

  6. What Makes Them Leading Brands? • They invest heavily in brand promotion • Strength of the brand goes back to basic marketing strategy • All efforts are directed to supporting the strategy that flows from basic marketing decisions 6

  7. WSJ 1990 article - “Brand Names have Cachet in East Block…. 7

  8. Measures of Brand Familiarity for Strategy Planning • Rejection (customers won’t buy unless image is changed) • Non-recognition (meaningless – low-cost product) • Recognition (helpful if “nothing” brands are on market) • Preference (usually preferred over others) • Insistence (customers will search for brand) 8

  9. Marketing Strategy #1 • Multi-Domestic • Assumes all markets are culturally different • Therefore company must adapt marketing programs to accommodate the differences 9

  10. Marketing Strategy #2 • Global Marketing Strategy • Assumes similarities as well as differences • Standardizes where there are similarities and adapts where culturally requires • Assumes existence and growth of global consumer with similar needs and wants • Advocates that international marketers should operate as if the world were one large market • May standardize only some of marketing mix • Some standardized products marketing globally but with different appeal in different markets 10

  11. Global Marketing Strategy • Advantages: • Cost savings • Management of single strategy • Spill-over of promotional efforts across countries with extended media coverage • Disadvantages • Goal may not be realistic • A mandated strategy can be ineffective • Economies of scale may be elusive • Building a global brand team may be difficult • Global brands cannot be imposed on all markets 11

  12. Think Globally, Act Locally • Smart international marketers know decisions for standardization or modification depend more on motivation patterns than geography 12

  13. Global Perspective • Calls for products and advertising toward a worldwide market rather than national markets • Possible to balance strategy and not make global brand the priority • Possible to create strong brands through Global Brand Leadership • Organizational structures, processes and cultures • Allocate brand-building resources globally, to create global synergies • Develop global brand strategy that coordinates country brand strategies 13

  14. Global Brand Leadership • 35 MNCs surveyed – how it works • Sharing best practices (Mobil, P&G) • Common global brand planning (Volvo, H-P) • Managerial responsibility (Nestlé), brand champion (Sony, NIVEA, Nestlé), team with manager • Execute brilliant strategies! 14

  15. Branding Architecture Strategy • Determined by how the company markets itself, its products and its services • Alternatives: • Family brand (Obolon varieties) • Individual brands (Unilever toothpastes) • Generic brands (“cok”) • Manufacturers brands (less important globally) • Dealer or Private brands (some mobile providers) 15

  16. Brand Creation Process • Positioning – most important - first step • It is about minds and emotions • Both consumer and business markets 16

  17. Naming Products and Services • A good name can be a factor in a product success – or failure! 17

  18. Naming Guidelines • Always exceptions – but easier to success without disadvantage of a bad name! (CASE: General Motors NOVA) 18

  19. To Remember…. • When competing internationally, brand naming has special problems • What conveys a positive imagine in one language may be meaningless in another • Legal availability of a desired name 19

  20. Week 3 – Next Lecture • Who is the Customer? • How to “condition the market” with Promotional Strategies • How Management sets direction • How brands are introduced, promoted, maintained and managed • How to identify a company’s marketing strategy and promotional tactics • How to contrast competitors’ efforts 20

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