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Las Islas Cies

Las Islas Cies. Ideas to exploit Roleplay 5 By Wilma Slevin. Ideas to Exploit the Roleplay. Introduce the theme by showing a photo or 2 of the islands and get students to brainstorm vocabulary. sol. está despejado. azul. calor. el mar. barcos. agua. el verano. playa. árboles.

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Las Islas Cies

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  1. Las Islas Cies Ideas to exploit Roleplay 5 By Wilma Slevin Wilma Slevin

  2. Ideas to Exploit the Roleplay • Introduce the theme by showing a photo or 2 of the islands and get students to brainstorm vocabulary

  3. sol está despejado azul calor el mar barcos agua el verano playa árboles Wilma Slevin

  4. Wilma Slevin

  5. Wilma Slevin

  6. Wilma Slevin

  7. A virtual tour of the island • Play this panoramic video and get students to write down any words that spring to mind in Spanish. • http://www.mydestination.com/galicia/regionalinfo/6175456/virtual-tour-of-cies-islands Wilma Slevin

  8. Cortometraje • Show students a videoclip from 1 of the many clips on YouTube. • http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MXxg2mi2zBQ • Students have to answer questions in English about the video. Wilma Slevin

  9. Classificación • Students categorize a list of related vocabulary; highlight and translate any words they don’t know. Wilma Slevin

  10. Puzzle • Give students a translated version of the roleplay; mix up the examiner and student turns and have students put them in order Wilma Slevin

  11. Preparar el diálogo Students underline all the verbs Write what tense it’s in Translate the verb Indicate m/f/sg/pl nouns and adjectives. Wilma Slevin

  12. Traducir el diálogo Give students key vocabulary and have them translate the roleplay Wilma Slevin

  13. En Parejas – Rellena los huecos • Estudiante A y B – each student must take it in turn to read out their dialogue while the other student fills in their missing information. (Good for weaker students) Wilma Slevin

  14. Escuchar y Aprender • Recorded version of student’s answers from http://www.ivona.com Wilma Slevin

  15. Links to the Curriculum • Letter/Diary/Note/Opinion Piece • Reading Comprehensions • Aural Comprehension • Oral Practice • Topics: The environment Holidays/Travel Friends • Grammar: Past tense Wilma Slevin

  16. Webquest • Give students a worksheet with questions on a particular website related to Las Islas Cies and have them find the answers by going to the Spanish websites. • http://www.campingislascies.com/index.php?lang=es • Use the webquest worksheet here. Wilma Slevin

  17. Una Carta • Write a letter/email asking for information on Las Islas Cies; accommodation; how to get there; costs; activities available; brochures etc. • Link to La Pluma P. 56/57 Oficina de Turismo de Vigo Cánovas del Castillo, 22 36202 Vigo (Pontevedra) Tel.: +34 986430577 Fax.: +34 986430080 oficina.turismo.vigo@xunta.es Wilma Slevin

  18. Reserva de Camping • Write a letter to get a camping permit for the islands from the Tourist Office in Vigo. • Write a letter to book a tent on the island - info@campingislascies.com • More details on booking www.campingislascies.com Wilma Slevin

  19. Reading Comprehension • Prepare questions on a text related to the Islands • http://www.20minutos.es/noticia/1436157/0/islas-cies/paraiso/costa-gallega/ Wilma Slevin

  20. Un diario • For homework get students to write a diary about what they did on Las Islas Cies, including these 4 points. • Say how you got to the island • Describe what you did on the islands • Give your opinion on the place • Say how you felt when you and your friends almost missed the ferry back to mainland Queridodiario Wilma Slevin

  21. El MedioAmbiente - Aural • Videoclip - El Desastreecológico – 2002 el Derrame del Prestige • http://www.bbc.co.uk/mundo/internacional/2010/07/100628_video_derrame_petroleo_galicia_prestige_sao.shtml • (Can be difficult to follow at times as local people are speaking but good idea to show the disaster that was) • 2004 LC Aural Q.5 – La MareaNegraVelve a Galicia Wilma Slevin

  22. Practicar el Pasado - Oral • Divide students into 2 groups • The student • The friend • Group 1 prepares what the student did since he/she left his group of friends • Group 2 prepares what they did once their friend left them and explain why they were late ¿Quéhabéishechodesdeosmarchasteis ? Wilma Slevin

  23. Practicar el Oral • Each group prepares a list of questions (4 or 5) to ask the other group • 1 student from each group pairs up and asks each other what they were doing, while the other person explains • Students make notes • For homework they write up what each of them did on the island before the ferry left Wilma Slevin

  24. Practicar el Oral – Extra Question • Students brainstorm questions relating to the roleplay that could be asked by the examiner (Spanish or English depending on ability). • Write these on the board. Students then answer these questions for homework Wilma Slevin

  25. Extra Question - Ejemplos • ¿Tienesubillete? • ¿ De dóndeesusted? • ¿Te gustaronlasislas? • ¿Quéhicistehoy? • ¿Cuándovuelveusted a casa (Irlanda)? • ¿Hay playas famosas en supaís? • ¿Te gustaríavolveraquí? • ¿Quéva a hacerpor el resto de susvacacionesaquí? • ¿Cuántotiempollevausted en España? Wilma Slevin

  26. Un Ensayo • Write an opinion piece on one of the following topics Los efectos del turismo O La aventuraesbuena Wilma Slevin

  27. Proyecto de Cultura • In pairs students prepare a project on a Spanish island • Location • Population • Popular sites/areas • Things to do on the island • How to get there • Traditions/Customs • Typical Food/Drink Wilma Slevin

  28. Links • Various YouTube clips -http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UBTzmZHbIXQ&list=PL3676190CD1CB9B6E Rias Baixas Turismo(text, older video, more detail about flora & fauna) ; http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=x-HJtH21itU&list=PL3676190CD1CB9B6E (Rias Baixas Turismo no text, dramatic music); http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fl8U7rx0KVU&list=PL3676190CD1CB9B6E (mydestinationvideo - no text but shows camping on the island as well as general vistas) • http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IRQvV_B_2rI (timelapse video – no text) • http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=58wVHdT4q2Y – (collage of photos – no text) Wilma Slevin

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