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Jigsaw Activity UDL & DI. Objective: Participants become experts in one area of an article relating to Universal Design for Learning and Differentiated Instruction, share their expertise, and finish by relating new information to their current practice.
Jigsaw ActivityUDL & DI Objective: Participants become experts in one area of an article relating to Universal Design for Learning and Differentiated Instruction, share their expertise, and finish by relating new information to their current practice.
Read Jigsaw Section of Article15 minutes • Draw a number • Read corresponding numbered section of article • Make notes
Meet in Expert Groups20 minutes • Meet with others who drew the same number to form Expert groups and assign group roles • Work with group members to create a summary that presents the critical points of the article section • Come to consensus on what will be presented back to Jigsaw groups
Report Back to Jigsaw Group30 minutes • Expert group members return to their Jigsaw groups and assign group roles • Group members present a summary of their section of the article • Group members ask clarifying questions until everyone feels they understand the entire article
Facing the Challenge: Part I10 minutes • Each group receives 3 “Facing the Challenge” questions • The group members pick one question to answer and present (role play, present a narrative, use media as time permits) to the whole group
Facing the Challenge: Part II15 minutes • Whole group presentations