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The New Deal. Ch.15. Roosevelt’s New Deal. Four months elapsed between the election and FDR taking office Worked with his advisors, the Brain Trust, on new policies that came to collectively be called the New Deal Policies focused on 3 goals Relief, recovery, and reform Hundred Days
The New Deal Ch.15
Roosevelt’s New Deal • Four months elapsed between the election and FDR taking office • Worked with his advisors, the Brain Trust, on new policies that came to collectively be called the New Deal • Policies focused on 3 goals • Relief, recovery, and reform • Hundred Days • Congress passed legislation that expanded the government’s role in the economy • Bank Holiday- all banks were closed and only those that could repay their loans were opened
Roosevelt’s New Deal • Fireside Chats • Radio chats about issues of public concern • Banking and Finance Regulation • Glass-Steagall Act (1933) established the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (FDIC) • Federal Securities Act (1933) • Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC)
Helping the American People • Rural Assistance • Agricultural Adjustment Act (AAA) sought to raise crop prices by lowering production • Tennessee Valley Authority (TVA) renovated existing dams and built 20 new ones which provided jobs, flood control, and hydroelectric power to the region • Works Projects • Civilian Conservation Corps (CCC)- built roads, parks, planted trees, worked on soil-erosion and flood-control projects • National Industrial Recovery Act (NIRA)- constructed schools and other community buildings
Helping the American People • Promoting Fair Practices • Codes limited production and established prices • Workers could unionize and bargain collectively • Food, Clothing, and Shelter • Federal Emergency Relief Administration (FERA) provided direct relief for the needy and work relief programs
New Deal Under Attack • Deficit Spending • Spending more money than the government was taking in revenues • Roosevelt regarded it as a necessary evil • The New Deal did not end the Great Depression • Liberal critics said that FDR did not go far enough • Conservative critics said FDR was trying to socialize the economy
New Deal Under Attack • Supreme Court Reacts • 1935 NIRA & 1936 AAA declared unconstitutional • Court-packing Bill • FDR wanted to add more judges to the Supreme Court because he thought the current ones were going to undo the New Deal • American Liberty League • Conservative New Deal critics who opposed legislation they believed violated individual rights and property rights
Fiery Critics • Father Charles Coughlin • Roman Catholic priest; favored a guaranteed income and nationalization of banks • Dr. Francis Townsend • Believed Roosevelt wasn’t doing enough to help the poor and elderly • Huey Long • Senator from Louisiana who proposed Share-Our –Wealth to guarantee a home, food, clothing, and education • Assassinated in 1935
Reform and Stalemate • Roosevelt Recession (1937-1938) • Industrial output increased to 1929 levels and unemployment was at 14% so FDR cut back on government spending • Congress then cut the WPA’s funding and the Federal Reserve raised interest rates • Keynesian Economics • British economist John Maynard Keynes argued that government intervention could smooth out the highs and lows of the capitalist economy • “pump priming”- deficit spending and manipulation of interest rates to regulate money supply
Rise of Labor • American Federation of Labor (AFL) • Organized skilled workers by craft • Congress of Industrial Organizations(CIO) • Led by John L. Lewis • Broke off from AFL to organize non-skilled laborers
Minorities in the New Deal • Women in Government • Frances Perkins- Sec. of Labor • Eleanor Roosevelt- held press conferences for female journalists and traveled the country • Black Americans • Last hired, first fired • Little support from the president • Mary McLeod Bethune • Established the Federal Council of Negro Affairs • Indian Reorganization Act (1934) • Repealed Dawes Act and returned land to tribal control
Minorities in the New Deal • Mexicans and Asians • Mexicans living in major western cities received better treatment than in small towns • Overall, the Mexican population declined as many went to Mexico • 20% of Japanese immigrants went back to Japan • Chinese were excluded from most federal programs because they were still not allowed to become citizens
New Deal Arts • Federal Art Project • Gave work for many young artists to create “art for the millions” • Federal Music Project • Government-sponsored orchestras; cataloged folk songs • Federal Writers Project • Collected oral histories; published state guidebooks • Federal Theater Project • Produced plays for the masses that were socially critical
Legacies of the New Deal • Bureaucracy • Foundations of a social welfare state • Government intervention
Discussion Questions • Pick one of the following to answer • How did Franklin Roosevelt change the role of the federal government? • How successful do you think Roosevelt was as a president? • How did the lives of minorities’ change during the Great Depression?